Saturday, September 4, 2021

My First Step in Homesteading - Planting 16 Lettuce

All those who eat home-grown vegetables know the difference in both taste and quality compared to the ones you find at the market.

I used to eat home-grown vegetables from my father's (@aimilios) farm for years when I used to live in my hometown but that's impossible now that I live far away in a big city so there I am doing my first steps in homesteading.

After a long talk with my dad, we decided that the easiest veggie to plant and learn a few things about homesteading is lettuce so I went to a store and bought what I needed.

I spent $15 in total for

  • 16 Romaine Lettuce Roots
  • 40 LT of soil
  • 2 Jartiniers (with
  • Bilogical fertilizer


Time to plant

Planting the Lettuce was so easy, fast and fun!
Here's what I did

First things first, I filled both Jartinieres with soil (more than 3/4) and opened 8 small but deep holes with my finger. That's where I'll plant the lettuce.

Try to keep at least 5 cm distance between each hole.


Next thing I did was to place all lettuce roots in the holes and cover them with soil. My father's advice was to make sure that no air can reach the lettuce roots so I made sure I covered the lettuce roots all the way up, just like the photos bellow.



Last step was to add the fertilizer (always biological) and voila. 16 Lettuce planted in less than 10 minutes.


I placed both jartinieres in the side of my balcony where they'll enjoy the morning sun and keep them protected from the afternoon one. The afternoon sun is not healthy for your lettuce so keep that in mind when choosing the right place.


It felt awesome spending some time with this type of activity and I'm sure it's gonna feel WAY MORE awesome once I harvest my first lettuce and eat it! All that's left now is to wait for 2-3 months and watch my "babies' grow.

I'll definitely share a post the next few weeks with my veggies progress and I am also thinking of planting a few onions in between the lettuce. Do you think it's gonna affect my plants or not?
Every piece of advice is more than welcomed.



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Much love to everyone and always have fun.

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