Saturday, July 3, 2021

Unsure if you know what the UK has been through this last 16 months.


Mocking the government UK style.

In case you did not know. That man on the billboard is the now resigned Matt Wancock ex health crimeminister in the UK.
He posed for that kiss with his aide who just happens to own a PR company, so he could get caught supposedly having an affair, so he could resign and no doubt end up in the boardroom later this year at? Glaxo Smith Kline. (My hunch.)

Like hell he did not know that camera was there.

The man was caught giving con-tracts to his friends whilst in government this last 16 months. But faces no charges. Nothing new there.

Well to refer back to my headline about what has gone on in the UK, somebody else put up a superb list of what people have had to put up with. This is besides arrows on the floor telling you where to walk. Social distancing posters on every street corner.
The army 77th brigade being told to use psychological warfare on their own citizens. Restaurants, bars and small shops not allowed to open. And oh so much more.

The 77th brigade specialty is psychological warfare.

Source =

Source = A senior officer at the Army’s secret psychological warfare unit has been ticked off after losing a dozen of his business cards in the street – and then using military police to pressure the veteran who raised the alert. Source =

The list.

  • 3 weeks to flatten the curve. Lockdown 1.

  • Lockdown 2

  • Postal code lockdowns.

  • city lokcdowns.

  • Clap the NHS.

  • Stay in save a life.

  • Eat out to help out.

  • Not allowed to eat out and bars/restaurants shuttered.

  • Masks will not help.

  • Wear a mask.

  • No mask no entry to supermarkets.

  • Fines for not wearing a mask.

  • No need to wear a mask if you are exempt.

  • Hands, space, face.

  • Stay home to save your granny.

  • Stay home to save the NHS. (Which is supposed to actually save you not the other way around.)

  • Holidays not allowed.

  • Holidays in the UK encouraged.

  • Holidays for the rich okay.

  • Holidays not allowed again.

  • The vaccine is our way out of lockdowns.

  • Maybe you can still get covid after the vax so maybe not.

  • Social distancing and masks to stay after the vax.

  • Weekly PCR tests even when vaxxed.

  • 3 PCR tests if you want a holiday abroad. (You pay for them £149 each)

  • Self isolate even if healthy if someone suspected you may or may not have been in contact with tests positive with a faulty (proven) PCR test. (14 days at home)

  • Work from home.

  • Furlough pay. (government subsidy so you can stay home. 80% of your wage.)

  • Nobody allowed at sporting events.

  • Royal Ascot horse racing packed full of spectators.

  • Booster jab for autumn.

  • 12 million patients not receiving any treatment from the NHS.

  • Suicide rates through the ceiling.

  • Nightingale hospital being built and never seeing a single patient. (Supposedly to treat the plandemic)

  • Nightingale hospitals getting pulled back down.

  • Tik-Tok choreographed dance scenes from the supposedly overwhelmed doctors and nurses.

  • Empty hospitals due to the above and those 12 million being refused/neglected treatment.

  • Not being able to be with family on deaths door.

  • Can not visit grandma in alleged care homes, or remove them from them.

And on and on it goes.
There is more than that. A lot more.
How anyone in the UK has managed to keep their sanity is beyond me.

If anyone deserves a round of applause it is the citizens. Not the NHS.

I guess we have all had a dose similar to the UK. I doubt many places have had it so severe though.

At least on mainland Europe we can pop over to different countries by land and face no borders.
The UK or most of it, England, Scotland and Wales are one island surrounded by water.
Growing up there it felt like a prison and I could not wait to leave. I have been left for decades. Now it really does look like a prison with all of the above.

Not very qualified.

Matt Wancock was health minister yes? What were his qualifications to be in said position you may well ask.

"Talking about his education, he went to study at Fandom County Primary School in Fandom, Cheshire. Later he shifted to Independent King’s School, Chester. He took A levels in Maths, Physics, computing, and Economics. At West Cheshire College, he studied Computing. He attended Exeter College, Oxford, where he got graduated with a degree in Philosophy, politics, and economics and secured the first position. Later he grabbed the MPhil degree in economics as a postgraduate degree at Christ’s College, Cambridge after few years." Source =

Where in that list of qualifications do you see anything to do with health?

And this to me is the biggest problem with politics and the current system. People unqualified to do a job getting the job as they can lick boots better than the next person.

As for this lady, do you think she should be a health minister? She was.


Picture source =

Belgium had her as the health minister, possibly still do, no time to check.

We have to be able to do better than letting people unqualified have high powered jobs.

Surely we can.

Where do you live and what restrictions via convid have you suffered or still are suffering.
Let me know in the comments below.

Have a superb day and make someone smile, do not forget to give plenty of hugs.

Peace and out.

Originally posted here:

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