Garlic Trump. Why not send us healthy foods, natural remedies, for building up our immune system? Help us start gardens, farms, crops. Send us seeds in the mail. That is what we need. Drain the swamp. Get government out of our lives to the extent that they violate our private property, our rights, our freedoms. They are supposed to work for us and not vice versa. 1913, The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law with the goal of centralizing money, the banks, the flow of money internationally, as a way of monopolizing, on gaining more power and control over what people can and cannot do via taking more and more control over money which has aided in the fuel that drives humanity. [My Open Letter to the World]( [Civil Disobedience is an Excuse For More Tyranny](
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# Timestamps Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. # Conflating [01:00 AM - Hive]( You might be conflating two things which should remain somewhat separate, that is downvoting (flags) and aspects of the free market which may include exchanges between private property domains. # Dislikes vs Downvotes So, like I said, two things. First, I would prefer dislikes instead of downvotes. Hypothetically speaking, downvoting private property would be theft, a crime. It would be robbery. It would be stealing. # Lacking Ownership Now, I don't know if downvoting is theft because one might argue that nobody owns anything on the Internet or at least on Steem or Hive or other blockchains that utilizes cryptocurrencies which are accessed and not actually owned or stored. Well, again, it depends on who owns the rewards pool. Some might say the pool is shared which reminds me of communism. So, long story short, it depends on different things. # Rich Whales Secondly, and more importantly, I believe in the free market which means I believe in competition. So, in life, we run into filthy rich whales with a bunch of money. I don't want to try too hard to stop them from making money and from doing some things to the extent it does not really aggressively or excessively violate or interfere with the private property rights of other people. I will not try too hard to talk smack on rich people because I want to be rich too. I want to have more money, more power, more influence, more resources, more things, etc. But I am not saying that there should be downvotes at all. I don't like downvotes. But I don't hate money. I love money. # Downvoting is like a Gun And the voting system is a mechanism, a tool like a gun. I don't hate guns. So, a downvote might be like shooting the bad guy with a gun. But you might shoot a good guy with the gun as well. And good and bad people can have guns like good and bad people can upvote and downvote or simply vote up and down. ___ # Two Meters [01:13 AM - Hive]( But that is only assuming that 2 meters is enough to keep viruses from spreading. Also, life is full of risks and it should simply be up to the individual either way as there are all kinds of viruses out there and some worse than others of course. If the 2019 Novel Corona Virus is very bad, then it was bio-engineered because if it wasn't, then why didn't it already spread around the world centuries ago? Simple. Because it is new. People can go to these websites to study the genome and find that it looks odd. The genetics of COVID is weird and hugely unique. Many people should be angry and they should be confronting governments, asking them why they were kept in the dark. # Garlic Trump [01:19 AM - Hive]( That is why people need to simply build up their immune system. Trump should be sending people garlic and other things that can save our lives. # Antibodies vs Macrophages [01:33 AM - Hive]( Things like macrophages are said to devour things like bacteria in the bloodstream and things like antibodies are mostly focused on things like viruses. It might be tougher for macrophages to locate and capture viruses, assuming that they even can in the first place as viruses are smaller than bacteria. Therefore, if some of the viruses are inside bacteria, then that would make it easier for the macrophages, perhaps. But I guess we still have antibodies and perhaps other things which should be dealing with the viruses. So, if your body didn't have enough antibodies, strong enough antibodies, or the right types of antibodies custom designed for specific types of viruses, then that might be a problem. If a bacteria could act like a sponge to soak up viruses and if macrophages could then devour the bacteria, then that could perhaps speed up the process of flushing out viruses to some extent. It is partly a question of which would be better or faster, the antibodies fighting viruses or the macrophages digesting the viruses. I would prefer to focus on macrophages at least in theory, if they could work like a