Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sweet But Healthy

Healthy Sweet Snacks

Coconut, prune and raisin cookie

I'm not going to lie, most snacks that are bad for you taste way better than the ones that are good for you. However I've realised that this is subjective. It's to do with the years, or even decades, of the conditioning of our taste buds. A lot of these snacks that we eat are laden with sugar and salt, which have desensitised our taste buds. I remember the time I ate plant based food only for a week. It wasn't only just plant-based, it was mostly raw veggies and fruits. It was hard to do, but I was curious to see how I would *feel* after a week of doing that. I'd heard so much about it and just wanted to experience it for myself. Apart from dropping a chunk of body weight, I had also lost the taste for artificially sweetened things. I could literally taste the chemicals in things like fizzy drinks and Ice cream, often represented by a bitter aftertaste.

Fully raw option: Tomato, Cucumber & Mixed leaf salad|Cooked option: Potato, Peas and Cauliflower "lasagne"

-|- When it comes to taste, there are many things that are naturally sweet without the need for sweeteners and added chemicals. Fruits are the obvious ones, but even some vegetables, like carrots, have a sweetness to them. You have to be careful even with natural sugars because they're still sugar! So, as always, everything in moderation is the key. Natural doesn't have to be boring though. Once your taste buds have been recalibrated, even a tiny drop of natural honey can make all the difference. Alternatively you can turn to raisins or prunes for that sweet taste, such as in the healthy cookie I like to eat now :). They're also quite easy to make. If I can make them, so can you.

Pomegranate seeds - the Vitamin C superfood

Another sweet snack that I've discovered relatively lately is pomegranate! They have a nice tangy, citrusy taste to them that I really enjoy. I could have a whole bowl of the seeds next to me and treat them like some kind of wet popcorn. The bonus with pomegranate is the fact that it's packed full of the all important **Vitamin C**! Blueberries are natures Vitamin C capsules. They're also packed with Vitamin K and Manganese. Most importantly, they make an extremely delicious and convenient snack, especially for people that work on computers. They're not messy like pomegranate seeds, and you can put them back in storage if you don't finish them in one go.

This bowl is equivalent to one large handful

You know, when this crisis is over, I'd probably throw up if I ever tried a burger at McDonalds again. ***What healthy stuff are you eating to keep your immunity up?*** Peace & Love, *Adé*
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/food/@adetorrent/sweet-but-healthy

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