Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Brain cancer, a deadly disease
Cancer is a deadly disease because it can make a healthy person switch from looking good to I'll and unhealthy when diagnosed late.


*[Source](* Some people refer to it as death because the survival rate is quite slow due to how quickly it can spread to other parts of the body. ## About brain cancer Brain cancer otherwise called brain tumor is an abnormal and rapid growth of cells in the brain tissues. it can kill a human being very fast so immediately you start noticing these symptoms do well to contact a doctor because life has no duplicate. ## Brain tumor it is also worthy to mention that these symptoms and signs going to be mentioned here can still be of another infection or disease other than brain cancer but it's still important to know that because you can't tell what may happen in the future. 1. Severe, abnormal and regular headache. This is one of the signs of brain cancer that should not be overlooked. If you experience a headache every single day of your life without being actually sick then there is a chance you are having a brain tumor. Brain cancer patients experience a constant headache that hardly goes away. 2. Hearing problems: If you find it difficult to hear what people I saying don't hesitate to rush to the hospital. 3. Seizures: If you don't have a blood link with anyone that suffered seizures and surprisingly starts having seizures occasionally then you need to see your doctor. Brain cancer comes along with seizures because it involves the brain. 4. Speech difficulties: the brain plays a very important role in our speaking abilities but if you discover that you are finding it difficult to speak please rush to the hospital without hesitation. Brain cancer could be at your door so. 5. Gradual loss of sensation in one arm or leg: This is another sign that you may have a lingering brain cancer issue to handle. If you suddenly start losing sensation in one of your legs or your hand then rushed to the hospital. If you ignore it can lead to something more severe. Brain cancer is not something to toy with. If diagnosed late, nothing could be done to save the person but if they are well diagnosed early enough, good doctors can uncover alternatives to save the patient's life. Life has no duplicate.
Originally posted here:

Making Homemade Rich Ginger Candies

Healthy Ginger Candies

How to do it, easy. Today friends I will share with you a simple and super easy way to make ginger candies. It is not too much to remember all the qualities and benefits that this plant has; Regular consumption of ginger helps reduce vomiting, helps improve concentration, as it levels oxygen levels in the blood, also helps reduce high blood pressure and is commonly associated as an anti-flu remedy.


Its Peculiar Taste (spicy) makes it an exotic ingredient and widely used by cuisines around the world, whether in hot dishes, drinks, desserts and Sweets.

In many cases, ginger is used as a treatment for flu conditions, and it is taken in infusions (tea) to alleviate symptoms such as coughs, sore throats and respiratory infections, that is why a good "ginger candy", while entertaining us and gives happiness with its rich flavor, it also gives us a good amount of benefits to our health.

What do you need:

150 grams of sugar


150 grams of water


50 grams of striped ginger.


Candy Molds. (If not, I will teach you how to make some)


Many wishes to make a good candy.


Making the candy molds:

If you do not have the expensive candy molds, I will teach you how to make some easily and quickly. It is enough to have 50 or 70 cm of PVC pipe (plastic) and a hacksaw, or failing that, an electric cutter.

What you will do is mark rings of 1 cm or less than 1 cm and you will cut with your hacksaw or electric cutter, so that you get some plastic rings in which you can pour the hot candy and once it cools you can remove it and get a Coin shaped candy.

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Continue the Procedure:

Once you have your molds already cut and washed. Proceed to place the sugar and water in a pot.



If you have not scratched the ginger, it is time to do it, because you need it ready and about to place it on the fire with the sugar and water.


Once the sugar and water are poured into the pot, bring to Medium heat and stir until the sugar is completely diluted in the water, and wait for it to bubble (start to boil).


When the bubbles come out, add the grated ginger and stir until the foams are more intense and the mixture sticks to the walls of the pot (at this point the caramel melted and it must be turned off to avoid burning.


Oil the ring-shaped molds a little and also oil the surface of a kitchen table or a tray, where you will put the hot caramel (you must be fast because as it cools it hardens and you must also take care not to burn yourself).


Once the molds are filled with the caramel, let it rest at room temperature, and once cool, remove and serve. You can save or package them.


I sprinkle them with a little powdered sugar.

Enjoy an exotic and spicy flavor and at the same time nourish your body with the healing bonades of Ginger.