big giant push broom or like a giant riding John Deere lawn mower machine and the antibodies would be like a weed wacker or something a lot smaller for the corners. # Earn It Act is Unconstitutional [01:38 AM - Hive]( Among other things, The Earn It Act violates the 4th amendment (PRIVACY) and people should be taking these people to court. It should go to the Supreme Court. I encourage people to look at the constitution and to make something happen. We can fight back. # Exchanges [02:05 AM - Hive]( The love of money is the root of all evil. Now, money is like a gun. It is a tool. Many things are tools and are not evil themselves. But people do bad things via what you might call capitalism. You call it capitalism. But that does not mean it is capitalism. When you talk to me, you are sending me information to me. And when I talk back, I send information back to you. That is an exchange. I like exchanges. I like the ability to exchange. # Heart Plant [02:09 AM - Hive]( A heart plant. Not a transplant but a plant. A heart plant. I like it. # Curing AIDS & HIV [02:12 AM - Steemit]( Oh yes. Thanks. Sorry. Good idea. I agree. but which would you prefer, colloidal silver or nano silver? # West Coast [02:16 AM - Hive]( Is LA too hot or dry? Welcome to the west coast and to Hive. I'm from Oregon and went to college in upstate New York and I may have visited Maine before. # Housewives Need Work? [02:18 AM - Hive]( You help housewives find work? Sounds good. # Strong Woman [02:20 AM - Hive]( You are a strong woman. Very talented. You are full of life. You are courageous. You are full of energy. Nice to meet you. # Talking About Time [02:30 AM - Hive]( I like what you're saying about time. I make it a priority to hide clocks, watches, time itself, when I am watching a movie or when I am trying to be in the moment. And being in the moment might be like a right side of the brain type activity. # Paging Joey Arnold [2010-08-29 - Sunday]( - [08:45 PM]( - [Facebook Post Link]( - [Michael J. Verbout]( wrote on his Facebook wall the following: [
Dear Readers, in regards to the virus, I want you to keep in mind two things. This is my open letter that I've posted on Facebook, Minds, Gab, Hive, Steemit, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, etc, etc. Please share. # Dual Approach First, yes, people should try to stop the spread of the virus. People should Google natural remedies on boosting up the immune system. I try to write articles on my blog that talk about what people can do to kill viruses. Scroll down to continue reading this open letter to the world. ___ My Open Letter to the World ___ VoIP # Reading Private Messages [04:45 PM - Hive Blog]( Monty, but can governments read or try to read private messages, etc, on the Internet? 05:50 PM - Taco salad dinner # Stefan Molyneux [05:52 PM - MORALITY vs NIHILISM: Stefan Molyneux vs James Theodore Stillwell III]( Generalities lol If nihilists don't care, why does JAMES care, DERP DERP? Either it is a generality and/or it is something a guy prefers, but both is one and the same. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? James, at this point, what difference does it make, to quote Hillary Clinton, DERP DERP. @Leslie Sylvan Hi, Nice smile. Does James not know that both is true? The guy prefers what many do prefer. If a Nihilist is acting anti-nihilist, is the Nihilist still a Nihilist? Stefan said it is based on natural laws and James is saying it all depends on subjectivity, relativism. James is distracted. @Larry Morris or centralized property is communism. James is lost in THE RELIGION of SUBJECTIVITY. James BELIEVES that EVERYTHING is of RELATIVITY, that UNIVERSAL PREFERABLE BEHAVIOR (UPB) does NOT EXIST James, FACTUAL CLAIM = UPB There are no absolute truths except for the truth that there are no absolute truths lol. James believes in isolating one thing from the other thing. What we say can be subjective. But that does not mean that objectivity does not exist. A claim is a claim, even if a claim is also fact. A CLAIM can be a FACT if TRUE. It DOES NOT MATTER if a claim is a claim because what really matters is if a claim is true or not. EVERYTHING ARE CLAIMS Everything is SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE We see OBJECTIVITY through the lens of our SUBJECTIVITY GLASSES ICE-CREAM can be SYMBOLIC ICE-CREAM can DESCRIBE ETERNAL PRINCIPLES ICE-CREAM can be a WINDOW to understanding OBJECTIVE FACT Anything can be used to help explain other things. Everything is PREFERABLE You can say YOU DO NOT CARE and you still do care and do not care. James has a RELIGION that REJECTS MOLYNEUX James PREFERS RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED James PREFERS to be RIGHT and RED. That is a PREFERENCE What are preferential standards? If you don't know everything, then how can you know? If you don't know the UNIVERSE