Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Best of Natural Health Curation #81

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The Best of Natural Health on Steem

**Welcome to this curation post for the middle of March 2020, where we collate the best natural health content on the Steem blockchain.** This year's curation posts are going to start by sharing `ABUNDANCE`, offering one of the featured writers here a part beneficiary of the earnings of this post. It's our way of saying *thankyou* for writing good content. Good content is very much needed in a world of disinformation and fake news - we really value original content backed by anecdotes and hard science, so do make an effort to do some research on your natural medicines if possible. That being said, we also love simply hearing about your philosophies, experiments and emotional interactions with the natural healing world, whether it's starting intermittent fasting, planting a herb garden, interacting with the natural environment, testing out a new CBD product and making gummy bears, or concocting a tincture for a cold. The world of natural healing is vast - from TCM to foraging for mushrooms, ashram life or pranyam breathing, we are happy to reward good quality content with LOTUS and STEEM. Natural Medicine is running an Emotional Rescue Challenge wanting to know >Which Emotion(s) do you Feel the Need to Work on the Most Find out the details [here](


A very appropriate post for the present day situation for maintaining your sanity @trucklife-family wrote >I spend a lot of time outdoors in nature and that really helps to keep me grounded. To remind me of all the things, that I have to be grateful for. Living so close to nature and interacting with it daily, really brings me peace of mind, even in these crazy times. She also goes on talking about taking responsibility for your own health and keeping informed. Read the post post [here](



@nikolina also wrote a post about maintaining her sanity with four ways she unwinds, clears her mind and relaxes which included going for a walk and spending time by the water, watching the sunsets, reading and spending time in the family garden. Read the post post [here](



@elamental after going through a real rough patch found something that gave him comfort and is offer to others who may be feeling down, hopeless, and in need of guidance a full spectrum oracle Tarot Reading with Animal, Plant, & Gaia Spirit Channel. Read the post post [here](



What Other Natural Health Writers are Exploring

We had ample posts about the corona virus just search the #health tag and the feed blows up with that topic! @jasonliberty wrote about medicinal silver as a possible preventative even cure [here]( @ura-soul gave us another preventative with a wonderful Lemon Ginger Blast Recipe [here]( Then we had some delicious nutritious recipes from @plantstoplanks with her Farmers Market Lo Mein with Tempeh Vegan recipe [here]( She also gave us her healthy ABC foods [here]( @carolynstahl gave us another wonderful vegan recipe for Black Bean Patties [here]( @heart-to-heart spoke about coffee and how it effects your energy [here]( @vincentnijman spoke on that subject too and mindfulness [here](

Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content

**If you would like to earn LOTUS and STEEM rewards for sharing your natural health content on, you can sign up for an free `FREE` account by emailing Read more about us on our [Welcome Page]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.** ##### We need YOU! Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. The minimum entry for membership is 20SP (free for members under 150SP), and helps give YOU upvotes, contests, meditation sessions, an awesome discord support group, and so much more! [50SP]([100SP]([200]([300SP]([500SP]([1000SP](


Originally posted here:

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