Originally posted here:

Reclining Buddha mature flowers update and video

My Reclining Buddha females are loaded with bud, and some with seeds! They're about 17 weeks old, grown organically from seed, right here on Hive and WeedCash! Please enjoy this video update, powered by LBRY / Odysee:

CLICK HERE for video!
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A few still shots:
These gals look incredible! Decent bud size and density, especially for 200% organic plants. Great colour, very healthy foliage, lots of trichomes. Just over half of the pistils have darkened at this point. (Click here for my previous update.)
Plenty of "sugar" on nearby leaves. It will all be gathered, with nothing wasted! Sensimillia, edibles, and extracts :)

And of course, the next generation. I think I've got about 60 seeds coming! That will be plenty for another crop full of Reclining Buddhas, a second crop in reserve, and a few to give away.

I think I'm going to harvest the 2 seeded plants in a few days. That will allow me to dry and cure them earlier than the "virginal" bud, which I'll leave out for another week. Which means I'll have these seeds in hand and ready to germinate, perhaps even before the current crop is out of the garden! No time wasted, that way.

Light upgrade!

I've needed to upgrade my lighting situation for a while. I'm interested in LED, but I can't order online, and I live in a small town with no good grow shops. Luckily, I was able to improvise! It's brooding season for people doing backyard chicken coops. That's not my thing, but I picked up this brooding lamp from a local hardware store:
It's actually a lot like my current side lamp, just slightly larger. I grabbed a pack of bright white LED bulbs:
It doesn't use much power, and it doesn't create heat, but it sure is bright!
Parts of the garden outside the range of the light look like they're in the shade! :D The lamp and bulb were only $30, and like I said, they were available to me, whereas fancy LED boards currently aren't. When I'm able to get my hands on a really good LED setup, and I've got the funds, I'll upgrade further!
I also upgraded my air situation today, with this new fan. It's quiet and has 2 settings. The box had been dented so it was discounted to $20, not bad!

I'm excited to finish up this crop, and begin another without delay. This time, I'm aiming for 7 adult females - a full medicine patch! I've got the light and air upgrades I need to make it happen. I will post the entire process, as always, right here on the blockchain!

BIG gratitude and respect to LBRY (sign up and follow me), Hive, and WeedCash for not censoring cannabis content!

Grow in peace. DRutter ---
Posted via [](

Originally posted here:

Eggplant Season - Temporada De Berenjenas
# Hi! ***Welcome to my blog.*** *An old friend of mine used to say that mother earth gives us everything we need, everything that allows our bodies to function properly and stay healthy.* ## Because of the above mentioned, there are seasons in the year when fruits or vegetables ripen to be consumed by us. In this part of the world, the tangerine and tomato season has just ended to give way to the eggplant and cucumber season. **During the seasons of the different vegetables and fruits, it is usually possible to find them in supermarkets at low cost. Yesterday I bought 2kg of eggplants to cook many delicious things with them. I must confess that I love eggplants with vinaigrette, eggplant lasagna but the truth is that I have never cooked anything with them so I have some interesting days ahead in my kitchen.** ## Doing some research on Google I have read that they provide different nutrients and vitamins to our body when consuming them, such as the much-needed vitamin C, especially in these times of Covid. As I experiment with them I will also share what I do here on my Hive blog.
___ # Thank you so much for stopping by. With love, **Rima** ___
___ # ESP ___ #¡Hola! ***Bienvenidos a mi blog.*** *Un viejo amigo mío solía decir que la madre tierra nos da todo lo que necesitamos, todo lo que permite que nuestro cuerpo funcione correctamente y se mantenga sano.* ## Por lo anterior, hay temporadas en el año en que las frutas o verduras maduran para ser consumidas por nosotros. En esta parte del mundo, la temporada de mandarinas y tomates acaba de terminar para dar paso a la de berenjenas y pepinos. **Durante las temporadas de las diferentes verduras y frutas, suele ser posible encontrarlas en los supermercados a bajo coste. Ayer compré 2 kg de berenjenas para cocinar muchas cosas deliciosas con ellas. He de confesar que me encantan las berenjenas a la vinagreta, la lasaña de berenjenas pero la verdad es que nunca he cocinado nada con ellas así que me esperan unos días interesantes en mi cocina.** ## Investigando un poco en Google he leído que aportan diferentes nutrientes y vitaminas a nuestro organismo al consumirlas, como la tan necesaria vitamina C, sobre todo en estos tiempos de Covid. A medida que experimente con ellos también compartiré lo que haga aquí en mi blog Colmena.
___ # Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí. Con cariño, **Rima** ___

Originally posted here:

