Monday, March 23, 2020

Don't neglect your mental health right now
In all this current global problem, the most alarming data are those related to the increase in the number of new cases in each of the countries, and that is added to the deaths. Without a doubt, this has a very strong impact on the family nucleus affected by the disease and the death of a close relative. # But **who's talking about the psychological effect of this whole thing on every single citizen of the world?**


It is alarming what is happening, **what is known**, but after every chaotic situation has passed it is realized that beyond the physical-biological affectation of humanity, there is a psychological factor that lasts a lifetime, and in fact can pass from one generation to another, **lamentably.**


Everyone is focused on the problem, the bombardment by networks and media is relentless, we have access to the internet and that makes us susceptible to learn more, but in the same way if we do not have an adequate **mental filter** to channel everything that enters through our eyes and ears we will be condemned to get sick **psychologically**.


We decide that seeing or hearing, also the way we assume the reality in the world depends on ourselves, we must assume it, our health of both body and mind is our responsibility. # That is why we must be - **more and more** - selective with what we read and with what we do with our time. There is a certain attraction in the human being for everything with certain fatalistic airs, I don't know exactly why, but a film or program where people suffer for some reason always has a good level of audience, perhaps that is the success of most soap operas... (This is a purely personal opinion) But, the best thing at this time is to focus on hopeful things, this will help us feel better, that our body is better protected at the same time.



The suicide rate estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for September last year was about 800,000 per year.[Source]( A very alarming figure. Long before this current disaster began, now, **what will be the current figure?**, the truth is not known, it is likely that these statistics are a little neglected, and it is also very likely that it has increased as a result of all this reality. # We will probably find out about this data later and it will most likely be under-reported. *In view of the demand for psychology services many consultations have been stopped to give priority* to this **growing need arising from the impact of the coronavirus** on families who have lost loved ones. As has happened with the **Elective surgeries**, some have been postponed indefinitely.



>#### However, I would like to emphasize that we have many tools at hand to make a mental cleansing, which is necessary. The **good mood** is an effective tool in difficult times, it allows us to feel better and our body appreciates it, it gets stronger. **Listen to good music**, the one that makes you feel happy, that takes you to pleasant moments, it is always a good investment of time. Spend time **reading that book** you have pending, it always helps to improve our intellect, and of course it will improve our vision of the world.


**Dance like crazy**, don't think about what they'll say, just enjoy the moment. Start learning a **new language**, playing an instrument, if you have one, take time to learn how to **edit** images, music or videos, or both *why not?*, you have time that you can spend developing in other areas. These are just some of the many activities you can do at home... *We should not focus on watching videos that tell us about chemical weapons, plans for global destruction, population declines and all this stuff that is overblown by the networks, much less echoing it, it's not healthy.* >It is enough with what is happening to even take it further. #### An important point, which we must not neglect: >**Let's take care of the children psychologically, it's the best thing, we have no idea what the confinement itself could cause in them, let's not cram them with negative information they're not prepared to process.** #### What other things could they suggest to keep us healthy not only physically but to make better use of our time in this situation?



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