Sunday, July 11, 2021

My 4 year blogging journey

Greetings fellow Hivers!

Wishing everyone is doing well.

Few days ago something in me said I have to logg in and check out a littli bit to find something to be motivated writing post about, lately I'm watching time where I spend it a lot, seeing it's the most valuable thing we have and how I could use it as much as possible. Haven't forgot bout this warm community, I'm adjusting myself to changes, spending less time if any behind my laptop as I used too and working a full time job with some additional hours.

4 years passed almost in blink of an eye, al though it's been a rollercoaster ride.. full of suprises, ups and downs, but destination and goals changed.


Time is actually one thing I'm learning to take in my control. Making plans on day's off like today, planning what I will do for weekends, to spend a lot more time in nature, fresh air and water, where I will spend my time & with who.


Not that long ago I was still spending way to much time by my laptop, playing video games, watching movies or spending whole evening watching Youtube video's, even if the weather was perfect, sunny outside.



That's why lately I spent way less time by my laptop, working and investing in myself, by myself and planning the future, mostly how can I improve myself tomorrow or how to level up every day..

As I was away I've been hiking, working, hunting delicious mushrooms, visiting old friends, taking care of myself, reconnecting with people, lot's of walking, riding with my scooter, little bit of camping, bit of swimming, getting new ideas, goals and plans for the future.


Since I joined the lion changed quite a bit, when I see myself steering of the track I rethink, readjust, remember what my goals are and do my best to keep getting healthier, friendlier, stronger and most of all happy with myself and others around me, by leveling up every single day.

Writing on the platform was always something special for me, found new stuff that interest me, learned a lot about investing, writing, photography, even making videos, gif's, finding really good people, reading amazing stories and most of all helping me with changes, stress, staying away from the dark side & finding a new hobby where I can release my thoughts.


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my first mushroom of the year

When I joined old platform 4 years ago I was unemployed, didn't know what I was doing, without plans or goals, getting myself together after losing my father, first breakup, leaving student job at Port and was trying to get back on the old path. Took me few years to figure out there is no old path and we have to move on as life moves on, huntng down new achievements, meeting new people and catching new goals.


Writing helped me a lot with figuring out who I am, what I want to do and helped me realize that I really do need a change. Blogging was a big change for me as it helped me give out my thoughts, share amazing moments and learn new skills, even made enjoy life so much more, especially our mother nature!


I would like to Thank each and everyone reading this, all teachers and curators, every comment, every help, great thought and most of all for all the motivation to keep going forward. World is a nicer place ever since I joined this amazing & warm community.

Thank you!


Stay Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends..

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Originally posted here:

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