PJE: Living with social anxiety

social anxiety.jpg

s o u r c e

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This publication is not intended as a substitute for treatment by a professional, do not self-diagnose. If you feel that you have half or more of these symptoms, consult a verified specialist.
Will we be aware of the damage we may have once caused in others? It does not necessarily have to be an intentional harm, simply in our ignorance or having been immersed in our bubble of humor may have influenced something. Today I am going to deal with a topic that touches me quite closely, and that is social anxiety. **But what is social anxiety?** It is nothing more than a somewhat irrational fear of having contact with other people, the thought of approaching different social circles produces the common symptoms of an anxious person: fear, stress, nervousness or agitation, panic, increased heart rate. It is exactly an episode of anxiety only that it is produced or caused strictly by the possible social contact with other people in our environment. I'm sure you're wondering, **how can a person who has friends suffer from social anxiety?** People with social anxiety are not hermits at all, as far as possible they try to expand their group of friends even if it costs them to suffer the symptoms mentioned above, but equally, within their circle of trust they suffer from these irrational fears, there will always be the fear of how the other individual will react once they notice your presence.
[s o u r c e ](
In my particular case I usually have a clash of emotions if you could call it that because, I am afraid to write even to people I know but at the same time, due to borderline I am very afraid of abandonment, so this is like suffering twice as much if it is never attended with therapy. **Why would a person suffer from this type of social anxiety?** Everything starts from their environment in general, a problematic childhood where the child's problems are not heard, having suffered from bullying, never having been taught how to socialize in childhood, confinement, fear induced by parents towards anyone other than themselves. It's a long list and it's all related to the development of our environment. *I, for one, know that this started because of the confinement, seeing only one person for almost 8 months and socializing only with him affected my perception of the outside and now I fear it.* That is why people who talk about mental health issues emphasize so much on the attention that should be given to children in their first years of life, since it is the stage where they are a sponge of information, everything they perceive will be what will determine their personality in adulthood.
[s o u r c e ](
**But now let's talk a little bit about how we can help or cope with this situation.** First of all is always to identify that there is some kind of problem, it is not natural to be afraid to make social contact with others, one thing is to keep distance with strangers and the other is to fear even your own friends (the fear is mainly to the reactions that an individual may have towards you). I treat this with a little bit of therapy and also with a little bit of self-will, the tools I will give you are for you to make inroads on your own until you get to attend with a psychologist and then you can join the advice I give you along with your psychologist's therapy. So **the first step would be to determine why you really want to treat this**, it is important because if there is no intention to get help, there will be no way to get help. The main reason you should make the decision is for you, so keep that in mind. **The second thing to do is to tell someone in your close circle**, such as a sibling or a good friend. I remind you that people with social anxiety are not hermits, we have friends but we can even feel anxiety when we approach them. Think carefully about the person you will choose and it is important to be transparent with them, ask them to help us by integrating us into new social circles and also, they can actively participate in our therapy. **It is important not to generate dependence towards that person, the point here is to have more confidence when talking to other people.**
[s o u r c e ](
**Please give it a try.** I know it's hard, I understand, even texting becomes an ordeal, but if you don't take the first step nothing will change on its own. Even if you have to think about it for a few minutes, the important thing is that you get the message across. **Express it on paper either by drawing or writing**, you are your most trusted person and dialoguing with you will lead you to many answers even if you don't believe it. Anxiety will not last throughout the conversation, it will only appear when you are about to start it, so keep in mind that the pressure you feel in your chest will go down in the course of the conversation. **Find support groups on the Internet.** Yes, on facebook there are several groups specifically oriented to deal with these issues, look for one where the space is primarily **healthy,** do not look for groups where conflict and self-pity is generated, tell your situation and wait for the response of others, relieved to know that you are not the only one.

s o u r c e
You should know that you are not the only one in this situation and that you are not alone in facing it. **Incorporate meditation and yoga into your self-care routines**, finding balance on the inside helps you fix the outside. In your silent prayer you will understand that it is not necessary to live at high speeds and breathing exercises will serve you very well to stop panic attacks. You should always approach it one step at a time, the idea is that this does not end up overtaking you and you collapse in the attempt. *In any situation remember that mental health is of the utmost importance and, when things get beyond you humanly, it is best to see a professional. Changes are uncomfortable, painful and long, but at the end of the road they are the most valuable learning you will have.*


*Translated with the help of [deepL](* *Photos edited in Adobe Photoshop CC*

banner.pngMeet Project Elpis

Originally posted here:

Lotus Garden Newsletter for Homesteaders. 31st March 2021
The first quarter of the year is already over and we're a month into a new season. Timing isn't great for community activities being announced this newsletter, but keep your eyes peeled, because @ecotrain will have a new question up soon, @naturalmedicine should hopefully have a new topic for next month coming up and @riverflows will likely announce the garden journal challenge shortly.


