Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Green Honey : A Blend of Pure Honey and Herbs For Boosting Your Immunity



The strength of the body's immunity is the main thing that must be owned and maintained by everyone today. Various methods are used to enhance immunity, from starting to consume healthy foods, taking vitamin supplements, exercising regularly and also consuming herbal ingredients. In a previous post I also wrote about[Citrus As The Best Herbs To Ward Off Betacoronavirus](https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@dwiitavita/citrus-as-the-best-herbs-to-ward-off-betacoronavirus). Every day I try to routinely consume lemon in my infused water as an alternative to maintaining body immunity, consuming kimchi in every daily meal menu, drinking boiled turmeric, ginger, honey and lime water once a day. Of course everyone, from various countries have different herbal methods and recipes. Natural Medicine is a bridge for people to start returning to nature, maintaining a healthy body from the materials that nature has provided. **Green Honey** https://youtu.be/5v1RUZ9zx4o >*I make video about Green Honey on my YouTube channel. I build my YouTube and Dtube chanel for Natural content, about herbal and how to tips from the nature. The goal is to share about nature and invite people to love and back to nature as their choice.* Green Honey, is an herbal product innovation created by pharmaceutical students at a university in West Java, Indonesia. Their activities are supported by lecturers, nutritionists and directly supervised by pharmacy and have received official certification of herbal honey processing in Indonesia. Green honey, is a combination of **pure honey** with **herbs** such as *African leaves, saga leaves, Moringa leaves, betel leaves and spirullina superfood.* Here are the benefits of each herbal leaf used: 1. ***African leaves***


Known by the Latin name *Vernonia amygdalina* is a plant originated from Africa. Contains **protein, fat, minerals, phytate, tannins and various vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2**. Active substances in African leaves such as **saponins, tannins, polyphenols, alkaloids, to flavonoids** are some of the ingredients that are useful for the body. The benefits of these bitter-flavored leaves in addition to beauty can also be used as medicine. **Flavonoid** compounds are able to eradicate the flu as found in oranges. According to research published by **the Journal of Vascular Health Risk Management**, *African leaves can reduce bad fat by up to 50 percent*. African leaves can also treat digestive problems, gastric acid and also control blood sugar levels. 2. **Saga Leaves**


Saga leaf or Latin name *Abrus precatorius* with odd finned compound leaf shape. Purple saga flowers and red saga seeds with black spots. Common people believe that the benefits of Saga leaves are able to treat coughs, colds, fevers and stomach aches. This plant grows in wild, and in almost every Asian country there is this Saga plant. The contents in Saga leaves include: **protein, vitamins (A, C, B1, B6), Saponins, Flavonoids, Tannins, Alkaloids, Calcium Oxalates, Glisirizin, Flisirizinat, Polygalacturomic acid, and various natural chemical contents**. Saga leaves are commonly called *Lucky bean creeper, Precatory pea, Rosary pea, Rosary bean, etc*. In addition to the above functions to treat colds, coughs, fevers and colic. In the treatment of Ayurveda, Saga leaves are used for the treatment of eyes, and for treating asthma. Saga seeds contain a chemical called **Abrin** and are included in the category of *toxic chemicals*. So that Saga seeds if consumed can be an instant killer for humans. This poison will work in 3-4 days accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, etc. *Abrin also contains Saga leaves, so its use must also be within limits.*   3. **Moringa leaves**


Known as Moringa it has *high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory* properties. Moringa leaves contain various **vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, B3 and various other important minerals**. The content of **vitamin A** in moringa leaves is *4 times* greater than vitamin A found in carrots. And the **vitamin C** is also *7 times* greater than that found in Oranges. **Protein and Calcium** content is also *2-4 times* more than that contained in milk. The **potassium** content is *3 times* greater than bananas. The exceptional uniqueness and benefits of moringa leaves have also made the **World Health Organization (WHO)** message for massive planting of this tree in Africa for consumption. This is because these leaves are proven to be effective as 'inexpensive natural medicines' for the public. The benefits of Moringa leaves are greater than spinach or other green vegetables. Eating Moringa leaves will increase energy and endurance, and meet the body's nutritional needs. Moringa leaves are also effective for dealing with various diseases such as anemia, dry and cracked skin, dermatitis, osteoporosis, fat accumulation in the liver, improving liver and kidney function, maintaining heart health, controlling blood sugar levels, smoothing the circulation system, prevent premature aging, maintain skin health, improve fitness and the most important thing to take advantage of now is to increase body immunity. In ancient times, local residents in Indonesia believed that Moringa leaves were very good for breastfeeding mothers, after going through various scientific studies this is indeed proven. That Moringa leaves can increase milk production and quality of milk through its flavonoid compounds.   4. **Betel Leaves**


Betel leaf is included in the *Piperaceae* family of plants. Many grew in Asia. These vines have a pungent taste and distinctive aroma. Betel leaf has a variety of vitamins such as **vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and carotene** used for healing and health maintenance. The content of **essential oils and chemical components such as chavicol, betelphenol, eugenol, terpene, campene** is functions as medicine, treatment and healing in various diseases. Betel leaf also functions as an antioxidant that is able to ward off free radicals, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells through substances called **phytochemicals** (*chemicals in plants to improve health*). Other benefits of Betel leaf are as a cure for diabetes, asthma, relieve back pain and muscle tension, as an antiseptic, maintain oral health, treat stomach acid, treat acne and skin problems, etc. 5. **Spirullina**


Spirullina is also called *superfood*, because it has a high nutritional content. Can be found in powder or solid form, it is recommended to consume it by adding it to our diet. Spirullina is made from blue green sea algae. Spirullina is safe for consumption for adherents of the vegan diet. The benefits of spirullina can be to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, be anti-toxic to the body, prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, ward off free radicals, and act as an anti-inflammatory, etc. The content of **tryptophan** in spirullina is able to be an anti-stress substance, **Tryptophan** is an *amino acid that can trigger the production of serotonin in the body, which plays a role in mental health*.


In addition to these herbal leaves, green honey also contains plants "**Bajakah root**" which is an ancient plant from the Inland of Indonesian Borneo which according to research can be an anti-cancer drug. Bajakah root has been used for hundreds of years as an ancient recipe for Dayak tribe to treat various chronic diseases. To maintain immunity during this outbreak, green honey can be an alternative choice to return to herbal medicine. Thus my article this time about increasing body immunity. Thanks for reading.)๐Ÿ˜‰ Dwiita
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@dwiitavita/green-honey-a-blend-of-pure-honey-and-herbs-for-boosting-your-immunity

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