Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Health Update 0


So there's this whole pandemic thing going on.

I know that all my throngs of devoted followers would be utterly devastated to lose me. It may happen though, I'm at more risk than you might think. In the interest of documenting the possible decline of your beloved OP, so that you might have some time to grieve before the shock sets in, I'm going to be making brief daily updates about my health. That and it gives me something to do while I'm in quarantine. Also I'm fond of a chance for self reflection. It'll probably go on for about a month or so, maybe longer, unless I run out of RC or can't post. Maybe you'll know why if my writing is effective. Hopefully it's just a month long diary of me saying I feel okay.

As of today I'm feeling fine.

Maybe if I'm really fishing I might have a headache, but it's probably just that I ran out of caffeine. I also have a bit of a seasonal allergy and the plants are starting to go at it so there's that. There's also general stress accompanying these trying times to even further muddy the waters. I'm crossing my fingers for asymptomatic carrier status if I do get infected, and it doesn't seem all that unlikely. I've been trying to eat well. I have a somewhat attenuated appetite, so often I don't eat enough. Recently I've been drinking a lot of water and eating a little extra like I probably should always. I've also been spending a lot of time with my dog going on walks for a bit of cardiovascular exercise. As of today I've been as able to do all that as ever. I also did some weight lifting today. Everything seems healthy. Breathing exercises go smoothly, it all checks out.

Thanks for reading

If you can't get enough of me briefly talking about my own health, you're in luck. Check back in tomorrow for an all new exposé on whether or not some pseudonymous person on the internet is ill.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/coronavirus/@a-non-e-moose/health-update-0

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