PERFECTLY, COMPLETELY, then could you be wrong? BEING SINCERE is NOT RELEVANT TRUTH is TRUTH even if YA NOT SINCERE INSINCERE does not MAKE TRUTH INTO NOT TRUTH PREFERABLE vs PREFER James, NOT AN ARGUMENT James likes PREFER as a way subjectify and PERSONALIZE UPB as a way to destroy USB James hides behind PREFER as way to escape UPB James is standing on HIS OWN PERSONAL BELIEF James, yes, people OUGHT TO Better things are BETTER People OUGHT TO DO WHAT IS BETTER When I say BETTER, I mean UPB SEEK AFTER UPB PEOPLE OUGHT TO OF COURSE EVERYBODY OUGHT TO YES NOT LYING BUT BEING RELEVANT THAT IS NOT LYING but is actually being RELEVANT RELEVANCE DERP DERP Who KNOWS anybody? KNOWING or NOT KNOWING is NOT RELEVANT Because we do NOT KNOW everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Therefore, nobody KNOWS ANYBODY Yum Yum Rice Principles are Foundamental Beer Bug going to get James. Non-Universal Morality is NOTHING James CONFLATED between MORALITY and ENFORCED LEGALITY Theft is a SUBTRACTION, MATHEMATICALLY Murder is a SUBTRACTION, MATHEMATICALLY James is TALKING ABOUT LEGALITY That is called LEGALITY and NOT MORALITY King is NOT MORAL When KING DO BAD, then the king is NOT MORAL Saying something is MORAL does NOT make it MORAL If you do not believe a TREE falls in a FOREST, then did the TREE NOT FALL? It does NOT MATTER WHAT YOU PREFER OR NOT PREFER What you PREFER does NOT CHANGE REALITY Seek after TRUTH Does James think MORALITY means LEGALITY? How does James define morality? @Stefan Molyneux But how does James define MORALITY? Did he conflate MORALITY with LEGALITY? FACTUAL STATEMENT? ___ 07:20 PM - Shower A smart person can look normal to normal people. A smart person can look smart to people. A very smart person can hide under the guise of Homer Simpsons. I wonder if my mom is losing hope as she talks about how America is getting worse, how the government is taking control over our lives more and more, which is true. The future is up to we the people. All you can do is whatever you can do. Educate people. Try to vote. Try to protest peacefully. Try to ask people what they think. Do what you can. I believe in hope. Globalists want civil disobedience as their excuse to implement even more control over us. # Freedom [07:52 PM - Hive]( I believe in individuality because that is the purpose of life. Without it, we might as well be robots with no choices to do good and bad. Yes, I agree that people should consider making better choices. It is better to share responsibilities, to help each other out and I encourage people that direction. But I do not want to force people to do that. # Value in Trade [07:58 PM - Hive]( I like to try my best to sell a banana to you. So, I have a banana. So, maybe we will do a trade. Maybe you will give me something for my banana. If I am happy with what you have to offer, then I might give you the banana. If you are not happy with the banana, then you can go. If I am not happy with what you have to offer, be it money, products, services, time, information, etc, then I can refuse to hand over my banana to you. The art of the deal. I like competition. I like the meaning to life. I like the freedom to try to compete, to try to get more and more. I like that. Call me a monster for being greedy if you want to. Alright, I am a greedy bastard. I admit, I am just very greedy. I want. I try to get more and more and more. You can call that anything you want. You can say that is right or wrong. I choose to do these things no matter what they are, even if they are bad things, even if they are wrong. I am choosing to try to work hard to get more. I want to let others have that kind of freedom too to try to trade. I like the art of trade. A relationship between a man and a woman is a trade, a free market exchange. Everything is. We are in a trade in this conversation. I give you words and you give me words back. And I click on the upvote button on your comment right here right now. ___ # Civil Disobedience is an Excuse For More Tyranny [08:35 PM - Hive]( Globalists want civil disobedience as a guise for accelerating more [implemented authoritarianism]( over humans around the world. So, patriots should not disobey in isolation. As a last resort, Americans should do peaceful (NON-VIOLENT) protests, rallies, at the White House in the United States for example. And there is safety in numbers. # Safety in Numbers You should stay in large groups in order to keep [corrupt police]( from trying to isolate you. But at the same, we should think long-term. We must vote. We must try to share what we know with others. # Value in Education We must try to ask people questions and try to help new people see how government can grow like cancer. Life is like a game of chess. So, be smart. Be wise. We are living in a transitional period in world history and it can go either way right now.
