Tuesday, September 14, 2021

News and facts


Isn't that what news should be about? Journalists their job and passion to find out and write about the truth?
It's there, the truth I mean and you don't need to visit the dark web to search for what's going on.

Facts are those who rule us knew before the first coronavirus victim was announced exactly what the plan was.
Fauci knew, developed and paid for this virus, Wieler knew, Moderna already tested their vaccine. In each country at least 3 if not 7 people knew about this setup.


Germany: year after year you pay taxes and for health insurance. Out of this money vaccines, tests and more nonsense is paid. We talk about millions if not billions.

The States discuss how to force the nation into vaccination. A vaccination that is called: free of choice! If you refuse to take a jab (count with 5 till 7 or more) you will no longer be compensated (earn a salary) if you you are in quarantine.
The statement is: those who are vaccinated shouldn't pay for those being not vaccinated.

If those who are vaccinated shouldn't pay for the not vaccinated part of the population my question is: Why should healthy people pay for the unhealthy, the sick people? Isn't health always our own responsibility?

If we may believe the high rates of people with Covid-19 in hospital at since weeks (Israel and the UK have the numbers and so do we)/this means 90% of those sick people is completely vaccinated!

Is it fair those NOT being vaccinated pay for all those people? Is it fair these people keep paying taxes and health insurance if they are "on their own" as the ministers in Germany state?

If you ask me they better start their own healthy society with their teachers, scientists, journalists, doctors, farmers, shops and insurances with a healthy attitude. The weekly demonstrations in Europe prove people no longer buy the nonsense. All birds of a feather demonstrated in Amsterdam September 5th. The news lied there were only 20K in reality 100k people joined. It was peaceful and it gave me the flower power feeling. Last weekend it was the same. Demonstrations, music, happy, healthy people united. This time 250k joined. It's clear they are not tired of demonstrating, fighting for freedom of choice, they are not the people who start which hunts although called extremist, terrorists as the governments and news state. Utrecht was festival city again.

And Germany? Germany is back in 1933, perhaps 1935, this time with help of biotech, the future will be worse than any nazi ever dreamed If if no one dares to fight back.


The traitors are still alive!

#germany #kittywu #politics #coronavirus #health #stopthenonsense #jab #shot #polarisation

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/informationwar/@wakeupkitty/news-and-facts

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