Saturday, October 31, 2020

Gut Health Matters


This may be the most important message you’ll read all year. Here is why: Over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates said: "All disease begins in the gut". Today we know that GI problems are linked to cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, depression, dementia, auto-immune conditions and many more. But it's not all doom and gloom. Over the last years we've learned how to work with our gut and the trillions of bacteria that make up our microbiome. And the best part: if you know how, you can enjoy incredible health and vitality without medication or procedures. That's why you're invited to the GI Health Summit. You'll learn from 40 of the leading GI experts first hand, get practical tips you can implement right away and walk away with a new blueprint for a healthy, vibrant body. Click the link in our Bio (also shown below here) and claim your FREE spot now:
Originally posted here:

My Actifit Report Card: October 31 2020

Hi beautiful world! Wishing you very lovely weekend.. This is my today's actifit report card.. Today little bit pretty score rather than other days.. Today is 31st October it means today we are celebrating three great legendary people's birthday..Today is celebrated as National Unity day.. Today, the whole day had to go somewhere in the program, due to which there was a lot of running. This is why today's steps are little bit higher rather than other days.. Hope my all friends doing their best to keep themselves fit and healthy.. Regards Thank you Have a nice weekend..
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office

Originally posted here:

My Weight Loss Progress: The October Edition
Happy Halloween, everybody! I know I may not be going trick-or-treating, but I have a treat that I am sure you will all endeavor to sit in for a spell. Throughout the month of October, I went from being 13 stone 6.5 lbs to 13 stone 1.65 lbs (188.5 lbs or 85.5 kg to 183.65 lbs or 83.3 kg). Therefore, I lost a total of 4.85 pounds or 2.2 kilograms of my weight. This may not be the greatest amount I have achieved throughout this second -ber month due to the occasional fluctuation of my weight, but I can still have a great sense of perception of the fringe benefits that were in store for me. In stark comparison to how much I weighed back in September or the first -ber month, which was 14 stone 1.76 lbs (197.76 lbs or 89.7 kg), I have managed to achieve my 1-stone (14-pound or 6.35-kilogram) weight loss goal, thus making me lose 1 stone 0.11 lbs (14.11 lbs or 6.4 kg). Even better was how much weight I lost when I began my weight loss journey back on August 27, 2019 weighing in at 17 stone 3.64 lbs (241.64 lbs or 109.6 kg), as I have managed to smash my 4-stone (56-pound or 25.4-kilogram) weight loss goal by shedding a grand total of 4 stone 1.98 lbs (57.98 lbs or 26.3 kg). Furthermore, my BMI has decreased to 29.2. Even though I am still clinically overweight, i.e. 1 stone 12.23 lbs (26.23 lbs or 11.9 kg) overweight, at least I am no longer clinically obese. November is about to open its doors. It is going to be quite a stressful month because of the fact that my next semester is going to start on November 3 and that my duties as an online content creator is going to be a lot more loaded than ever before because I would love to commence on my submissions for this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers' Month. Nevertheless, I am really excited for what November has to offer. I am more determined than ever to make sure that I am either at the 12-stone 8.38-pound mark (176.38-pound or 80-kilogram) or below that target. Even if I will not end up making it below that aforementioned target, I will always keep in mind that any weight lost is a whole lot better than any weight regained. There is still a lot of work to do and I do not want to rest on my recent 1-stone (14-pound or 6.35-lbs) laurels, as there is still between 1 stone 12.23 lbs (26.23 lbs or 11.9 kg) to 4 stone 1.76 lbs (57.76 lbs or 26.2 kg) of excess weight to shed in order for me to be at a much healthier weight. Nobody said that weight loss is easy, but it is something worth fighting for not only for my personal confidence, happiness with who is staring back at me in the mirror, and the longevity that does correlate to my never-ending quest for eternal youth, but also for my own personal health. When I went to the doctor to get my vaccination a couple of weeks ago due to this month's flu season, it was discovered by one of the nurses that my blood pressure was quite high. Therefore, this is further motivation for me to keep on losing weight, maintain a healthy diet through the Keto diet, be a whole lot more active by doing housework and exercise all with gusto and joy, and generally eating less and moving more. For me, weight loss is for more than just mere vanity, but it is also giving myself the impetus to lead a much healthier, more independent, and more free-spirited life. It is not just about me looking and feeling phenomenal in all of the goth-punk clothing I would love to make myself wear on a nearly daily basis, feeling confident as a gay serial singleton who fancies muscular men, and a guy who is extremely passionate about anime, cartoons, opera, film, theater, journalism, and music and entertainment in general, but it is also about me ensuring that my life continues to have purpose in terms of health and not jeopardizing my own health and lifestyle with a "you only live once attitude" towards foods that may be palatable but are actually harmful to my health. I wish you the happiest and healthiest of Halloweens and let us just hope and pray that November, in spite of it being stressful, will be a much better month filled to the brim with more prospects for better health.

