Sunday, January 31, 2021

[Esp] El Yoga es relajación total de nuestro organismo./ [Eng] Yoga is total relaxation of our body.

Apreciados amigos #hive, les saludo gratamente y comparto con ustedes una #asana que nos ofrece relajación total, denominada El Cadáver o Savasana, lógicamente el nombre es solo por la posición que se adopta cuando la desarrollamos a través del #yoga, es una invitación al descanso, a la #relajacion, #concentracion y #meditacion, contrario a un cadáver estamos conscientes, respiramos constantemente, en especial la ejercito cada noche, antes de dormir, en algunos casos con música relajante, en tal sentido deseo de corazón experimenten esta experiencia que les hago con mucho afecto. >Dear friends #hive, I welcome you and share with you a #asana that offers us total relaxation, called The Corpse or Savasana, logically the name is only because of the position that is adopted when we develop it through #yoga, it is an invitation to rest, to #relaxation, #concentration and #meditation, contrary to a corpse we are conscious, we breathe constantly, especially I exercise it every night, before going to sleep, in some cases with relaxing music, in this sense I heartfelt desire to experience this experience that I do with great affection.


**Meditación** * Iniciamos con nuestras solicitudes, en quien ustedes crean, en Dios, los astros, seres queridos fallecidos y que extrañamos mucho, en beneficios socioeconómicos para la personas, en especial los necesitados. El universo ha de enviarnos algo maravilloso. Respiremos profundamente, inhalando aire por la nariz y expulsándolo por la boca expresivamente con sonidos. >**Meditation** >* We begin with our requests, in whom you believe, in God, the stars, deceased loved ones and that we miss a lot, in socioeconomic benefits for people, especially those in need. The universe must send us something wonderful. Let us breathe deeply, inhaling air through the nose, and expelling it through the mouth expressively with sounds.


**Ejercicios de Calentamiento** * Debemos realizarlos para evitar lesiones y poder centrarnos en mejor forma en nuestras acostumbradas asanas. >**Warm up** >* We must perform them to avoid injuries and to be able to focus better in our usual asanas. * En esta ocasión, realizaremos ejercicios con piernas flexionadas extendidas y levantadas para fortalecerlas. Trabajaremos también la cadera, espalda y abdomen. Aguantemos en cada posición tres segundos con inhalaciones y expulsiones de aire. >* On this occasion, we will perform exercises with bent legs extended and raised to strengthen them. We will also work the hips, back and abdomen. Let's hold in each position for three seconds with inhalations and expulsions of air







**Postura el Cadáver. Savasana.** * Tumbados sobre la esterilla boca arriba, teniendo las piernas estiradas juntas o ligeramente separadas, respiremos, concentrémonos y meditemos, realizamos la postura el Cadáver, pero estamos muy sanos, vivos y consciente de nuestras acciones. >**Corpse pose. Savasana.** >* Lying on the mat on our back, with our legs stretched together or slightly apart, let's breathe, concentrate and meditate, we perform the Corpse pose, but we are very healthy, alive and aware of our actions.



* Estando con las piernas separadas, rotémoslas hacia afuera, colocando los talones de los pies tocando la esterilla, elevemos el pecho un poco, abrimos los brazos con las palmas de las manos arriba, que inicialmente estaban abajo apoyadas a la esterilla. Repasemos mentalmente cada parte del cuerpo, desde los pies hasta la cabeza y viceversa, muy conscientes meditemos, pongamos el tiempo dependiendo de cada uno de nosotros, en lo particular cada vez que experimento este viaje mental lo realizo entre 10 a 15 minutos. >* Being with the legs apart, rotate them outward, placing the heels of the feet touching the mat, raise the chest a little, open the arms with the palms of the hands up, that were initially down supported by the mat. Let's mentally review each part of the body, from the feet to the head and vice versa, let's meditate very consciously, let's put the time depending on each one of us, in particular every time I experience this mental trip I do it between 10 to 15 minutes



* Desarrollo está #asana, en casa antes de dormir, por lo menos tres veces a la semana, por ser muy relajante y nos ayuda a la #concentracion y #meditacion, además nos alivia de las tensiones del día, se las recomiendo estimados amigos. >* Development is #asana, at home before bed, at least three times a week, because it is very relaxing and helps us to #concentration and #meditation, it also relieves us of the stresses of the day, I recommend them dear friends.



**Beneficios de la Postura el Cadáver.** * Reposamos mentalmente el cuerpo y aumentamos la concentración. * Sirve para descansar. * Buena para calmar dolores de cabeza y espalda. * Ayuda a disminuir la tensión arterial. * Mejora la postura. * Entramos en relajación total, para luego concentrarnos y meditar. >**Benefits of the Corpse Pose.** >* We mentally rest the body and increase concentration. >* Serves to rest. >* Good for relieving headaches and back pain. >* Helps lower blood pressure. >* Improves posture. >* We enter into total relaxation, and then concentrate and meditate. Estimados amigos #hive, deseo de corazón les haya agradado la postura descrita, la cual les recomiendo por cuánto nos conmina a lo esencial en toda #asana, conectar el cuerpo con la #respiración y la mente, en beneficio de una excelente salud, a través del #yoga. Al apreciar su receptividad me suscribo de ustedes. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Puerto Ordaz estado Bolívar-Venezuela. >Dear friends #hive, I heartily wish you liked the posture described, which I recommend because it urges us to the essentials in all #asana, connecting the body with the #breath and the mind, for the benefit of excellent health, through of #yoga. Appreciating your receptivity I subscribe to you. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Puerto Ordaz Bolívar state-Venezuela.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Blu 5.2 Advance y la publicación es de mi autoría. >The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Blu 5.2 Advance cell phone and the publication is my own.


Originally posted here:

बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी करने के उपाय | Balo ko silky shiny karne ke upay

बालों को सिल्की शाइनी करने के उपाय | Simple Home Remedies for Silky Soft Hair

उलझे हुए बालों के साथ जीना एक निराशाजनक बात है, खासकर जब आपके बाल घुंघराले हों| आप घर पर बालों को कंघी करते हैं, उन्हें मॉइस्चराइज करते हैं लेकिन कुछ समय बाद यह पुनः उलझ जाते हैं और शाइन भी चली जाती है|

ऐसी समस्या होने पर हम अपने बालों को दोष देते हैं| हमारा मानना होता है कि, ऐसा बालों की प्राकितिक बनावट की वजह से हो रहा है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है| बालों का केयर ठीक से न रखने पर ही बाल उलझते हैं और उनकी चमक भी चली जाती है| बाल अधिक मात्रा में झड़ने लगते हैं जिससे व्यक्ति गंजा हो सकता है|

बाल उलझने का क्या कारण है? What Causes Hair to Get Tangled?

