Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mental Health is not about Mental Disorder


A lot is already written and said about Mental Health, yet it feels like we are in this vicious circle where we keep getting trapped. It feels like the wheel keeps spinning and it keeps getting us back to from where we start, a never ending loop. Some days are high and some days are low. It is not that all the time we are low, or that all the time we are high, but these sometimes low moments do drain us out and makes us feel exhausted.

Mental health is also directly linked to our physical health, if we go down mentally for a longer duration, it eventually is going to impact our physical health. Being a human, emotions are natural and with that the highs and lows will also be there, it is very rare that someone can find the balance all through out. At some point some triggers will be there to pull us down, and it's perfectly ok, it just proves us to be humans and not robots. The day we stop feeling these emotions, we will be no more humans.

Hence this is a part and parcel of our lives and one should not be in denial of it thinking how will others perceive them in that state. It's ok everyone goes through those phases at some or the other point of time in life and it's completely ok to accept that part of it rather than being in denial. A lot mental health is not a sign of shame or helplessness or weakness, neither does it make the person a negative person, it's just that phase to deal with.


The law of polarity exist all throughout our lives, the very fact the opposites are there makes us find balance in life. If life would be tilted on any side means there is an imbalance. Most of the problems are the problems of mind, wrong ideologies, unnecessary worries, external influences and they need to be confronted rather than running away from them.

More important is for anyone who is dealing with anyone with a low mental health, they need to be sensitive, because the problem is real, it's not an hallucination, someone is fighting this terribly and all that they need is care, warmth, support and most importantly understanding. It's not a mental disorder the person is facing, it's just a low phase where it just keeps adding up if not given proper help. The anxiety, stress levels keeps building up and the person keeps going low and low if not given assistance.

The good ways to keep the mental health boosted is by talking out openly to people who you feel confident with and discuss whatever is worrying or on the mind that is draining. Keeping occupied with things one loves, spending some time in creativity, listening to music, spending time with friends , taking good rest, spending time with children, all these are some simple ways of keeping the mental health healthy.

Again I repeat this Mental Health is not about Mental Disorder, so one should not be seen as a negative stigma and work towards it with complete acceptance of self.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@nainaztengra/mental-health-is-not-about-mental-disorder

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