My Weight Loss Progress The October Edition_page-0001.jpg

Originally posted here:

Friday, October 30, 2020

Mental Wellbeing and Handling the Added Stresses of a Covid Year...
With ***Mental Health Awareness Month*** my contribution to this awareness is sharing what currently brings me mental well being...

mental health awareness with brain image.png

One thing that is very relevant for me right now is handling stress levels and the importance of having balance - read a previous post on keeping a balance [here]( I recently returned to work in the schools with the Pre-K "Play and Exploration" program (been back in school 2 months now.)

kids play and exploration.jpg

Image by Hai Nguyen Tien from Pixabay The changes bought about by Covid has really bought the stress levels up. Many of the changes that were required were contrary to what we were trying to bring to the children and families in this program. Luckily our numbers for enrollment were down so it was easier to manage with the changes. There has been a major stress to keep things sanitary and we are also asked to try to limit the physical contact (pretty hard with young kids.) Previously we were all for setting up different invitations using a wide variety of material and encouraging the children to have collaborative play as they explored these different centers. Plus it was all about encouraging family engagement but now the families are not allowed into the school (we do have a special outdoor playground for Pre-K where the families can meet - thank goodness for that!) We also use to work on children sharing but now it is not encouraged. Some of the independence that we worked towards has been limited for they don't want multiple hands touching things so the kids can't just help themselves (that being said independence is still something we are aiming for.) Another item that we worked on was language and building vocabulary but this is being hampered with the requirement of staff to wear masks (I bought a see through mask so the children can see my mouth as we introduce new words and also my expression which is a big part of communication.) I want to add here about the added stress mask wearing causes me - I find it irritating and I can't wait until the kids leave and I can take it off or we go outside. This irritating, if over a prolonged period, brings about periods of irritability, an added stress that makes it more difficult to be able to deal with easing the children's stress and ensuring they are having a positive experience. One thing I always promised myself is that if I start to get snappy or grumpy with the kids then it was time to leave. I am fine right now but I'm also very happy that in another month and a half I'll be able to take my full pension and retire. I love my work but I do not care for the direction it is going with this Covid guidelines.


