Monday, March 30, 2020

Everything In My Place Went Up With Its Price Despite The Government's Price Freeze Order


Today after my session at the hospital we went at the roadside fruits vendor so that I could buy some fruits for myself and my parents. I told my mother to buy me some watermelon and ripe Mangoes so that I could eat a piece after my meal just to serve as my dessert and my daily fiber and vitamin requirements. I just lie the tastes of those fruits which is why I always long to buy them as much as possible. So our vehicle stopped-by and my mother went to ask for the prices to only come back to me that a single watermelon costs $4 dollars and still we are not sure if those are sweet or not but definitely not big. The usual price of those watermelons are around three dollars or less but they are selling them like gold. It is not good to buy those so we ended up buying Cantaloupes instead. My mother bought a couple of those which costs $1.50 each totaling three dollars. Then we added some bunch of Turnips because it is the Turnip season now although I am already bored of the taste. Turnips are just nice when they are turning wrinkly already, they are sweeter that way.


__One Of My Favorite Fruits, The cantaloupe__
I think I must report the fruit vendor in that are to be profiteering to the Department of Trade and Industry because they are just taking advantage of the people who are trying to get healthy amid these hardship due to the Corona virus pandemic considering that the government issued a price freeze control over such food items but maybe due to low supply or the tightening of it and high demand like for rubbing alcohol and vitamin C they have a way to reason about their unfair way of doing business. I just needed some source of fiber for my diet now because I am taking Calcium supplements and it just makes me constipated as a side-effect and if I didn't take care of my diet in that regard I might suffer another bout of severe constipation which I do not like to happen again like what happened last year, little that I knew that it was a prelude to my Appendicitis. I realized how difficult it is for the economy to get going if there is a lockdown and I hope that it will get lifted soon because if not the government might not handle a far more worse situation than the problem created by the Pandemic as people will soon get so restless with the situation when most of them are beginning to feel their stomachs growling and then another problem will get created. I do not know what will happen in the next few weeks or months but certainly this quarantine, curfew, lockdown cannot be done for so many moths because of the reasons stated. People just have to work and make money to provide for themselves and their families. But if the Pandemic gets unabated well I really do not want to think about it anymore but most certainly it will be the beginning of the great tribulation.
Originally posted here:

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