Thursday, March 26, 2020

3 Foods To Avoid!!!...Controversial!!!
Hey guys. Today I'm gonna tackle 3 Foods that you should avoid. You may be surprised to read some of the info that I'm providing and if you disagree with me please leave a comment to discuss. Let the controversy begin...


Number 1 Soy...yes this includes soy milk. Soy contains phytoestrogens (plant based compounds). The most well-studied of the types of phytoestrogen compounds are isoflavones, also commonly referred to as soy isoflavones because most are found in soy and red clover. This is where things get tricky and controversial. Studies have shown that phytoestrogen can have both positive and negative health results. Some of the negative effects include adversely affecting fertility, hormonal issues, potentially stimulating breast cancer, and increase risk of cognitive decline and dementia. You may be surprised to hear that soy is actually found in 60-80 percent of all processed foods. This does not mean that all soy is evil and created equal. The negative connotations with soy that I am referring to deals mainly with Genetically Modified Soy. As of 2010, about 93 percent of the soy in the U.S. was genetically modified, and that’s definitely not something you want to have in your body. Due to these negative effects, you may be better off avoiding soy. However, this does not refer to soy sauce which is fermented and has healthy probiotics. Click on the link below for more info... Number 2 Vegetable Oils. Don't be fooled by the name. These oils are not coming from healthy "vegetables." Lots of these oils are actually processed. Examples include soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil and a few others. These oils have higher amounts of Omega 6 polyunsaturated fats, which are harmful in excess and can lead to inflammation in the body and cardiovascular disease. The process to make these oils require heating, various industrial chemicals, and highly toxic solvents. You are better off sticking to natural, cold-pressed oils for cooking such as Coconut oil and Avocado oil. Grass fed full fat butter is also an excellent choice. To learn more check out this link... Number 3 Processed Meats AKA "Cold Cuts." from low quality sources. Most processed meats and cheeses are high in sodium. A high-sodium diet can cause high blood pressure and increase your risk of developing kidney disease and congestive heart failure. Ham, salami, bologna, and American cheese are examples of high-sodium cold cuts. Lots of these meats in the supermarket are loaded with preservatives to keep the product "fresh." One of these preservatives that is very common is sodium nitrate. Digesting too much sodium nitrate can be cancerous to the body due to the body breaking the sodium nitrate down to nitrosamine. Stick to higher quality cheeses that are all natural and meats that are grass fed, or at least free of sodium nitrates, and low on sodium. To learn more about the cancerous affects of nitrosamine clink on the link... There you have it for now. 3 types of foods to avoid (more to follow). What do you think? Do you agree or disagree. Leave a comment and feel free to share. Take care and stay safe out there
Originally posted here:

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