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay >I mentioned that I was fine right now, able to handle the added stresses but how do I do that? **Number 1** - I take good care of myself with proper nutrition and hydration, plenty of rest and regular exercise. **Number 2** - I start my day by bringing myself into a good frame of mind and before I get involved with anything, I have my morning meditation session which prepares me for the day. See a post with more details of my morning routine [here]( and how I maintain my sanity through meditation [here]( **Number 3** - Being that I work with children I am constantly checking in with myself making sure I am being loving and supportive and if I need a break I step away from the kids and recenter. It helps that the teacher I work with, her and I work well together and we make it fun! In the classroom my focus is on the children and their potential, working towards bringing them to their greatest potential. When I am home I can have self time. **Number 4** - After work, when I'm at home, it is my time and I relax and balance out any stress of the day with doing relaxing things, things that I enjoy. I have really gotten into photography, mostly nature photography, which takes me out into nature and allows me to experience more of a sense of wonderment and joy where all my cares slip away. Read more on how photography is a therapy for me [here]( **Number 5** - Being out in nature, as I said above, my cares just seem to fall away. I live on an acreage right in the forest. My home is where I can retreat from the craziness of the world - this does wonders for my mental health and well being. **Number 6** - I do limit myself to the exposure of medias that are engaged in fear mongering and propaganda while still keeping myself informed on current affairs. One of the things that has played a big part in maintaining my mental well being is being able to be aware of what is my actual reality and what has been fed into me from outside sources. I chose more and more to live in the now having a fulfilling life at this moment and lessening the time I spend in my mind going over possible scenarios or getting worked up over things that are only possibilities and really do not concern me. #### Warm Welcoming Glow From My Home in the Forest

welcoming light from house highlights snowy tree branches in dark blue sky.JPG

That being said I hope you too, can find peace and fulfillment in the present moment and that you are happy and healthy! This is my response to the **@Ecotrain *Question of the Week*** - see details [here]( and also an entry into the ***Natural Medicine Mental Health Awareness Challenge*** - Details [here]( Top image is a modified image from Graphicstock Bottom image - mine taken with my Canon PowerShot SX 60HS
**Thanks for stopping by!**

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Join The Best Natural Health Community on Hive

MINDFULLIFE.png **MINDFUL LIFE is a Natural Medicine project which supports meditators on HIVE. Earn LOTUS & HIVE for your #meditation #mindfulness #yoga & #spirituality content! We also run twice weekly online meditations in our Discord server. Discord II Community



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Originally posted here:

My Actifit Report Card: October 30 2020

Hi beautiful world! Wishing you a very lovely Friday.. This is my today's actifit report card. As being Baravafat holiday, I remained at home throughout the day that is why today I just crossed minimum requirement of publishing actifit the time of evening spend few time playing carrom board with the kids..finally when I finished playing carrom board then I felt that there is much pain in my finger.. this is happen so because it was not included in my habit. Now I have completed my today's actifit activities and today I able to reach 5k steps by walking.. Hope my all friends doing their best to keep themselves fit and healthy.. Regards Thank you..
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Play with kids/grand kids

Originally posted here:

Talking Crypto with Friends - Part 1 - Cabin in the Woods

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##### Almost three and a half years ago, in May 2017, I was at a pretty low point in my life. And let's be honest, not for the first time. ##### I had finished University 10 years before. Now I was 35, single, without a job ( the latter a conscious choice ), with no house to live in and I had almost run out of money. Two months prior to this moment, I had returned from the Canary Islands. After 6 months of healthy air, meditation, lots of exercise, nice weather and an abundance of space, I was feeling pretty ZEN. Even though the zombie film project that I had been working on out there hadn't gone according to plan, I was finally at peace again, was hearing my inner voice again. That was back in March though. It was May now. Two months had passed and I had already lost all of my ZEN-vibes. The system and the Netherlands, as well as drama in my family seemed to drain me day by day. I was depressed and hoped that my creativity and some alone time in a place that approximated nature ( not easy in The Netherlands ) might give me back some of that ZEN. #### Cabin in The Woods It was May 2017 and I decided to return to a cabin in a bungalow park surrounded by 'nature'. A place where, back in 2013, I had spent two months ( when I was in a similar state of mind ). In case it wasn't clear to you yet, I was feeling very low, **down in a hole**. Love [this song]( 'down in the hole' by James Taylor and its [lyrics]( ( you might want to give it a listen after reading ) **It wasn't all darkness though...** That same month, when I felt desperate enough to sell a big chunk of my DVD collection ( tough for somebody who studied film ) for some measly euros, I suddenly got a pleasant surprise: The tax return from my last job. A little over 3000 euros. This happened just after I had learnt about crypto. Talking about timing!
The image above my post, a Photo by Spencer Selover from Pexels approaches the way I felt back then.
Originally posted here:

