Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Flywheel studios are in big trouble

When I was starting on my journey to lose weight, a friend of mine took me to this amazing business that inspires and drives people towards a healthy life. Their combination of skilled trainers, an overall amazing attitude, and creation of a community that drives people towards an overall vision of healthy living as a team was amazing. It is unfortunate that it seems likely they, and many other shops similar to them, are likely going to be facing the end soon.


If you are into fitness, you have probably been to a spin class or two an I think the consensus is that these classes are fantastic. The high-energy instructors combined with the intense music and the spirit of competition really pushes users to their own personal limit in a 30 minute to one hour session of sweat and good times. Flywheel was almost entirely a spin class company. They hired the best instructors including published authors and minor celebrities such as Holly Rilinger who is also a Nike Ambassador and overall incredible person who has driven many people, including me, to changing their lives for the better.

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it simply isn't possible to go to one of Holly's classes and not work your ass off... she's amazing
Flywheel took a bit of a hit when Peloton introduced bikes that people could use from home with either live or recorded spin sessions. I thought that the idea wouldn't work but wow did it ever. These days there are even ways for people to acquire these high-tech bikes for free. The fact that the overall cost of joining Peloton was going to be much cheaper than physically attending a class where their rent alone insures a higher class price was going to be tough to compete with. Purists like myself still preferred the actual physical connection but for many people, especially those who don't actually live in the metropolitan areas, Peloton just made more sense. Flywheel closed 11 of its locations as the industry shifted towards home spin classes and then of course the Coronavirus thing happened.
These once packed to the gills classrooms that would host a dozen spin classes per day are now completely empty by government order. It only took about a week for Flywheel to make the announcement that they are releasing most of their staff - whether or not they will ever re-open remains to be seen. I would imagine that the fixed costs on their locations, particularly in very expensive real-estate markets such as NYC, is going to be a very tough battle to overcome.
I don't think there is really a great substitute for one-on-one training the likes of which Flywheel provides and once this virus business is behind us I certainly hope they are able to pick up the pieces and start over. This was always going to happen when people are no longer allowed to gather in public. For me anyway, I am extremely hopfeul that they can re-open in the future.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/fitness/@normie.fitness/flywheel-studios-are-in-big-trouble

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