Things happening in the community.

**The @naturalmedicine community welcomes a new branch with @lotusindonesia, supporting [Natural Medicine content from Indonesians.](**



Some highlights of the week

@breezin has been getting the [first fruits on the papino/papaya trees that survived the droughts.]( Find out why she plans to grow lots more of these versatile trees as a cash crop.


If you've been following @paradoxtma's rocket stove build, [part 6 is now available,]( as he finishes the furnace room. If you haven't been following this series, then I highly recommend following the links back to the start.


It's great to see @steemmatt back [sharing his salvage finds]( and seeing things get a new lease of life instead of heading for landfill. He's a real inspiration in this regard.


@carolynstahl shares a mouth watering [eggplant caponata recipe]( that's a delight on the eyes too.


*** **Each week one of our featured authors will be selected to be a 5% beneficiary of The Lotus Garden newsletter. This week @breezin will receive this award.** ***
Thank you for stopping by. This week's newsletter was brought to you by @minismallholding.


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**Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on []( If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for `FREE` [here]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us [here](!** [Delegate]([Community]([Discord]([Lotuschat]( [




Originally posted here:

"Crazy about Fitness::It will help for good Immunity" My Actifit Report Card: April 1 2021


Namaste 🙏 Dear Friends, Happy to share 6366 steps count today. Hope you all are fit and healthy with your family and friends. Thank you all my friends for supporting me and encouraging me to do betterment always. I also want that you all must do the exercises for your fitness. You will not do for your self only it is better for your all family. If you are fit and happy than all family members will be happy. Thanks for being with me. Regards Idea-make-rich
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Running, Walking, Yoga

Originally posted here:

Ejercicio, vida y salud > Exercise, life and health


Hay días que no es necesario ejercitar el cuerpo sino de alimentarlo con unas dosis apropiadas de bienestar, por eso les traigo unas sencillas posturas de Yoga para principiantes. Si bien el yoga es una disciplina en la que usamos el cuerpo y que la finalidad primordial es la de conseguir concentración, equilibrio y flexibilidad, la verdad es que vamos a lograr también muchos otros beneficios como una mejor respiración, disminución del cansancio, mejora del sueño, reducción del estrés, mejora de las posturas lo que ayudará a evitar lesiones, dolores musculares y problemas con la columna. En general, se obtendrá un aumento en la salud física, mental y emocional. Si estás cansado(a) de ejercitarte constantemente, haz una pausa y tómate un día para hacer un poco de OM (mantra de meditación del yoga).

> There are days when it is not necessary to exercise the body but to feed it with a proper dose of wellness, so I bring you some simple Yoga postures for beginners. While yoga is a discipline in which we use the body and that the primary purpose is to achieve concentration, balance and flexibility, the truth is that we will also achieve many other benefits such as improved breathing, decreased fatigue, improved sleep, reduced stress, improved postures which will help prevent injuries, muscle aches and problems with the spine. Overall, there will be an increase in physical, mental and emotional health. If you are tired of constantly exercising, take a break and take a day to do some OM (yoga meditation mantra).


###### **Materiales:** Sólo necesitas un mat (alfombra para yoga) y un espacio libre donde puedas relajarte y si es posible en contacto con la naturaleza. ###### **Calentamiento:** Recuerda que antes de realizar cualquier actividad física debes calentar. Yo hice una caminata de 2.5 km aproximadamente desde mi residencia hasta una colina que se encuentra dentro de la urbanización. ###### **Recomendaciones:** - Si vas hacerlo al aire libre te recomiendo que lo hagas antes de las 8:30 am ó después de las 4:00 pm cuando el sol está en su posición más baja y los rayos solares no son dañinos. De todas formas recuerda el protector solar. - Coloca música relajante o la que más te guste para meditar y estar en contacto contigo mismo. - Deja fluir todas esas energías negativas que nos agobian día a día. Respira. Siente cómo se llenan tus pulmones. Mientras lo haces siente el viento en tu cara y la calidez de los rayos del sol sobre tu cuerpo. - Date tu tiempo. Disfruta el momento.
> ###### **Materials:** > You only need a mat (yoga mat) and a free space where you can relax and if possible in contact with nature. > ###### **Warm up:** > Remember that before doing any physical activity you should warm up. I did a walk of approximately 2.5 km from my residence to a hill that is located within the urbanization. > ###### **Recommendations:** > - If you are going to do it outdoors I recommend that you do it before 8:30 am or after 4:00 pm when the sun is at its lowest position and the sun's rays are not harmful. In any case, remember to use sunscreen. > - Put on some relaxing music or whatever you like to meditate and be in touch with yourself. > - Let all those negative energies that weigh us down day by day flow. Breathe. Feel how your lungs fill up. As you do, feel the wind on your face and the warmth of the sun's rays on your body. > - Take your time. Enjoy the moment.