ECOTRAIN QUESTION OF THE WEEK #24: The importance of Mental Health in Our Life, My Experience! [EN] // La importancia de la Salud Mental en Nuestra Vida, Mi Experiencia! [ES]
Mental health is as important as physical health, in fact, I am one of those who think that they go hand in hand because our brain is so complex and perfect that it is capable of making us believe that we are sick or healthy when the reality is different. For a long time, I was under a strong depression that made me have episodes of anxiety and fear, because I felt such strong pain in my chest that for moments I thought my life was going away, so strong is the lack of mental health, because yes, depression is mental, but it can affect directly and very strongly our whole body.

It was only when I understood that my mental health was as important as my physical health because at that moment the latter depended on the former, that I began to take action and see the changes. While it is true that not everyone can overcome depression so easily (to say that it was easy compared to others who never get out), and that we can't always be strong enough to at least try to get out of it, in my particular case I can say that I did manage to overcome it.

Having healthy mental health is as important as our maintaining optimal physical health. And it is important that to achieve that mental health in optimal conditions, it is important to know how to manage emotions because it has been shown that emotions directly influence our body, it is very likely that by having constant episodes of anger or rage, and even much stress, our body begins to develop gastric ulcers or high blood pressure problems (thanks to high levels of stress from work, today I have high blood pressure)

Living in a country like Venezuela, is a great challenge for our mental health, because literally many have gone crazy for such situations that are lived every day, and this is where I can say that my mental health is currently optimal. One of the things that helped me a lot to achieve tranquility and my good state of mental health at present, without any doubt was meditation, I spent hours and even days crying, this produced insomnia, in fact for more than two months I could only sleep for a couple of hours throughout the day, which caused me a decline in performance in my job for the time and I was about to lose it for this, at the time the doctor of the company recommended me the use of sleeping pills and even with that I could not do it.

Thanks to a group of friends who practiced guided meditation and one of them invited me to be part of that group, little by little I managed to fall asleep, in less than a month I was already sleeping my eight hours a day without any problem, I managed to do my meditations at home without the help of other people, and in this way, I was finding the tranquility and peace that I needed so much. I'm not saying that I don't currently have some episodes of sadness that can scratch the surface of depression, however, I already have the magic tool to manage it, and I immediately apply it. For me meditation has become my best ally, I practice it daily if possible, it helps me to keep my emotions balanced, and with it my optimal mental health.
Images of my property, taken with the camera of my Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S Edited with Snapseed and Canva

Thank you for taking the time to read this publication, if you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions, I would appreciate it if you put them in the comment box, and remember, you too can make magic in the kitchen wherever you go!


La salud mental es tan importante como la salud física, de hecho, soy de las que piensan que van de la mano, pues nuestro cerebro es tan complejo y perfecto que es capaz de hacernos creer que estamos enfermos o sano cuando la realidad es otra. Durante mucho tiempo estuve bajo una fuerte depresión que me hacía tener episodios de ansiedad y de mucho miedo, pues sentía un dolor tan fuerte en el pecho que por instantes pensaba que se me iba la vida, así de fuerte es la falta de salud mental, porque si, la depresión es mental, pero puede afectar directa y muy fuerte a nuestro cuerpo completo.

Solo cuando comprendí que mi salud mental era tan importante como la salud física, porque en ese instante la segunda dependía de la primera, fue cuando comencé a tomar acciones y a ver los cambios. Si bien es cierto que no todo el mundo puede vencer tan fácilmente (por decir que fue fácil en comparación con otros que no logran salir de ella nunca) la depresión, y que no siempre podemos tener la fuerza suficiente para por lo menos hacer el intento de salir de ella, en mi caso particular puedo decir que logre vencerla.

Tener una salud mental saludable es tan importante como nuestra mantener una salud física optima. Y es importante que para lograr esa salud mental en óptimas condiciones, es importante saber manejar las emociones, pues se ha demostrado que las emociones influyen directamente en nuestro organismo, es muy probable que al tener constantes episodios de ira o rabia, e incluso de mucho estrés, nuestro cuerpo comience a desarrollar ulceras gástricas o problemas de presión arterial alta (gracias a los altos niveles de estrés por el trabajo, hoy presento presión arterial alta)

Vivir en un país como Venezuela, es un gran reto para nuestra salud mental, porque literalmente muchos se han vuelto locos por tales situaciones que se viven a diario, y es aquí donde puedo decir que mi salud mental actualmente es óptima. Una de las cosas que me ayudó mucho a lograr la tranquilidad y mi buen estado de salud mental en la actualidad, sin duda alguna fue la meditación, pasaba horas e incluso días llorando, esto me producía insomnio, de hecho por más de dos meses solo lograba conciliar el sueño durante un par de horas en todo el día, lo cual me causo una baja de rendimiento en mi empleo para la época y estuve a punto de perderlo por esto, en su momento el médico de la empresa me recomendó el uso de pastillas para dormir y aun con eso no lograba hacerlo.

Gracias a un grupo de amigos que practicaban la meditación guiada y uno de ellos me invito a formar parte de ese grupo, poco a poco logré conciliar el sueño, en menos de un mes ya estaba durmiendo mis ocho horas diarias sin ningún problema, lograba hacer mis meditaciones en casa sin ayuda de otras personas, y de esta manera fui encontrando la tranquilidad y la paz que tanto necesitaba. No digo que actualmente no tenga algún episodio de tristeza que pueda rallar en depresión, sin embargo, ya tengo la herramienta mágica para manejarla, y de inmediato la aplico. Para mí la meditación se ha convertido en mi mejor aliada, la practico de ser posible a diario, me ayuda a mantener mis emociones equilibradas y con ello mi salud mental optima.
Imágenes de mi propiedad, tomadas con la cámara de mi Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S Editadas con Snapseed y Canva.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer esta publicación, si tiene alguna pregunta, crítica o sugerencia, la agradecería que la pusiera en la caja de comentarios, y recuerda, ¡Tú también puedes hacer magia en la cocina ya dondequiera que vayas!
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Created by @derangedvisions

Originally posted here:

The return of Jordan Peterson, Pharmaceuticals and Modern Medicine Part 2
I told you that I'd be writing more about this vast topic with so many different facets that it would take me multiple installments to touch on what I wanted to say within this discussion. This time, I'm actually sitting at a keyboard, rather than trying to type our coherent thoughts fast enough to clearly express my thoughts on a touch screen device. To those of you who read the first installment and offered feedback, thanks for taking the time to read it and join in on the discussion. As I mentioned earlier, I am not a psychologist or doctor. I am a passionate individual with the thirst for greater knowledge and a desire to contribute to the community in a positive manner. As I sit here trying to remember exactly what I said in my last installment on this, I'm inclined to go from memory. I feel like it's important to write each section of this as if it's the first, and keep adding to it from the different perspectives which I think are important to take into account over the exploration of the topic. The introduction was just that; it was an introduction to the subject and some of the players on the stage, offering a few thoughts and some back story. Maybe we'll call that the epilogue instead. It seems more fitting as the idea for the rest is coming into view. Now that the epilogue is over with, it's onto the first chapter, the chapter that inspired this, and that's Jordan Peterson's return to planet Earth. That may seems a bit melodramatic, but after listening to his account of what happened, I don't feel like it's an overstatement. He's battling some real mental health challenges. I'm hopeful he'll come back strong. The mind is a powerful and resilient thing. While there's a great deal of things that I can say about Jordan Peterson, whether you love him or hate him, it has to be awfully difficult not to respect his intelligence and intellect. It is not far superior to all. It is not overwhelmingly righteous or omniscient. In fact, it is just the opposite. His intellect and intelligence are greatly flawed by his compassion, love, empathy and his deep rooted feeling of desire and responsibility to be the best version of himself so that he can help more people. I don's say these things as insults,but as observations based on my limited ability to observe him in various online arenas in a closed one way circuit. There are many people who are set off by Jordan's brand of honesty and his bold assertiveness that leads him to speak his truth through his great depth of knowledge in Psychology. Right now, I'd like to set aside any feelings we have for this individual, hoping that we can agree that he's well studied, well spoken, highly intelligent and highly intellectual. If not, I won't push my views on you, and I'll agree to disagree and I'm open to a conversation on the matter, for I'm certain that it would be most enlightening and a great opportunity to grow. We put these feeling aside to set the stage for a more objective look at the field of psychology, western medicine, prescription medicine and dependencies. This is a rabbit hole I had no intention of going anywhere close to, but this is something that's been close to my heart for a lot of years due to the journey I've had in this life and then I saw Jordan Peterson looks at me as if it was me sitting there and him looking at me through the computer screen and I knew this was something that I had to at least start a conversation on. I'd love to just talk it out Podcast style and maybe I'll get there one day, but I've been focusing on my writing for a while, so for now, all this is going to come out in written word and I'm liking the process and growth that comes along with it. While I may digress and tangent like I just did there, I do the same when I speak, so I'm hoping that writing my thoughts out will help me to streamline what I have to say rather than tangenting constantly. With that being said, here I am writing about the journey rather than the subject. I think it's best to start with what I know, because there's a great deal of research and media to regard in taking on this topic in discussion, so I'll start with my introduction to medicine as I lived it. Writing something so biographical isn't a comfortable thing in the least, but this isn't about my comfort, it's about imparting lived experience so that others don't have to learn the same mistakes. I was a healthy kid. I grew up in the 80's. I played outside. I ate dirt, skinned my knees and rubbed some dirt in it, learned about respect through consequence, tempted fate and came up short and learned how to stand up for myself by popping a kids nose in the public pool when he almost drowned me. When I look back at pictures of my youth, I'm standing there, skinny as a rail, wiry as a transmission line and brown from the forehead down, hair bleached from the countless hours in the sun. The 80's were, for the most part, a pretty damn healthy time to be a kid. Aside from drinking water from a hose that probably had some lead and weird, toxic rubber in it, that is. My first remarkable Dr's visit of memory was a trip to the emergency room because I'd busted my head open riding my bike. I guess the lack of helmets was another hazard, but I more or less learned my lesson after that. As cocky as I was, I knew my limits. A sizable rock just kicked out my front tire and I bit it. Aside from a concussion, I don't even know if I would have been cut if not for my glasses. The slit my face open, just a couple inches shy of getting my temple. That was the first time I remember getting a needle. The cold steel of the syringe slowly crept behind my eyeball, which felt really weird