  • बाल उलझने का मुख्य कारण बालों में नमी की कमी है| 
  • बालों में नमी न होने से ये कमजोर हो जाते हैं और इनकी चमक भी चली जाती है| 
  • बालों की नमी सूख जाने पर क्यूटिकल्स (Cuticles) बाल को मॉइस्चराइज करने की कोशिश करते हैं| इस दौरान वातावरण में मौजूद नमी से आपके बाल उलझ जाते हैं|
  • बालों में लगातार निर्जलीकरण की स्थिति बने रहने पर आपके बाल हमेशा उलझे रहते हैं|

बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी कैसे करें? How to Make Your Hair Silky & Shiny?

balo ko soft or silky kaise banaye

बालों को मजबूत और शाइनी करने के लिए आपको महँगे उत्पाद नहीं खरीदने चाहिए| इनमें मौजूद केमिकल्स आपके बालों को अधिक कमजोर बना देते हैं| शायद आपको पता न हो लेकिन आपके किचन में मौजूद कुछ ख़ास प्राकृतिक पदार्थ आपके बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी कर सकते हैं|

बाल बेजान, कमजोर, और उलझे हुए तब होते हैं जब इन्हें सही मात्रा में मॉइस्चर और पोषण नहीं मिलता है| बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी बनाने के लिए यह जरूरी है कि, आप अच्छा खाएं पिएं| इसके अलावा आपको बालों में कुछ ख़ास पदार्थ टॉपिकली लगाने होंगे| इस लेख में हम उन प्राकृतिक पदार्थों के बारे में जानेंगे जिनके प्रयोग से बालों को मजबूत और चमकदार बनाया जा सकता है|

बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी करने के उपाय | Simple Tips to Get Long Silky Hair in Hindi

balo ko silky shiny karne ke upay

#1: नारियल का तेल और विटामिन E का प्रयोग करे | Use Coconut Oil and Vitamin E


  • विटामिन E का तेल
  • ऑर्गेनिक कोल्ड-प्रेस्ड नारियल का तेल


  • विटामिन E और कोकोनट आयल को बराबर मात्रा में मिला लें|
  • अब अपने बालों की लम्बाई अनुसार दो-तीन चम्मच मिक्स्ड तेल लें और मसाज करें|
  • तेल को स्कैल्प पर लगाएं और कुछ देर के लिए छोड़ दें|
  • लगभग 40 मिनट बाद बाल धोएं|

फायदा: विटामिन E बालों को पोषण देता है और फ्री रेडिकल्स नष्ट करता है| यह बालों के क्षति को कम करता है| नारियल का तेल बालों को मॉइस्चराइज करता है| इसे हफ्ते में दो बार कर सकते हैं|

#2: केला इस्तेमाल करे बालो को सिलकी और शाइनी बनाने के लिए | Banana Helps Make Hair Healthy


  • एक पका हुआ केला
  • दो चम्मच शहद
  • ⅓ कप नारियल या बादाम का तेल


  • केले को अच्छे से फेंटें| शहद और बादाम का तेल डालकर पेस्ट बनाएं|
  • इस पेस्ट को अपने बालों के स्कैल्प पर लगभग आधा घंटा के लिए लगाएं|
  • आधा घंटा बाद बाल शैम्पू और कंडीशनर से धो दें|

फायदा: केला एक बेहतर कंडीशनर की तरह कार्य करता है और शहद के साथ पेस्ट बनाने पर यह अधिक फायदेमंद हो जाता है| बादाम के तेल में मौजूद विटामिन E बालों को पोषण देता है|

#3: शहद का प्रयोग करे बालो को सिल्की बनाने के लिए | Honey Does Wonders for Frizzy hair


  • दो चम्मच शहद
  • दो कप गुनगुना पानी


  • पानी के साथ शहद मिलाएं और बालों पर लगाएं|
  • पूरे बाल में मिश्रण लग जाए तो आधा घंटा के लिए छोड़ दें|
  • अब बालों को शैम्पू करें और कंडीशनर लगाएं|

फायदा: शायद बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी करने का यह तरीका सबसे आसान और फायदेमंद है| शहद एक अच्छा मॉइस्चराइजर है और यह बालों को स्ट्रांग, स्मूथ और शाइनी बनाता है|

#4: नींबू और शहद इस्तेमाल कर सकते है बालो को मजबूत बनाने के लिए | Lemon & Honey are Great For Shiny Hair


  • दो चम्मच नींबू का रस
  • दो चम्मच शहद
  • एक कप गुनगुना पानी


  • सारी चीजों को मिलाकर मिश्रण तैयार करें और बालों का मसाज करें|
  • कुछ समय तक मसाज करने के बाद इसे 10-15 मिनट के लिए छोड़ दे|
  • दस मिनट बाद गुनगुने पानी और शैंपू से बाल धो दें|

फायदा: यह मिश्रण बाल से धूल और जमी हुई मैल को निकालने में मदद करता है| नींबू में मौजूद विटामिन C बालों को पोषण देता है और बढ़ने में मदद करता है|

#5: शहद और दही का उपयोग करे बालों को सिल्की और लंबा करने के लिए | Curd & Honey


  • तीन चम्मच दही
  • एक चम्मच शहद


  • शहद और दही को एक कटोरे में मिक्स करें|
  • इस मिश्रण को बालों के स्कैल्प में लगाएं और आधा घंटा के लिए छोड़ दें|
  • आधा घंटा बाद ठन्डे पानी से बाल धोएं|

फायदा: दही एक प्राकृतिक कंडीशनर की तरह कार्य करता है और शहद बालों को नमी पहुँचाता है| इससे बाल चमकदार और स्मूथ बनते हैं|

#6: सेब का सिरका है बढ़िया बालो के लिए | Apple Cider Vinegar is a Great Home Remedy for Tangled Hair


  • दो चम्मच सेब का सिरका
  • दो कप पानी


  • सेब के सिरके को पानी के साथ मिक्स करें और किसी बर्तन में रख दें|
  • अब अपने बाल शैम्पू से धोएं| इसके बाद मिश्रण बालों में लगाएं|
  • कुछ देर बाद कंडीशनर से बाल धो दें|

फायदा: सेब का सिरका बालों के PH लेवल को संतुलित रखता है| यह बालों के नमी सोखने की क्षमता बढ़ाता है और सिर की सारी गंदगी साफ़ कर देता है|

#7: एलोवेरा इस्त्येमाल करे बालों को सिल्की, मुलायम और रेशमी बनाने के लिए | Use Alovera for Your Messed Hair


  • ¼ कप एलोवेरा जेल
  • ¼ कप वेजिटेबल आयल


  • एलोवेरा जेल को किसी भी वेजिटेबल आयल में मिक्स करें|
  • मिश्रण को स्कैल्प तथा बालों में लगाएं| इसे 10-20 मिनट तक लगा हुआ छोड़ दें|
  • बालों को शैम्पू और कंडीशनर से धोएं|

फायदा: एलोवेरा एक बेहतरीन प्राकृतिक मॉइस्चराइजर की तरह कार्य करता है| इसमें वेजिटेबल आयल मिक्स कर देने पर यह बालों को सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है| बालों को मजबूत, सिल्की और स्मूथ बनाता है|