Tomate tu tiempo. Respira / Take your time. Breathe #### **Postura del niño** ***Es una postura de relajación y nos ayuda a estirar hombros y columna.*** 1) Debes arrodillarte sobre el mat. El torso debes colocarlo poco a poco hacia adelante con la ayuda de los brazos. 2) Tus rodillas deben tocar el pecho y la frente toca el ***mat*** con los brazos extendidos. (Para los más avanzados sus muslos tocan el talón). Cierra los ojos. Manteniendo la posición debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente. Inhala y exhala.


> #### **Child's pose** ***It is a posture of relaxation and helps us to stretch shoulders and spine.*** > 1) You must kneel on the mat. The torso should be placed gradually forward with the help of the arms. > 2) Your knees should touch your chest and your forehead should touch the mat with your arms extended. (For the more advanced, your thighs should touch your heel). Close your eyes.
> Holding the position you should take three to five slow, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale.
#### **Apertura del Pecho** ***Es una postura para alargar la espalda y mejorar la postura de hombros.*** 1) Debes sentarte en los talones. Espalda recta y hombros hacia atrás. Los brazos deben ir extendidos a los lados de tus caderas. 2) Sube el brazo izquierdo. El brazo derecho se debe flexionar lo máximo entre los omóplatos tocando el centro de tu espalda. 3) Luego flexionas el brazo izquierdo hasta alcanzar la mano derecha. No te preocupes si no logras alcanzarla. Poco a poco ganarás mayor flexibilidad. Manteniendo la posición debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente. Inhala y exhala. Ahora repite todos los movimientos en sentido contrario, subiendo el brazo derecho.


> #### **Chest Opening**. > ***This is a posture to lengthen the back and improve shoulder posture.*** > 1) You must sit on your heels. Back straight and shoulders back. Arms should be extended to the sides of your hips. > 2) Raise your left arm. The right arm should be flexed as much as possible between the shoulder blades touching the center of your back. >3) Then bend your left arm until you reach your right hand. Don't worry if you can't reach it. Little by little you will gain more flexibility. >Holding the position you should breathe three to five times slowly and deeply. Inhale and exhale. >Now repeat all the movements in the opposite direction, raising your right arm.
#### **Postura de la silla** ***Fortalece cuádriceps, pantorrillas, columna vertebral y tonifica glúteos.*** 1) Debes ponerte de pie con la espalda recta. Pies separados que no sobrepasen la distancia de los hombros. Coloca las palmas de tus manos hacia al frente. Avanzados: debes ponerte de pie con la espalda recta y los pies juntos. Coloca las palmas de tus manos hacia al frente. 2) Dobla ambas piernas. Las rodillas no deben sobrepasar la punta de tus pies, para eso vas deslizando los glúteos hacia atrás. Sube tus brazos para tocar tus orejas. (como si estuvieras haciendo una reverencia). Mirada al frente y concentrados. Manteniendo la posición debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente. Inhala y exhala.


> #### **Chair pose** >***Strengthens quads, calves, spine and tones glutes.*** >1) Stand with your back straight. Feet apart no more than shoulder width apart. Place the palms of your hands facing forward. Advanced: you must stand with your back straight and feet together. Place the palms of your hands facing forward. >2) Bend both legs. Your knees should not exceed the tips of your toes, so slide your buttocks backwards. Raise your arms to touch your ears. (as if you were bowing). Look straight ahead and concentrate. >Keeping the position you should breathe three to five times slowly and deeply. Inhale and exhale.
#### **Media cobra** ***Fortalece brazos y hombros.*** 1) Debes colocarte boca abajo sobre la barriga, presiona contra el suelo el pubis y los empeines. Las manos deben ir a los lados de la altura del tórax y los codos se aprietan hacia atrás. Los pies no deben sobrepasar la distancia de los hombros. 2) Usando la fuerza de los músculos lumbares, despega del suelo el pecho y las costillas superiores. Inhala mientras te levantas, y exhala mientras desciendes. Debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente.


