Saturday, March 14, 2020

Hard times during the covid19

Here we are covid is between us and that change our way to live it was a fast change and at the first time I was scared, I am still scared because no one know good this virus. Most of the people think that it's a fake news ar that is a mass hysteria, but here the numbers of the infected people increase every day and I fell offense if someone call our government measures a firm of histerya. Our population is scared from this terrible enemy and we try to do our best, some Italians did not follow the rules before (as usual Italians are not good with rules) but actually most of the people understand the situation and follow the rules. It's strange to live in a world like this and everyone wish to go back to the normal life soon. Here we can not go out of our homes without a permission and this is very stressing. We lost our freedom we hope to have in change our population health as soon as possible. In my little world I follow the rules, I am closed at home, I have my own mask and I lean my hands often. If we meet people we must not go close to them that's not nice because we are used to stay close to the others hugs and cheek kisses are normal way of greet someone in Italy but now it's like we are scared one from each other. It's a horrible sensation make me feel like everyone can be an enemy, brrr. The worst think is that we are scared also from ourselves because if we are ill but without symptoms we can infect other people and it s really scary, the doubt I am truly healthy? And what gonna happen now? Actually we are close until the 3 of April, but it's will be true or the terms will be longer? How it will change our economy? How many damages to our economy to our jobs? We are not in good economy before the covid now we wait for the worst. But we all gonna go trough this somefimes pain and sadness have me in these days, anxiety and fear are so high. We all wrote on our balcony "Everything Wil be fine". I hope so, I truly hope so. Posted using [Partiko Android](
Originally posted here:

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