Wednesday, September 1, 2021

"Healthy Food is too Expensive."

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I often hear people say that they don’t have the budget for eating more raw food - and I totally get it. Fresh produce can be more expensive that a bag of rice, oats or a ready-made meals and the current system we live in doesn’t make it easy for everyone to enjoy a healthy diet.**

Yet, oftentimes we find ourselves using our budget as an excuse for healthier lifestyle choices. And at the same time we spend money on a new phone or other gadgets, new clothes, going out a lot, buying candy and soda, video games, smoking or drinking. It might be something else for you and it’s important to get some clarity on this.

It can be really helpful to track all our expenses for a month and being radically honest with ourselves.Do I really spend my money on the things I want to prioritise in my life?

For me personally, health is one of the top priorities. If you have ever been struggling with your health - you know how valuable it really is. This is why I don’t see food and healthy lifestyle practices as an expense but as an investment in myself. An investment in my own wellbeing, my happiness, my dreams, my potential future family and even my business.

And at the end, a vibrant body can not only allow ourselves to feel better but also have more mental sharpness, energy and drive to follow our highest excitement and build more financial freedom for ourselves.

Are you investing your money in the things that are important to you?

Have an abundant day, everyone!

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Originally posted here:

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