#### **Half cobra** ***Strengthens arms and shoulders.*** 1) You must place yourself face down on your belly, press your pubis and insteps against the floor. The hands should go to the sides of the chest height and elbows are pressed back. Feet should not exceed the distance from the shoulders. 2) Using the strength of the lumbar muscles, lift your chest and upper ribs off the floor. Inhale as you rise, and exhale as you descend. You should take three to five slow, deep breaths.
#### **Postura del guerrero 2** 1) Párate sobre el mat . Adelanta tu pie izquierdo . El talón del pie frontal debe estar alineado con el arco del pie trasero. 2) Flexiona la rodilla izquierda y la pierna derecha debe estar totalmente recta. Sube tus brazos y estíralos en direcciones opuestas en línea con los hombros. Manteniendo la posición debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente. Inhala y exhala. Repite la postura con la parte opuesta del cuerpo.


> #### **Warrior's Pose 2** >1) Stand on the mat . Bring your left foot forward. The heel of the front foot should be in line with the arch of the back foot. >2) Bend your left knee and your right leg should be fully straight. Raise your arms and stretch them in opposite directions in line with your shoulders. Holding the position you should take three to five slow, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale. >Repeat the posture with the opposite side of the body.
#### **Postura del perro hacia abajo** ***Estira los isquiotibiales y ayuda a tener mejor flexibilidad.*** 1) Sobre el mat debes colocarte en posición de cuadrupedia. Los pies deben estar separados al ancho de los hombros. 2) Levanta tus rodillas del piso. 3) Poco a poco ve subiendo tu cadera y estirando tus brazos. 4) Tu cuerpo debería alcanzar una V invertida. No te preocupes si no logras alcanzarla. Poco a poco ganarás mayor flexibilidad. Manteniendo la posición debes respirar de tres a cinco veces lentamente y profundamente. Inhala y exhala.


> #### **Downward Dog Pose**. >***Stretches the hamstrings and helps to have better flexibility.*** >1) On the mat you should be in a quadruped position. Feet should be shoulder width apart. >2) Lift your knees off the floor. >3) Slowly raise your hips and stretch your arms. >4) Your body should reach an inverted V shape. Don't worry if you don't reach it. Little by little you will gain more flexibility. >Holding the position you should breathe three to five times slowly and deeply. Inhale and exhale.
Si llegaste hasta aquí te obsequio la receta de cómo hacer una rica ensalada de brócoli, vainitas, tomate, pepino y cebolla. ###### **Ingredientes:** - Brócoli - Pepino - Vainitas - Tomate - Cebolla ###### **Aderezo:** aceite de oliva, limón o vinagre, sal. ###### **Preparación:** Todos los alimentos lavarlos con abundante agua y un chorrito de vinagre. Hervir agua con un poquito de sal. En una olla picar las vainitas. Colocar las vainitas y el brócoli en el agua hervida. Hasta que esté blandito pero no tanto. Picar en cuadrito o rodajas el tomate, pepino y cebolla. Reservar. En un bowl colocar todos los vegetales y verter el aderezo. Revolver y colocar sal al gusto. ##### **¡A disfrutar!**


Locación: cocina de mi apartamento / Location: kitchen of my apartment
🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗
> If you made it this far, I will give you the recipe of how to make a delicious broccoli, green beans, tomato, cucumber and onion salad. >###### **Ingredients:** ``` 🥗 Broccoli 🥗 Cucumber 🥗 Beans 🥗Tomato 🥗 Onion ``` > ###### **Dressing:** ``` Olive oil, lemon or vinegar, salt. ``` > ###### **Preparation:** > All foods should be washed with plenty of water and a dash of vinegar. Wash all foods with plenty of water and a splash of vinegar. Boil water with a little salt. In a pot chop the pods. Place the beans and broccoli in the boiled water. Until soft but not too soft. > Dice or slice the tomato, cucumber and onion. Set aside. > In a bowl place all the vegetables and pour the dressing. Stir and add salt to taste. ##### ** And enjoy!**


Todas las fotos son propias. Fotógrafo: Charles Prato Cámara: Canon EOS 4D. Edición: InCollage y Adobe Photoshop Traductor versión gratuita: [DeepL]( Locación: Colina de la urbanización donde vivo Fuente: [Huffpost]( > All photos are my own. Photographer: Charles Prato Camera: Canon EOS 4D. Photo editing: InCollage and Adobe Photoshop. Translator: [DeepL]( > Location: Hillside of the residential area where I live Source: [Huffpost](
Originally posted here: