Monday, July 12, 2021

Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 5th to the 12th July)

Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator, which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the Abundance.Tribe community are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Each week, I choose a selection of posts that aim to inspire and motivate us, so that we become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

COVID-19 - The Facts & Science That The Masses Never Saw



We're now well over a year into the massive, global marketing campaign for COVID-19 "vaccines." Along the way, it has become clear that the majority of people don't research anything, don't even read past the headlines (something we already knew), and often times they remain in fear of things that even the media has long since moved past, debunked, or otherwise ceased claiming.
It's a classic case of the story being pushed everywhere, repeatedly, front page and 5 o'clock news, while the retraction appears one time, somewhere around page 40, and is never seen again.


Embrace Our Emotions: Episode 270



There are certain strategies that people use to handle emotions, and some of them lead to more happiness than others.
We might try to resist the emotion, which in many cases results in the emotion continuing. As many have said, “What we resist, persists.”
Another approach is to suppress the emotion, pushing it down so we don’t feel it. Naturally the feeling will emerge in other ways.


The Reopening of Old Wounds + Daily Runes



I didn't even pull the Daily Runes yesterday because I had to make use of quite a bit of energy on Tuesday helping my friend in Argentina deal with some confusion in her current situation. We held a full videocall to discuss many things and in the process, I felt the re-emergence of important memories and signs. The call lasted well into the night and, although we were exultant to have a more continuous conversation for once, we ended up exhausted, so I woke up rather late and decided to make a bit of progress in the translation of another human rights report, this time about violent deaths.


Life Update 👎 Food Crisis In Suriname & Random Reasoning



Greetings fellow Hivers. Life has been a bit hectic lately, but I wanted to sit down and provide an update concerning the crisis in Suriname, our immigration status, and more.
Already extremely inflated food prices have gone through the roof lately, plus the quality and diversity of produce is at an all-time low for us. Access to funds is also harder than ever, and the years of living like this is starting to wear on me, and I fear it is taking years off my lifespan.
We're boycotting as much as we can, supplementing our diet with as much foraging as possible while trying to avoid confrontations with local homeowners occasionally disapprove.


Part 6 of the Cosmic A.R.T. Truth-Hop Showcase - feat. "the Hip-Hop Jugglers"?? - Comedic Hip Hop



This in-between-act/side-show was actually pretty hilarious and entertaining. I wish more of our shows had comedic hip hop skits like this... I wouldn't even mind it in between songs sometimes, as opposed to set-spacers.
So its basically joke-rapping, some purposely lousy beatboxing, jumping, juggling, and ridiculousness. I wasn't able to capture everything, but I got a funny clip from one of the times the came up.




Has it ever happened to you while you were walking in the main street of your city’s downtown, you suddenly felt an impulse to make a detour? Then, you entered an isolated little garden where lovers use to separate themselves from the outside world and share romantic moments in the midst of the day. You sneak a look and then several more: “What does that couple have”, you may ask yourselves, “that I lack, and how come they have managed to find love but I so far only failed?”; and indeed, how is it that some people manage to run one successful relationship after another while others don’t even manage to create a single one?!


Covid Restrictions: Victimizing a Global Generation of Children



My teen daughter is volunteering at a kids' day camp this summer, working with groups of 5 to 7-year-olds. For many of these children, this is their first time interacting in groups with other kids since the start of the pandemic over a year ago.
To a small child, a year is forever. The youngest ones do not remember a time before the pandemic, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the masks, and the environment of fear that has gripped adult society since March 2020.


How SUGAR may have destroyed my life....



I've never been able to gain weight. A lot of people think that's a good thing, but I've become more and more suspicious of this just being a case of a fast metabolism....I've started to realize that my body has been out of balance since I was 7 or 8 years old.
My father used to buy packaged things in bulk. Among the things he bought in bulk were cookies. He hid most of them so we wouldn't be able to eat them all right away. I think he really had no idea how many boxes he bought, and so when I found his pathetically obvious hiding place, I am not even sure he noticed.


Healing the Inner Child Today Will Save the World Tomorrow




Evolving Our Awareness of Evolution Itself



It is rare that I hear of anyone online describe evolution in any way other than in the context of 'survival of the fittest' or in terms of theories of biological evolution based only on form. Given that our own experience rarely involved biological evolution and yet we regularly change our patterns of thought and behaviour, I feel it's important to reframe evolution in terms of consciousness now.


Metaverse Equals Abundance



For the past few years, I put up a number of articles and videos pointing out how we are rapidly moving towards the Age of Abundance. This is based upon the progression of technology, a moved that we could say was topped by the development of cryptocurrency. While we are not there yet, we are going in this direction.
Building upon yesterday's article about Cryptocurrency and the Metaverse, we can now look into the abundant nature of this medium.


Trust 'The' Science ... WHAT Science?



You have surely noticed the two particular trends amid this ever-growing crisis. On one end, we have a blatant debate avoidance between people who disagree but will prioritize their jobs, household harmony, and friendship. The other category comprises those negating whatever scientific explanations exposing intellectual conformity and will quickly resort to the 'conspiracy theorist or antivaxx' tags to ridicule their opponents. There is a third trend which is more concerned about getting the word out.



The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question Tie Up Post!

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.

How Important Is Research To You And What Do You Consider, Are The Most Important Things , That We Should Be Researching About?

Read the full post here

Originally posted here:

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