and then one hell of a pinch and a howl as the cold steel punctured the nerves and skin behind the brow bone. A bunch of stitches to follow. After that, I definitely had some trust for doctors. Watching a doctor suture a wound right in front of your eyeball garners a lot of trust. Through my life, I've had all sorts of crazy stuff happen. I'm not exactly a sickly person, but I joke sometimes about being a medical marvel, because so may weird things have happened to me. Some may have just been genetic, some environmental and the rest might just be a God that has one hell of a sense of humor about how lessons are to be learned. If that was the case, I wouldn't see it as a cruelty, but rather as an honesty and humble nobility, for anything worth pursuing is usually earned, somehow. Instead of getting into some kind of overly personal medical biography, which would probably be a bit boring and awkward, I'm going to highlight a few key points that I believe play into this discussion that we're embarking on together. My first localized anesthetic and stitches set the stage of trust for many doctors for a while, until I learned that they're just human like all of us. When I was 14 years old, I nearly died of renal failure. I was that close to death after countless visits to doctors, being toted from one Dr to the next and the next until my mother finally lost it and demanded- yes- demanded that the doctor get to the root of what was going on. Why was I gaining weight, my hands bleeding from dry skin, white, clammy complexion, lose all my hair, talk like a walkman that has low batteries and have almost zero energy? Why was I following every conversation in the classroom and the teacher, doodling in my book and theorizing a myriad of crazy things all at once? It wasn't until years later through a great deal of life lived and introspection that I finally realized why I think the way I do and am who I am. One simple batch of blood tests revealed that I had an under active thyroid. By the time we had those results, my brain must have been in protection mode and my existence was more inside than outside my body. Two years of doctor's visits finally came to a halt and I was put on medication which I still take to this day. When I started this course of treatment, there was little known about hypothyroidism in children. Maybe that's one of the reasons it took so long to get diagnosed and treated. Had I not had such a vigilant mother, had I not lived in a place where we have public health care, had the technology not existed... I would not be alive. This is where things get strange for me, because I know there's a lot of people who would say to count yourself lucky and move on, and that's just what i did. I had more energy than I'd ever had in my life, I was happy, healthy, vibrant and horny. Life was great. I can't help but wonder now that I'm looking back on it, why I was never referred to an endocrinologist at the age of 14 though. This isn't a judgement on my parents. They're not doctors. They both saved my life. It was a team effort. I have to wonder, though, why a medical doctor never asked more questions about the situation to consider that they weren't the expert and if things seemed strangely out of the ordinary, maybe there was another avenue to peruse to treat a young person with an under active thyroid condition. Medical science has changed a lot over the last 20 years, so I can't say for certain, but I believe there was cause to explore the use of supplemental HGH over the initial interval of thyroid medicine. I personally believe that it may play the role, in the future, of avoiding the joint problems that can come along with adolescents with under active thyroid conditions as they age. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I can remember, vividly, walking down the road and my hip popping out of place as I was talking to this cute girl and popping it back in without breaking stride. Out of pride, probably and she heard it. It was excruciating, but I figured that was just growing pains and I didn't want to be a pussy about it, so life went on. That's another lesson I took from growing up in the 80's. That's probably not even an "appropriate term" anymore, but that's not a topic for this discussion. Yes, I think there's cause for research on HGH trials in adolescent cases of hypothyroidism. I think there's some insanely smart scientists that should look into that,rather than a community college acting major who took up the trades as a safe way to pursue his art, even if he could research and postulate his own theories and write papers on it. There are scientists for a reason. I'll stick to the mad science and hypothesize for the time being. Fast forward a couple years from the life changing realization that life was more than slowly observing your own death while being encompassed by a world where time speeds past you without restraint, devouring your youth without hesitation. Within a month of my 16th birthday, I took my first ride on an air plane. It was a medivac. Unbeknownst to any of us, I had a bleed on my brain that could let go at any time. That 45 minute flight was the most memorable of my life. Another doctor has saved my life and many more were going to have their hand in doing it as well. The paramedics were absolute rocks stars and the most beautiful souls in the world. I would love to meet them again some day and thank them. I didn't ever get the chance to properly thank them, because I had no idea how rare they were as humans, that early on in life. I guess I must have been blessed with an abundance of amazing humans, for that to be the case. Before that flight, my family doctor told me that either I had leukemia or some long