Saturday, September 18, 2021

Enriched Dukan Beer | Herbal Tea

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Some of you have heard of the dukan diet. This diet was much discussed at the time. Some found it unhealthy, some found it healthy. I also did this diet for a while 4 years ago, but I could not take it further. Recently, I realized that I have been eating unhealthy. I decided to consume the much mentioned Dukan beer to get rid of edema and toxins. Of course, I added my own favorite herbs to this tea. I decided to call this tea Stellify tea. :)


This tea I will prepare will allow us to get rid of edema and burn fat quickly. Of course, one should not expect miracles from a cup of tea. It's just there to help you eat healthy. It won't do you any good if you consume the tea and then eat desserts or hamburgers. When you consume tea, you need to eat a little healthier that day. I'm tired of dieting too much. Maybe because of the lack of willpower and perseverance. Consuming herbal tea after an unhealthy day makes me a little more peaceful. Maybe it's psychological, I don't know. It makes me think that at least I'm consuming something healthy during the day. But if you want to lose weight and be fit, as I said above, you have to pay attention to your diet and then consume your tea.


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After putting water in the teapot, I cut two hazelnut-sized pieces of ginger into small pieces and added them to the teapot. Then I cook it until the water boils.

I always use ginger in my herbal teas. Ginger has many benefits for the human body. It has a feature that supports the immune system, helps lower cholesterol, and is good for infection. Thanks to its low glycemic level, it reduces insulin resistance by keeping blood sugar and insulin levels in balance.


I add chiral stalk and cinnamon stick to boiling water. You can also make cherry stems. I dried the stalks of the Kirars I ate this summer. I bought them from the herbal market because they were finished.

Cherry stalk has the properties of diuretic, cleansing the blood and preventing anemia, lowering cholesterol and helping to lose weight.


Finally, I add green tea. I wait a few minutes before adding the green tea. Then I pour green tea into a teapot and let the plants rest. I usually wait between 5-8 minutes for the tea to brew.


While the tea was brewing, I dehydrated the lemon. Normally half a lemon is said to be added, but I like lemon a lot. One lemon is enough for me.


I also added mineral water to the jug.


Finally, I added the herbal tea that I brewed in 10 minutes to the lemon and mineral water. You can drink it this way if you want. I prepare it in the morning, so I drink it warm in the morning and cold in the evening.


It is called Dukan beer because it looks just like a beer. But this is not harmful, on the contrary, it is the most beneficial beer. I hope you will find it useful too. Now I'm going to drink my herbal tea that I prepared. Thank you in advance for reading and supporting. Stay healthy.

Stay with Love.

Originally posted here:

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