Monday, March 23, 2020

Stepping into Spring and firing up the grill — Actifit Report Card: March 23 2020
Strange times! But we are trying to make the most of it. Every day I get out walking, either with my husband or with friends (at a safe distance) and every night I make a nice dinner for the four of who are home. We are all doing really well, under the circumstances. This is going to be a rather short post ad I am crazy tired and I keep dropping my phone. Does that she ever to you? You try to write a post and you keep nodding off? And sometimes you even type nonsense? Maybe it’s just me. Anyway, quick run-down onbthe day. I worked from home and then went out for a walk. The sun was out and children were all out playing. Of course I couldn’t take any pictures of them because that would because that would look very weird! So I grabbed a few other scenes. First, my porch and my yard which soon will start greening up.

A pond slowly losing its ice.

A local play park.

A white tree in someone’s yard.

Back home - my own backyard completely buried in oak leaves from the fall. (Yes I raked, but here in Minnesota we rake as much as we can until the snow flies and then we have to do a big cleanup after it melts in the spring.)

Some burgers on the grill! I was so excited to get out and fire it up for the first time this season. And the burgers were awesome!

And overhead, the pure blue sky. Do you see anything?

How about now?

They were making a lot of noise! Geese! I couldn’t see them well enough to identify them. Well friends, it’s off to bed for me! Stay healthy, keep your distance from one another and let’s get through this Covid-19 crisis!


Originally posted here:

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