सावधानियां | Balo ko soft or silky kaise banaye | Some Quick Hair Tips

  • बालों को कभी गर्म पानी से नहीं धोना चाहिए| बाल धोने के लिए हमेशा ठंडा या गुनगुना पानी उपयोग में लाएं| गर्म पानी स्कैल्प को क्षति पहुँचाते हैं|
  • उलझे हुए बालों को सिल्की और शाइनी बनाने के लिए हीट स्टाइलिंग टूल्स का इस्तेमाल नहीं करना चाहिए|
  • सूती तकिया में न सोएं| सूती कपड़े बालों से नमी सोखते हैं और बाल बेजान बन जाते हैं|
  • हफ्ते में तीन दिन से अधिक शैम्पू न करें| शैम्पू में मौजूद केमिकल बालों के लिए खतरनाक होता है|

#hair #frizzyhair #homerediesforhair #hairremedy #healthyhair #hindi #healthtips #healthdear

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Originally posted here:

Knowing Health Insurance: Definition, Kinds And Benefits
Hearing the term health insurance may be familiar to society at large. By having health insurance, a person can seek treatment at a cost borne by the insurance company. In short, the role of health insurance is very important for everyone who can be used to cover medical expenses and hospital costs.

Agen Asuransi

Based on a survey from a trusted research institute, there are two types of costs that have increased very rapidly every year, namely the cost of education and the cost of health. You can imagine the increase in medical costs doubled from the previous year. And sometimes the increases exceed the monthly salary increases. Due to this fact, a health insurance is needed to protect expensive health costs. The very rapid increase in hospital and health costs every year makes it difficult for most people in this country to pay for increasingly expensive medical costs. Their savings cannot pay for hospital bills. This creates a stigma in society that "poor people are prohibited from getting sick." Moreover, it is strengthened by several reports in the mass media which contain news that a number of poor people do not get proper treatment from the hospital. Expensive Hospital Cost Solution Who wants to be sick? Everyone certainly wants to live in healthy conditions. There are many downsides to a sick body. Like not being able to do daily activities properly. In addition, with a sick body, the cost of treatment to the hospital is quite expensive. All human beings, starting from children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, cannot escape illness. One day humans can get sick. Especially for people who have reached old age, they are very vulnerable to contracting diseases. Meanwhile, medical expenses are getting more expensive from year to year. Therefore, a person needs to take part in health insurance so that he can cover expensive medical expenses with health insurance organized by private and government companies. Definition of Health Insurance Understanding health insurance can be seen in general and specifically. The definition of health insurance ([Asuransi Kesehatan Terbaik]( in general is a very solid agreement between the two parties, namely the insurance company and the health insurance policy holder. The agreement is written clearly on paper which has strong legal provisions and is stamped. The agreement paper also states the obligations and rights of the health insurance policy holder. And the obligations and rights of insurance companies. One of the obligations of health insurance policyholders is to pay premiums whose nominal values ​​have been determined in a timely manner per month. For example, [BPJS health insurance]( requires its participants to pay a monthly premium of Rp. 59,500 for class 1, class 2 Rp. 42 500 and class 3 Rp. 25 500. The obligation of a health insurance company is to cover all health and medical expenses in the hospital if the insured party is sick. Meaning of Health Insurance According to Experts To be clearer, the understanding of health insurance is thoroughly explored by experts. As revealed by Professor Prodjodikoro, which provides a definition of health insurance as a solid agreement held by two parties in a profitable manner, namely the insurance company and the insured in the matter of coverage for health costs accompanied by an obligation to pay a monthly premium. If at some point in the future, the insurance policyholder gets the risk of loss, the insurance company will pay all medical expenses and hospital fees according to the previous agreement. Kinds of Health Insurance The following are the types of health insurance that you need to know, including: 1. Social Health Insurance Social health insurance is a health insurance that runs on a social basis. In a sense, the collection of health funds is carried out collectively or mutually, which is mandatory in the form of a monthly premium. For example the Health BPJS. 2. Private Health Insurance An insurance policy administered by a private company. When compared to social health insurance, this insurance provides better **[health services](** and treatment. 3. Commercial Health Insurance The meaning of commercial health insurance is a strong agreement between the insured and the insurer with written and clear conditions that must be fulfilled. This type of insurance is voluntary. A person enters this type of insurance on his own initiative in financing a very large future treatment. Just like private, social health insurance, commercial health insurance has the aim of protecting yourself and family members from all health risks that can occur at any time which require large costs. Health Insurance Benefits Health insurance is one of the insurance products that many people follow. Because health is the main human need. Although abundant wealth is not accompanied by a healthy body, abundant wealth cannot be enjoyed. Therefore, it is very natural that many people are willing to spend so much money to ensure their health. Health insurance has a myriad of benefits. The following are health insurance benefits that you need to know, including: 1. Health services By having health insurance, a person can enjoy free health services and medical treatment. Starting from **[hospitalization](**, outpatient care , delivery costs and so on. 2. Money is replaced The main benefit of health insurance is that there is a money replacement guarantee because the policyholder has deposited a monthly premium to the health insurance company. Coupled with the existence of health facilities. So that the benefits can be felt greater than the monthly premium that has been paid. 3. Compensation Health insurance policyholders are generally given an additional bonus in the form of life insurance by the insurance company. So that health insurance is well maintained. Likewise, if the head of the family as the main [breadwinner]( is permanently disabled or experiencing death, the heirs will receive compensation funds from the insurance company. 4. Health care By having health insurance, we will get peace in terms of finances if we need intensive health care in the hospital and are seriously ill. We will get various health care facilities both outpatient and inpatient. All treatment and medical expenses are borne directly by the [insurance company]( according to the agreement.4. Overcoming expensive medical funds Health insurance will provide protection to customers against health and medical costs that are becoming increasingly expensive in the future. So that the burden of large health costs can be borne by the company. With the agreement we have paid a monthly premium. Based on the survey in the field, the cost of medical treatment has increased every year by twofold. This is what makes health and medical expenses one of the biggest expenses for a person and family besides education costs. So that health insurance instruments are needed to anticipate these large expenses. Those are some of the benefits of health insurance which are part of getting to know health insurance , its meaning, types and benefits.
Originally posted here:

How to Choose Insurance During the Corona Pandemic
The Covid19 outbreak that occurred initially in China continues to spread to a number of countries in the world including Indonesia. The impact has been tremendous on the economy of the people and country concerned. Where most people do not have an income anymore because they spend more time at home. This is to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Stay at home is the slogan that spreads during the Covid19 pandemic, which means staying at home in order to cut the spread of Covid19. The economic condition of the people and the country experiencing a sluggishness cannot be ignored. Because the economy must run. Therefore, a number of countries in the world have started to open office centers, shopping centers, schools, universities, restaurants, tourist attractions, and other public places. However, all public facilities are opened by [applying]( very strict health protocols. The development of the Covid19 outbreak which is still ongoing today has an impact on the insurance business. Based on information from private and government insurance companies, since the corona virus broke out, the number of health insurance customers has increased. This is what makes the Covid19 outbreak a breath of fresh air for the prospects for the health insurance industry in the country. The insurance that is most in demand by the current community in Indonesia is health insurance which can also protect health costs due to contracting the corona virus. Just like basic necessities, the price of health insurance has increased significantly and has sometimes stabilized again amid the current Covid19 pandemic. Effect on Economy The effect of the spread of covid19 which continues to spread in the country up to 3000 positive cases per day has made various parties feel the impact. Such as businessmen, big traders, medium traders and small traders. Their [income]( has dropped dramatically. However, there are a few types of businesses that are selling well during the corona pandemic. There are several types of businesses that have been selling well in the midst of the corona virus outbreak. Such as online businesses, Go Food, Grab Food, etc. And most types of businesses that have gone out of business. Such as tourism business, street culinary business and so on. All of that is only temporary. Because the covid19 outbreak will end soon.

Asuransi kesehatan terbaik

Public Interest in Insurance Before the Covid19 outbreak was rampant, people were made aware of the importance of life, health, education and other insurance products as protection products from all losses. Do not let you suffer even greater losses as a result of a disaster. The solution is taking out insurance. You can see that the people who are prosperous financially they generally provide themselves with insurance. For example, by taking out property insurance, health insurance, education insurance, life insurance and others. The insurance premiums paid every month are of very little value. While the benefits that are felt are greater than the cost of the premium paid. Along with the outbreak of the corona virus, positive patients continue to emerge in various regions of the country, making many people afraid. They are afraid to leave the house and catch Covid19. This fear is very reasonable because the number of people with Covid19 in Indonesia continues to increase. To anticipate bad events that can occur, you can take out health insurance. Why should you take out health insurance? To pay for treatment if at any time you are sick during a pandemic which requires expensive medical costs. When Indonesia enters the new normal era which is overshadowed by Covid19 which continues to lurk, [Asuransi kesehatan terbaik]( health insurance sales continue to increase. People have always known the importance of insurance. In addition, the corona virus pandemic outbreak has increasingly increased their awareness of taking the best health insurance . The nature of the corona virus which is easily spread and contagious is very dangerous. This virus can be transmitted through the air and when a person has a weak immune system. Therefore, the easiest way to avoid being exposed to Covid19 is to increase endurance and prevent transmission by keeping a distance and wearing a mask. Covid19 is arguably a very dangerous virus. Because people who are positive for this virus sometimes have no symptoms. This is what is called a person without symptoms even though he has Covid19. He easily spreads it to other people around him without him and the public knowing. The risk of death for people affected by COVID-19 is quite there. Even though more people with Covid19 have recovered than died, it's still dangerous COVID19. Because it attacks the upper human respiratory organs which then attacks the lungs. In the end, the sufferer developed pneumonia. Very high fever and a feeling of shortness of breath are among the symptoms caused by the corona virus attack. This is a sign of a symptom that must be treated as soon as possible. In this situation, many people prefer to take out health insurance to obtain optimal [medical]( cost protection. For those of you who don't have health insurance now, you can consider taking out health insurance as needed. Caused by various new diseases and corona outbreaks that are not over. You can fortify yourself with the right health insurance. How to Choose Insurance During the Corona Pandemic For those of you who want to take out insurance during the corona pandemic, there are several things that should be considered, including: 1. Take health insurance at a healthy time Often someone procrastinate to take out health insurance. He still thought that he was still healthy. Even though health insurance is not for people who are sick. Insurance to provide optimal health cost protection for a disaster that occurs. For example, if he is sick, he is exposed to the corona virus. Then the insurance will cover all medical expenses. We cannot predict illness accident. We can get sick at any time and have to be hospitalized. And have to spend a lot of money. Especially now that there is an epidemic of Covid19 which can strike you when you are off guard. Do not let you take out insurance when sick. On the contrary, it is very detrimental and claims can be rejected. Ill disaster can come unexpectedly. You can take part in various types of health insurance provided by the government or private. For example: BPJS health, Allianz, Prudential, Manulife, and other health insurance. 2. Choosing insurance based on need At the time of the Covid19 pandemic outbreak, you should take out health insurance based on need not based on desire. There are various types and kinds of insurance. Choose as needed. Suppose you choose reimbursement or cashless system insurance. 3. Read the insurance policy carefully One of the things that people often miss is reading policies. Though this is important. To find out the terms and conditions of insurance. In addition, to find out your various obligations and rights as a customer. By understanding that, you will know the facilities that you will get from the insurance concerned. Like covering Covid19 or not. Choose insurance that covers Covid19 in the midst of this increasingly widespread corona pandemic situation. 4. Do not be lulled by cheap prices Various health insurance products are very diverse and new types of insurance are growing. Some offer premiums at low prices. With a number of attractive facilities and services. This may make you attractive. Even though cheap premium insurance has limitations in services compared to more expensive premium insurance. You should not be fooled by cheap premium insurance. Maybe there are some diseases that are not backed up or health services that are less than optimal. You can first check the services and facilities obtained from cheap premium health insurance. So that you don't regret it later
Originally posted here:

How can we keep our health simple? - Update
# How are your health goals going in 2021? [


There are multiple approaches about health. However not all of them are about optimal health. This article is about optimal health. Why? How many reasons do we have to compromise our health? i don't know and i don't think we have enough. These days we're encouraged, to be responsible for our health and for the health of all the others, to prevent disease. Most disease is disease of lifestyle that comes from bad nutrition. So knowledge about good nutrition can help us maintain our natural state of health and prevent needless suffering. In the following lines by disease i mean disease of lifestyle, as this is the one we can control. A common approach for health sounds like this: >Take this medication and you'll be ok! A medication doesn't change our lifestyle. Since an unhealthy lifestyle created the disease in the first place, this approach always fails. The medical approach is comforting because it treats symptoms. However it doesn't address the cause. Treating symptoms is actually the way to chronic disease, as the untouched cause continues to aggravate the disease. The cause of disease can be solved by healthy living practices, not by medication. A superficial (on the surface) approach is one way to deal with disease. Another approach is to work on the cause, in which case we can remove the cause. Warning: - This article is not for people who want medical advice. - This article is only for people who like # The second approach: maintaining our optimal health i'm not a doctor and - i don't share knowledge about the first approach: working on the effects = solving effects = solving symptoms through medication. - i share knowledge about the second approach: working on the cause = solving the cause. The knowledge i share in this article is from more qualified people and it’s based on factual information that's available to the public. i highly recommend you to do your own research about health and draw your own conclusions, as your health is your responsibility. # The goal of this article By the end of this article you can see that the solution for optimal health is a simple lifestyle. So then Why would we live a complicated, unhealthy lifestyle? Physical health is not even a growth need, it's a basic need. When our basic need of health is simple, we can focus on more important matters e.g. our growth needs. So, How about we simplify the key for optimal health? Would that be a good goal for this article? Then why the need for a long article? - 1 oversimplification can leave room for misinterpretation and - people might wonder what's the basis, the contex for that simplification. E.g. in a previous video i talk about fruits and vegetables. In that case i leave a lot of room for misinterpretation, as there are multiple types of fruits and vegetables. In this article i intend to correct my mistake by being more specific. So here’s the contex you might be looking for: # Optimal health = optimal food The idea of optimal food (species specific food) is pretty simple: Every species has its digestive tract adapted for foods specific to it and every species maintains its optimal health with those foods. Can we eat other foods and survive? Yes. There are people who eat unhealthy foods and they survive. This doesn't mean unhealthy foods are healthy, does it? There is a difference between surviving and optimal health. It's up to you to decide how you want to negotiate your health: - You can enjoy Optimal health or - You can settle with less. How many obese chimps are there? I don't know and i don't think there are too many. Overweight & obesity are consequences of eating food that's not optimal. Just like animals, we don't have to worry about our weight when we eat optimal food. When we cook food we destroy some of the nutrients and we create toxins: - Mutagens that accelerate our own aging process. - Carcinogens that cause cancer in us. - Teratogens that cause birth defects to our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. depending on when the cumulative effect reaches a threshold. Not to mention - The stuff that already exist in animal foods, such as hormones, antibiotics, cholesterol, saturated fats, etc. - Digestive leukocytosis = the body produces white blood cells when we eat cooked food. Btw typically the body produces white blood cells during an infection. Most disease comes from bad nutrition (toxins and nutrient deficiency). So - How responsible are we for our health when we consume bad nutrition? - How responsible are we for our children’ health when we offer them bad nutrition? - How responsible are we for the prevention of disease that comes from bad nutrition? - How responsible are we for the health of our descendants when we pass them teratogens? - When are we gonna take responsibility for our health and for our children’ health? - How many reasons do we have to eat foods that cause disease in us and in our descendents? - i don't know and i don't think we have enough. Great news: there are foods that don't require cooking: some fruits and vegetables. When we eat food that doesn't require cooking i.e. live food, - we can prevent disease that comes from the toxins in cooked food. - we can prevent disease that comes from the nutrient deficiency of cooked food. Imagine how many disease we can prevent when we eat healthy food. Health can also be: - simple, as we don't have to complicate with cooking food when we eat live food, - delicious, as fruits are delicious. Our life can be healthy, simple and delicious. How can we beat this combination? Here's another tough riddle: What's more important, the food in your life or the life in your food? 1 kilo of avocado is different than 1 kilo of bananas: - In one case we get more fat than sugar (carbs), - In the other case it's the other way around. So, How do we know which case is healthier? - Too much fat blocks the red cells from delivering oxygen to the cells, because a fatty blood causes the red blood cells to clump together. - Too much fat blocks the effect of insulin of bringing sugars to the cells. When you can't get sugar out of the bloodstream, you describe diabetes. When you eat more than enough fat, you follow a recipe for high blood sugar and its effects. - Too much fat blocks the arteries, because it builds up in the inner wall of the arteries. - Not to mention that using fat as fuel produces more toxic byproducts than using carbs. Avocados, nuts and seeds (overt fats) are extremely high in fat. When it comes to fat, it doesn't matter it's origin. Fat is fat. There is some fat in fruits and vegetables so we don’t need to eat overt fats at all. Without overt fats we can still eat enough fat for our body requirements. When optimal health is our goal, to make sure we don't eat more than enough fat, we can eat optional small amounts of overt fats. What does “small amounts” mean? 2 tbsp nuts (12-17g) / seeds (16-22 g) or half an avocado is all we need. More than enough protein shorten the telomeres of our chromosomes. The shorter our telomeres, the shorter our life. More than enough protein speeds the aging process. Our digestive system is almost identical with the one of chimps. How many protein deficient chimps are there? I don't know and i don't think there are too many. Just like chimps eat enough protein from plants, we can do the same. # Optimal health = Optimal digestion The better our digestion, the better we absorb nutrients. For optimal health, we can eat food that's easier to digest. So it's simple to know what veggies are optimal, as some veggies are easier to digest than others: Of all the vegetables, tender greens are the easiest to digest. Chimps mainly eat one fruit / meal with or without tender greens. Of all the tender greens, lettuce is the easiest to digest. When optimal health is our goal, we can have variety even for veggies, as there are multiple varieties of lettuce. So our optimal food is great for people who like simplicity. You don't have to complicate with making a salad to eat lettuce since it's easy to digest. You can pull out a few lettuce leaves and grab some fruit. They digest perfectly together. It's easy. It's quick. It takes no time. # Optimal health = Optimal amount of food Otherwise we can end up being ill. This also applies to live food (raw food). This is one of the main reasons people quit on live food: they tend to feel so bad and many sadly even go back to eating animal foods and state raw-vegan diets as the reason they were unwell. When in fact they’re not eating enough. What does "enough" mean? Enough is different for every one of us, as we're all different. To find what enough means, we can experiment and see how much food we need to feel satisfied. No need to stuff ourselves though. We can eat until satisfied and track the food at the beginning to see how much we need. # Optimal health = Optimal food combining Including different fruits at the same meal leads to difficult digestion, as they require different digestive mediums, as they have different compositions. It's easier to digest 1 type of fruit per meal. So when optimal health is your goal, you don't have to worry about food combining, since you have only 1 type of fruit. # Optimal health = optimal nutrition: - Macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat i.e. what you read so far. - Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals. How do we know we eat enough micronutrients? The guidelines for eating enough food are not exact science, as the nutrition we absorb from our food depends on multiple factors. E.g. ## Our ability to absorb the nutrients in turn depends on how healthy our life was so far, as eating unhealthy foods builds up a mucoid plaque that hinder our ability to absorb nutrients. Hence, the healthier our lifestyle, the healthier our body, the more nutrients we can absorb from our food, the less food we need to meet our nutrients needs. ## The nutrients of our food in turn depend on: - Time: the longer the time between when the produce is harvested and when you eat it the lower its nutritional value. This factor depend on food, as some foods hold up better over time. - Soil is a major source of nutrients for plant growth, etc. Depending on various factors (see above), lettuce can be more concentrated in minerals than fruits. So it can help us have optimal amounts of micronutrients. Depending on those factors, enough lettuce might mean: 1 to 2 heads of lettuce / day or a few heads / week. It's far easier to get enough energy when fruits are our main food, as they provide far more energy compared with the same amount of lettuce. Hence, for optimal health, we can eat 1 type of fruit / meal with or without lettuce. In an ideal world, on a lifestyle of enough fresh fruits and tender greens from nutrient-rich soil, we get enough macros and enough micros. However, we don't live in an ideal world. Food business (just like any other business) wants to maximize profits. So they create a product that makes a lot of money, not necessarily the one that makes a lot of health, as more nutrition require more money to invest = less money as profit. So in a day of enough fruits and greens we might get enough energy and not enough micros. So then Why would we bother with education about health? For optimal health: - Optimal food is still better than other foods. - Optimal digestion is still better than bad digestion. - Energy from carbs is still better than energy from fats. # Education about Optimal health Only recently i found education about: - The effects of excess fat. - The difference between tender greens and fibrous veggies. - The ratio between fruits and vegetables: veggies shouldn't be our main source of energy. Over the last years i went through several unhealthy phases; e.g. - i ate cooked legumes because i didn't know we're healthier without them. - nuts and seeds were the main food - this unhealthy life lasted for several years because i didn't know the effects of excess fat. - for dinner i ate a salad of fibrous veggies because i didn't know they take up valuable time & energy that could have been used for something easier to digest. At the point in which i recorded the series what i eat in a day, i had an unhealthy lifestyle because of lack of education. The third phase might be healthier than the previous two. Still, a meal of fibrous veggies is not a healthy habit. i don't want to pass on unhealthy lifestyles and i don't want to inspire people to go through the trouble of eating food that's hard to digest. As a consequence i no longer upload these episodes. - How many people know how to maintain their health? i don't know and i don't think there are enough. Otherwise, - How come most people have preventable disease? Now we live in a world in which after 12 years of education, we don't have education about health. - How come we don't receive education about health in the education system? - Should we allow this scenario to continue or should we solve it? - Do you think we can create a world in which children receive education in the education system? - What's stopping us from creating a better world? Since we receive no education in the education system about optimal health, it’s up to us to keep educating ourselves outside of the education system. This article is just the tip of the iceberg, it's an introduction, it's meant to spark your curiosity. - By educating ourselves we can help ourselves. - By sharing education we can help others. Imagine how many people we can help with education: by sharing education about optimal health we can help people see how simple it is to have a nutritious and delicious lifestyle. Some people recommend cooked food for the lifestyle where we can't eat frequently. I don’t see the reason to eat cooked food. Fruits digest relatively quickly, and that doesn't mean we need to eat frequently. Primates in the wild who eat mainly fruit, do not eat frequently. When food is plentiful, they eat according to hunger, and they don't stuff themselves until they can't walk, like some humans do. When optimal health is our goal, we should eat when hungry. It’s easier on our digestion to only eat 3 times / day, so we can get enough energy eating 3 meals / day. However, some cooked foods (junk-food, chocolate bars, cakes, cookies, pastry, etc) provide more energy than many fruits. Because of that, depending on what cooked food people ate previously, when they start a healthy lifestyle of live food, they might need a bigger amount of food to get the same energy, so they might need 4 - 5 meals. Also, as the body gets healthier, it gets more effective at absorbing food, so we need less food over time. I had a conversation about optimal food and the other person said: - We can't eat this, we can't eat that. What do we eat? Go ahead, knock yourself out trying to complicate your health and your life. Still, i believe it's not worth it, considering there is a simpler way. Instead of complaining about our optimal food, How about we're happy about the fact that we can be healthier than before by simplifying our life, by eliminating all the unhealthy, complicated foods? Some people can't enjoy simplicity and health and they feel better living complicated and sick lifestyles. As we keep our basic need of health simple, we can focus on more important matters, such as our growth needs. Also, as we simplify our life, we have more time to focus on our financial health that can help us ensure even better nutrition for ourselves and for our family. How about that? # Simplicity = variety. People who want variety can have it. In a week (ar even more) you can eat healthy without eating the same fruit twice, as there are dozens of edible fruits. # Resources: Offering resources might be challenging, as different people have different views. Still, offering resources might be useful, as people might wander what's the basis for this article. Here are some resources about: [food]( [2]( [3](, [fruits]( [2]( [3]( [4](, [greens](, [seeds](, [high blood sugar](, [mucoid plaque](, [cooked food]( [2](, [vitamins](, [simplicity]( For those who use Facebook, here are some communities about [optimal]( [health]( # Bottom line How is this context useful for keeping our health simple? When optimal health is our goal, we can eat 1 type of fruit / meal with or without lettuce. How can we get more simple than that? These are some ideas for how we can maintain our health simple. What you do with them is up to you. This article is part of [a book]( [Hive]( community [Discord]( community Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day. See you in the next article. Until then, in the comment section you can share your opinion for the questions of this article.
Originally posted here:

What is the structure of skeletal muscle?


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One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration! You can check some of her work [HERE](


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Originally posted here:

February Challenge - WIN HIVE!


#### Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day in February! Whilst we might argue that it's just a marketing ploy to get you to buy your special someone - well, anything! - we think it's a nice time to think about LOVE - like people have for hundreds of years. So we ask you to write a post based around the theme of 'love', as it relates to healing, health and #naturalmedicine. We've outlined a few ideas for you below - you can choose one, part of one, change one or make one up yourself! - What are some 'self love' rituals and why are they important for our health? - Cook a vegan Valentine's feast - Make a healthy desert fit for your lover - Detail an aphrosdesiac herb and how to prepare it as a tincture, balm or tea - Roses are traditionally given as a gift to a beloved. How are they related to our health and how might they nourish/benefit us emotionally, spiritually or physically? - What does the act of love do for us energetically, and how might we love better? - Is love good for health? - What herbs or medicines are good for a broken heart? - Discuss knowledge of the heart meridian in TCM - How can we improve our cariovascular health? - Discuss an aspect of the heart chakra - Write a meditation that attracts the energy of love towards our heart centre - What herbs are associated with love or the heart? - Make a herbal medicine that benefits the heart # Some Other Guidelines - Due Date Saturday 20th of Febuary - Entry fee is EITHER the purchase of 20 LOTUS from Hive Engine/Leo Dex **OR** sending 200 LOTUS to @naturalmedicine - Post as many times as you like after your initial entry fee (you only need to pay the fee ONCE) - **MUST BE POSTED ON WWW.NATURALMEDICINE.IO** - Please reblog this post - Ensure you put your entry underneath this post, which will be pinned in the community. # The Winner We have to have 10 entries to give out HIVE at all - this helps create good energy for our community and shows the outside world how amazing HIVE is! So we love to support you do just that, but we can't afford to do it if no one enters! We have 100 HIVE on offer, but we may increase or decrease that according to participation. We always reblog your posts and tweet the very best, and even give out some sweet tips - so everyone's a winner when you enter! If you have trouble purchasing or sending LOTUS, do DM me riverflows#4691 or call in to help in the Discord (link below). If there's something that stops you from entering, we like to help and we don't like anyone missing out!


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**Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on []( If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for `FREE` [here]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us on our [Welcome Page](!**
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Originally posted here:

Vegetables soup


To make this vegetable soup it takes some time but it is very very good. Vegetable broth also takes time but it's worth it. First you have to make the broth. It takes a celery, three carrots, 3 onions, 1 copper tomato, pepper, water and salt.


You have to cut the tomato in two, peel the onions and cut them into cubes, then cut the carrots into strips, put everything in a pan with a drizzle of oil and brown for ten minutes, then throw all the ingredients into the pot, add water and a tablespoon or two of salt. Then you have to let the broth boil for an hour after an hour the broth is ready you just have to filter the vegetables with a strainer.



For the suop, you need frssh seasonal vegatebles, I used 3 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 courgettes, and green and brown beans, I cut all the vegatebles in pieces and cubes and I put them first on the fryng pan that in the hot broth, it need almost one hour to boil all the vegetables added to the broth and make them well flavoured and tasty. I really love this kind of soup during winter. As you can see I add on it some parmisan cheese. Its really a warm dish and healthy, perfect for the winter. Obviously you can add every vegetable you want.



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Originally posted here:

How to Lower High Cholesterol Levels
A high cholesterol level often increases risks of heart diseases such as a stroke, hardening of the arteries, or a heart attack. There is a lot that you can do to avoid heart diseases and lower your cholesterol levels. A large part of the population today in western countries have very high cholesterol levels. A high cholesterol level is over 200 mg/dl. Eating healthy food, exercising, and losing weight if you are overweight all help to reduce cholesterol in your blood. Consult your doctor to get you started on the best way to lower your cholesterol levels. Heart diseases are due to a buildup of cholesterol plaque and fatty deposits in the arteries. Once these arteries are clogged, the blood flow is blocked and a heart attack is likely to happen. [source]( Choose to eat healthy foods that are low in fat and cholesterol.These are fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as rice, pasta, and cereal, lean meat and white poultry meat, nonfat or skimmed milk, seafoods, beans and peas, nuts and seeds. Use unsaturated oils when cooking such as canola, safflower, sunflower, and olive oil. Avoid fried foods and use oil in cooking sparingly. Lessen high fat foods like whole milk, ice cream, butter, cheese, and egg yolks. Processed food are high in fat and sodium and should be avoided. These are sausages, corned beef, salami, bacon, and hotdogs. Avoid eating organ meats like liver, kidney, brain and sweetbreads. Baked products with egg yolks and saturated fats, saturated oils like coconut oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil should be avoided. Don’t eat fried foods. Cook your foods wisely. Here are some good tips to follow in healthy cooking: Drain fats and oil after broiling, roasting, or baking by putting food on a rack after cooking. Don’t use drippings when basting meats. Instead use fruit juice, marinade, or wine. Don’t pan fry or deep fry you food. Broil or grill them instead. Trim all the fats that you can see from all the meat that you cook and remove the skin from the chicken or turkey. The skin from chicken or turkey is laden with saturated fat. Use an oil spray when stir frying or sauteing foods. Limit the portions of fatty dishes while serve bigger portions of dishes that don’t contain fat such as rice, beans, and vegetables. For recipes that has eggs, use only the egg whites and not the egg yolks. Replace cheddar cheese with low fat cheeses such as cottage cheese, mozzarella made from skim milk and other low fat or non fat cheeses. **References:** - - - Posted with [STEMGeeks](
Originally posted here:

Day 1013 | Unhealthy Eating Saturday

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life....

I have been eating really unhealthy as of late with an eye on 100% cutting it down in February which seems to be an endless look I have a hard time getting out of. I guess being overly busy with too many things I want to do for the time available doesn't help in this regard. Some french fries were on the menu which has been ages since I ate those. The trange things is that they don't even give all too much satisfaction. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a healthy month of February.

Day|Bed Time|Awake|Out Bed|Day Score -|-|-|-|- 01 Jan|23:30|07:30|08:50|7 02 Jan|23:30|09:00|09:50|7 03 Jan|00:00|08:30|09:50|8 04 Jan|00:00|09:30|10:25|6 05 Jan|00:00|08:30|10:15|7 06 Jan|00:00|08:00|08:45|7 07 Jan|00:00|07:45|08:40|6 08 Jan|01:00|08:00|09:15|7 09 Jan|00:00|07:00|08:00|6 10 Jan|00:00|08:00|09:30|7 11 Jan|00:00|09:00|10:00|7 12 Jan|01:00|09:00|10:00|7 13 Jan|00:00|08:50|09:10|6 14 Jan|00:00|07:50|08:50|7 15 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:30|5 16 Jan|01:00|09:00|10:00|6 17 Jan|00:30|08:20|09:15|6 18 Jan|00:00|08:00|09:30|7 19 Jan|00:00|09:10|10:00|6 20 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 21 Jan|01:30|09:40|10:00|7 22 Jan|00:30|07:50|08:50|7 23 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:30|6 24 Jan|00:00|08:30|09:45|4 25 Jan|01:00|08:40|10:00|6 26 Jan|01:00|09:15|10:15|5 27 Jan|00:30|08:30|09:05|6 28 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 29 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 30 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:45|6
Day|Weight|Water|Supplements|Expense -|-|-|-|- 01 Jan|68.4 kg|v|v|0€ 02 Jan|68.1 kg|v|v|0€ 03 Jan|68.0 kg|x|x|0€ 04 Jan|68.2 kg|v|x|0€ 05 Jan|68.1 kg|x|v|0€ 06 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|0€ 07 Jan|67.1 kg|v|v|0€ 08 Jan|67.4 kg|v|v|0€ 09 Jan|67.5 kg|v|x|0€ 10 Jan|67.3 kg|v|x|0€ 11 Jan|67.0 kg|v|v|0€ 12 Jan|66.8 kg|v|v|35€ 13 Jan|66.4 kg|v|x|0€ 14 Jan|66.5 kg|x|x|0€ 15 Jan|66.7 kg|v|x|5€ 16 Jan|66.7 kg|v|v|0€ 17 Jan|66.9 kg|v|x|2€ 18 Jan|66.8 kg|v|v|0€ 19 Jan|66.7 kg|v|x|4€ 20 Jan|67,0 kg|v|x|7€ 21 Jan|67,2 kg|v|x|9€ 22 Jan|67.3 kg|v|v|6€ 23 Jan|67.1 kg|v|x|4€ 24 Jan|67.5 kg|x|x|7€ 25 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|5.5€ 26 Jan|68.0 kg|x|x|7€ 27 Jan|68.0 kg|v|x|7€ 28 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|4€ 29 Jan|68.0 kg|v|v|8€ 30 Jan|68.2 kg|x|x|8€
Originally posted here:

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Enhance your income by focusing on your mental health.
Hi there! You know that you need to be taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Right? #### My health: The most important investments of my life. Many of us who dabble in crypto nowadays can easily tend to get caught up in it and forget all about maintaining our health, don't let this be the case for you! If you're treating yourself right, eating healthy, exercising, and getting plenty of sunshine, you're pretty much guaranteed to be feeling better much more often! Plus, you'll be able to make much better decisions. This is very important, especially when it comes to the life-changing decisions many people are faced with on a daily basis. It's a no-brainer when you think about it. When you just feel good, you're more likely to focus better on whatever task it is you're working on. When it's something that involves your livelihood (eg. money/crypto etc.) a person should be extra careful to make sure they are feeding their mind the right fuel. Drink plenty of clean water and eat as much raw food as possible. Raw fruits, veggies, nuts, sprouts, the list goes on. The best medicine is and always has been FOOD. No vaccine could ever do what a healthy diet and plenty of exercising could! ##### Always get plenty of rest before making crypto transactions! Crypto is not for the sleepy! It is all too easy to hit the confirm button right as you're realizing what a big mistake you're making. With plenty of rest, you will be able to make decisions better and faster, avoiding pitfalls along the way. For most people, 6-8 hours of good rest is optimal. For many people, 6-8 hours of sleep sounds like heaven as they might only be able to get 3-4 hours at best. This is not optimal for crypto trading/investing. Someone who only gets 3-4 hours of sleep per night is much more likely to make the wrong move and end up buying the wrong thing, or sending their crypto to the wrong address! If you are one of these people, please make sure and take your time when dealing with anything cryptocurrency-related, my advice is to at least double or even triple-check every transaction before confirming it. #### Take time-off. Meditate. As much as it might be irresistible, you will do a lot better with your investments and trading if you take enough time off. Something like "you-time". You-time isn't when you're asleep, it's time that you are awake but not letting yourself do anything work-related. It's time to sit and meditate. Let thoughts flow through your mind without trying to direct them. Be an observer of your own inner-thoughts, paying attention quietly like a student in a classroom. You might be surprised by the ideas that come to you when you're not trying to force them into your mind. Quiet meditation, it's not only good for your health but can be very helpful in your day-to-day life decisions and is especially good when it comes to making proper financial investments. ##### Last, but not least. #### Write your important thoughts on paper! Writing things down can be extremely helpful when it comes to making sure that you're performing at optimal capacity. Keeping a daily planner is a simple and effective way of turning your wasted time into a functionally managed and more profitable use of time. Having to figure out/remember what it is that you were supposed to be doing isn't always easy, but it is very easy when you have it written down and don't have to remember anything other than where to find your planner. ;) I hope these tips help you to be able to make better decisions and enhance your crypto trading profits! Until next time! Aloha! -Crystal Human Posted Using [LeoFinance Beta](
Originally posted here:

Oriya Delicacy- Patala Rasa(stuffed parwal/ Pointed Gourd)

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Dear Friends, Today I am here to share with you a healthy vegan delicacy of Orisha 'stuffed Parwal.' Before that, let me share with you why I mentioned that this is a healthy delicacy! You all will be shocked to know about the several benefits of Parwal- 1.Parwal is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2. Thus it helps to control cholesterol levels, gastric problems. 2.Parwal or pointed gourd helps to purified blood, Drink 20 ml pointed gourd juice triple a week; it is advantageous for blood. According to Ayurveda treatment, Parwal uses to cure cough. Prepare a radix decoction of the pointed gourd and take 5 ml twice a day. 3.Parwal is helpful to cure the common flu and also helps to boost our body immunity. Parwal is rich in fiber, which helps for digestion. 4.You will be surprised to know that parwal or pointed gourd helps to prevent the aging factor. Pointed gourd consists of a good amount of antioxidants vitamin A, and C, that treat to fight the free organic fragments boosting the aging signs. 5.The seeds of parwal help to improve blood sugar, cholesterol; and also helps to give rise to constipation. The seeds being in the parwal vegetables; help loosen stool and are recommended to reduce the costiveness problem. 6.Those who are health conscious and want to reduce weight can keep parwal on their diet. Pointed gourd carries low calories, and it feels fuller and controls the need to eat. 7.Apart from the above benefits, parwal is also used in Ayurveda to treat headaches, wounds, liver diseases, skin diseases, etc. I hope this is a piece of helpful information. Now, let's start making stuff pointed gourd. Ingredients:- 1.Parwal / Pointed gourd- 10 to 12nos. 2.Tomato Puree- 1cup. 3.Cashew Paste- 2-1/2tbsp. 4.Turmeric powder- 1tsp. 5.Red chili powder- 1/2tsp. 6.Kashmiri red chili powder- 1/2 tsp. 7.Coconut Milk- 1/2 cup. 8.Salt- To taste. 9.Rice Bran or vegetable oil- As required. For the Spice Paste:- 1.Cinnamon stick- 1-1/2 inch. 2.Green Cardamom- 4 pods. 3.Cloves- 5nos. 4.Green Chilies- 3-4(chopped). 5.Fresh coconut- 1/2cup. 6.Ginger- 1-1/2inch(finely chopped). 7.Poppy seeds- 2-1/2 tsp. Ingredients for the stuffing:- 1.Cottage Cheese- 1-1/2cups(grated). 2.Black peppercorns- 1-1/2tsp(crushed). 3.Green chilies- 2(finely chopped). 4.Cashews- 1-1/2tbsp(crushed). 5.Raisins- 1-1/2tbsp(chopped). 6.Cilantro leaves- 1-1/2tbsp(finely chopped). 7.Salt- to taste. For the seasoning:- 1.Bay leaves- 2nos. 2.Cumin seeds- 1/2tsp. For the garnishing:- 1.Cilantro leaves- A handful(finely chopped). Preparation Method:- Step 1- First, take a small bowl. Add 2tbsp of warm water. Soak poppy seeds for 20 minutes. Step 2- Then clean pointed gourds and scrape skin with the help of a kitchen knife. Then both the edges, one is little and another little bigger. Scoop out the seeds from the inside. Add some salt and keep aside for 10 minutes. Step 3- In a mixer grinder jar, add the spices mentioned above for the paste. Cinnamon stick, green cardamoms, cloves, soaked poppy seeds(with water), ginger, coconut, green chilies. Make a fine paste with them. If required, can use more water. Step 4- Next, in another mixing bowl, add grated cottage cheese, crushed black peppercorns, cilantro leaves, crushed cashews, chopped raisins, salt, green chilies. Combine all ingredients gently with the help of a spoon. Step 5- Place a non-stick pan or wok on medium flame. Add 2tbsp of oil. Fry parwal for 2-3 minutes. Take out on a plate, and set aside until cool down. Step 6- Once fried pointed gourds cool down completely, gently fill them with stuffing. You have to be very careful while filling the stuffing. Else the parwal will be broken. Step 7- Again, place the wok on medium flame. Add 2-1/2tbsp of oil. Once the oil is heated well, add bay leaves, cumin seeds. Saute for few seconds. Step 8- Next, add (step-3) a grounded spice mixture. Saute until the raw aroma goes away. About 3-4 minutes. Step 9- Now, add tomato puree, turmeric powder, salt, red chili powder, Kashmiri red chili powder, Cashew paste. Mix all spices well and cook for another 5 minutes. Step 10- Add 1 cup of warm water. Mix well and cover the wok with a lid. Once the gravy will start boiling, add 1/2 cup coconut milk into the wok. Again close the lid; bring it to another boil. Step 11- Check salt and spice at this stage. If required, adjust at this stage. Now, gently slide the stuffed pointed gourd in the gravy. Lower the flame, and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Turn off the flame. Step 12- Transfer Patala Rasa or stuffed pointed gourd in a serving bowl and garnish with cilantro leaves. Now it's ready to serve with steamed rice, or puris, or parathas.

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Image Credit:source1,source2
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