___ # Dude With a Laptop [08:56 PM - The Alex Jones show Saturday]( 1913, The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law with the goal of centralizing money, the banks, the flow of money internationally, as a way of monopolizing, on gaining more power and control over what people can and cannot do via taking more and more control over money which has aided in the fuel that drives humanity. 2013, a century later, we have seen the control freaks bring down the [gross domestic product (GDP)]( or I mean the annual growth rate from ten percent down to like one or close to it or potentially into the negatives during the course of the 1900's and into and towards 2013 it seems. [The Balance]( [The 1920's]( [US Manufacturing Statistics and Outlook]( The current president might be trying to do what Abe and JFK did or tried to do. When they tried to do it, then they ended up six feet under just months later. # Patient [09:57 PM - Hive]( Yes, sadly, some people live and then learn. Now, life requires some balance. In other words, we can't just wait until everyone is onboard. Some choose slavery. So, we have to be patient but also diligent. # Fox News [10:02 PM - Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: Assange being used as a warning to journalists]( Another Brock on the Wall. # Baked Blunts [10:07 PM - EXCLUSIVE: Whistle-blower Exposes Huge Coronavirus Secret]( ___
# Star Wars: The Clone Wars [2020-03-28 - Saturday - 03:54 AM - 04:19 AM - Clone Wars 706]( # Vikings [2020-03-28 - Saturday - 04:20 AM - 05:08 AM - Vikings 108]( # Golden State Times [11:22 AM - ๐ด LIVE: President Donald Trump URGENT Speech at USNS Comfort Send Off event]( # Craig Mason [11:24 AM - Saturday *LIVE*: Mercy & Comfort Ed. w/Special Guest: M3thods]( # Hoover [03:27 PM - Claire Berlinski -- Margaret Thatcher and More]( # Stefan Molyneux [05:52 PM - MORALITY vs NIHILISM: Stefan Molyneux vs James Theodore Stillwell III]( # PacLives [08:53 PM - Google Bans Infowars, Scarface, Illuminati/NWO and More LIVE! w/PacLives]( # Dude With a Laptop [08:56 PM - The Alex Jones show Saturday]( # Fox News [10:02 PM - Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: Assange being used as a warning to journalists]( # Baked Blunts [10:07 PM - EXCLUSIVE: Whistle-blower Exposes Huge Coronavirus Secret]( # The Amazing Lucas [11:30 PM - Walking Dead Season 1 Ep2]( ___ [The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat]( [My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography]( [Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows]( [Some of my Top Favorite News Websites]( [How do we promote Steemit on social networks?]( 11:38 AM: To Andrew. Gotta be free. If you're in Forest Grove, the city I grew up in, then that is really cool. It looks like you got a family. I pray that God helps you guys through this time in world history with the virus. Sorry for adding you to groups. [Nerissa Aspurias]( - 1999-2010 apx - 164 Neighbor [Christian Fuqua]( - 2009 Moore Street, 2010 Redwood Glen [Shelby Davis]( - 2007 and/or 2008 Kuratli, 2009 Moore Street [Mayann Kennedy]( - 2009 Moore Street [Tim Fuqua]( - 2009 Moore Street [Linnea Kurtz]( - mother of Matt, Mike [Doris Verbout Salvationist Tournament]( - 2010-05 [Ryan Burke]( - 2000-2004 - FGHS [Richmond Asamoah]( - 2007/2008 Kuratli ___
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