Saturday, July 3, 2021


Greenfield views attract the eyes and heart.This is beauty of nature and green fields.There are wheat field pictures and maize field picture.We make bread of it and eat it with joy and full belly.Never skipp to walk among the green fielfs and trees.Green trees and fields keep the enviroment clean and neat.Air below clean in the fields and among green trees.We breathe in the fresh

Greenfield views attract the eyes and heart.This is beauty of nature and green fields.There are wheat field pictures and maize field picture.We make bread of it and eat it with joy and full belly.Never skipp to walk among the green fielfs and trees.Green trees and fields keep the enviroment clean and neat.Air below clean in the fields and among green trees.We breathe in the fresh air due to these green trees and fields.Always get up early in the morning and take exercise daily.You can keep yourself healthy and joyous.Because health is wealth.I draw these picture when I visited green fields located near my house.I enjoy daily beauty of green fields.



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