Saturday, March 14, 2020

Update On Corona Virus In Japan
First I want to say I hope you and yours are safe and doing well. The virus is moving as I thought it would because I've been listening to War Room Pandemic since January. Their experts all predicted what is unfolding. The economic shock is yet to come, despite the rally yesterday and the stimulus proposed in many countries. Now, Japan. Something is very strange here. The virus is taking way too long to spread. As of this morning there are only 786 confirmed 22 dead. These numbers after Japan, a small, dense country has had the virus since early February. How can their numbers be so low? My wife and I don't know anyone who has it. What's going on here?


One thing we know is the virus affects the old and diseased(diabetes, heart disease, etc.). That go me to thinking, Japan is an extremely healthy country, although that's changing with the youth. Could it be something in the Japanese diet that gives them an additional defense against the virus? We know that Zinc can disrupt the virus's ability to infect. There is also word that vitamin D can help, but none of these remedies are cures. We still don't even have a vaccine for SARS after 17 years. From listening to War Room it will be at least 6 months for a vaccine with full speed, no red tape. Additionally Remdesivir has been known to help. So why is Japan not suffering as badly? I think it's diet and habit. Shell fish is high in zinc and Japanese eat a lot of shell fish. Japan has also gone through SARS and MERS and are not afraid to wear masks all day, everywhere. Prime Minister Abe shut down the school system at the beginning of March which may have also helped. I'm not sure about the hospital system. I've been in clinics for flu here before, but not a full blown hospital, other than my daughter's birth and my wife's mother. Having said that I was in Shibuya on Thursday and other than less salary men, it was still crowded and busy.



The stores here are finally fully stocked again, however my corner market keeps selling out of toilet paper. It's fine though because the bigger stores have stock and we made sure to stock up as well. This may be with us through next year so hang in there, and again I pray you and yours are fine. That's all for now.
Originally posted here:

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