name that I swore I'd remember if it wasn't leukemia. I remember the acronym and I'll take that as a win in following through on my promise to myself. Through all their many efforts, as I lay in a bed on the children's oncology ward, being prodded by needles every hour on the hour and having vitals checked at the same intervals, they ruled out leukemia and ordered more tests. This is when they found the bleed on the brain that could cause an aneurysm. A bleed on the brain is actually "normal" (ish), or so they said, but it could have caused me to bleed out into my brain causing some pretty nasty circumstances. So they did all that they could to turn it around without surgery. All the while, I couldn't complain. I wasn't in bad shape. All in all, I had just gotten there and the way I figured it, even if I died, I wouldn't suffer the same way as so many of the kids there had to. In my one week stay, I had two terminal room mates. I don't know what happened to the first guy, but I was pretty out of it. As I waited for my fate to be determined by the many amazing individuals who spent their lives pursuing the path of healing through their best science, I met Paul as well. Paul was on his second or third round of chemo. Through the fear and pain, he had the best sense of humor. I could learn a lot from that today. I hope he made it. I will forever remember the sound of a child calling our for oxygen through the night and day. It was hard to hear, but it was real. I had no complaints. I was not in a place where they were warranted. My struggle was brief and to complain would be selfish. I had been given an explanation from the doctors and nurses of what my situation was. Before we had that talk, I'd accepted that I was either living my last moments in that hospital and that I'd been gifted extra time to live, or my time on this Earth was going to be over and there was greater need of me somewhere else. They opted for a surgery that they were hopeful would stop my body from attacking itself and allowing me to begin heal. They opted for a splenectomy; You can live a healthy and normal life without a spleen. Through the good graces of God, the universe, the many amazing individuals who put their heart and souls into helping others and luck... I live and breathe and I am beyond grateful. If any of my doctors ever read this, I hope they hear how much I appreciate and love them from the bottom of my heart, even if they did steal one of my organs! I almost wish I had that thing in a jar. I wonder if it would prove my theory that a pesticide caused the illness that prompted the removal. That's a whole other topic though, kind of. Even though I really didn't want to get into all this personal medical stuff, there's a reason for all of this. I've had many experiences with the medical system that give me a unique perspective to share and I feel it necessary to give you context for the depth of the conversation that we're embarking on here. I know this is one concept in a world of billions, so I hope that if you're still reading this, you'll continue to be patient with the journey we're embarking on, because it's not a puddle, a pond or a lake, but the ocean that we're diving into and it's a long way to paddle. There is a reason that this experience will give context to the what comes next. The discussion to follow is not to scrutinize doctors for grievances, because I am so grateful that they did what they could with what they knew and what they had at the time. This is about moving the discussion forward. It's been on my mind for a good while now and I think it's time to get into it. Before the age of 16, I'd faced the real and undeniable possibility of death twice, made peace with my mortality and been granted another lease on life. After the second time it's easy to trust what they tell you is best. So, why would you question when you're prescribed an ongoing dosage of penicillin, indefinitely to combat bacterial infections while you're in school? That's somewhere around 2, 190 doses of penicillin for you math types. When it comes to prescriptions, this is where the real discussion begins. We'll start pulling at that thread in the next chapter of this topic, for those of you who got this far. Until next time, much love and stay well.


Originally posted here:

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Mango may lower symptoms of constipation
I went out to a supermarket last night. I bought some mangos and some other fruits. Mango is one of the fruit I like most. The mango I bought last night named *harum manis*. This variety of mango is from Probolinggo, East Java. The meaning of *Harum manis* is sweet and smell good.


We have already known that mango is rich of vitamin C. And vitamin C is an antioxidant that is very good to prevent cancer and other metabolic diseases. I am pretty sure this tropical fruits has many other substances which are benefit for health. When I was in Palembang studying internal medicines, a friend of mine told me that mango has some benefit for preventing and curing her haemorrhoid. Is it true? I am trying to find a clue and evidence about that. Haemorrhoid is close related to constipation. According to a study by [Vinicius at al](, mango is rich of fibre and polyphenol. They did a study for healthy human volunteers with chronic constipation by giving them 300 g mango fruit for 4 weeks. They found a good effect for the constipation. This study showerd the lowering of sign and symptom of the subject’s constipation.


I think fibre and polyphenol play vital roles for preventing and curing haemorrhoid due to constipation. I may suggest the people or patients who have haemorrhoid to consume mangos everyday.
Originally posted here: