Friday, January 31, 2020

Keeping the flu away: Adams County schools use high-tech tool to keep students healthy - WLWT Cincinnati
## Keeping the flu away: Adams County schools use high-tech tool to keep students healthy - WLWT Cincinnati;0.00163xw,0&resize=1200:*
**Click here to read source article from [](**
### Summary While several schools in our area are feeling the ill effects of this year's flu, the Ohio Valley School District is rolling right along. ### My Thoughts Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. I am excited to see what the future brings us. Great article by Wlwt ### Thank you for Reading! This has been your health news update. Thank you so much for reading. I do my best to bring Steem the most up to date news. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts and comments below. ---
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The Novel Corona Virus is Causing Online Panic in the Philippines
I'm getting tired of seeing posts about the Corona virus this or nCoV that. Everybody's buying face masks. More people are actually finally wearing surgical masks. Today I went out and of course I wore a face mask too, again thanks to my bro. Just like the time when [volcanic ash was falling]( more than 2 weeks ago, a bigger number of people are actually wearing this in the streets.


Sadly all the drugstores are sold out of the product. I went out today and anywhere I went the stores mostly have signs saying face masks are sold out. And then I find out that somewhere in Manila the Chinese are giving away free masks. Uhmmm. I hope they would distribute supplies outside of Manila to other cities too. This is what the constant news and media posts about the Corona virus has done to the Philippines. More people are afraid than ever and so people probably hoard the face masks they are able to get their hands on. The problem with this sensationalism by international and local media plus social media is, people forget that doing the most basic hygiene will prevent the spread of any virus. It doesn't matter much if there's a Corona virus if people know how to NOT spread it unconsciously. ***Simply covering the mouth and nose when sneezing and/coughing isn't being done***, no wonder people are in a panic to buy face masks. Tsh.

# Why Panic If You Have a Strong Immune System? Personally I am not in any kind of distress over this airborne disease. Why? Because I have [One Opti Juice to thank]( [Since June 2019]( I have never had any cough, flu, colds or anything of the sort. This coming from someone who for years since I started working in the BPO industry was regularly posting about having sore throat, colds or flu on Facebook. No kidding.


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Filipino to English: Trangkaso = flu; sakit = sick(ness) / ill(ness) (See how people can make fun of (rarely) eating fruits or veggies in relation to health?) Coming from that health status and then discovering the best all natural superfoods mix last June made all the difference in my overall health. How? Well I could not believe I would not easily get sick just by consuming a 15-in-1 juice mix. I mean, why would it when it's just a combo of powdered superfoods mixed in cold water, right? At first even when my brother got a bad cough late last year I thought I would get sick too. Before I discovered this health drink, usually if someone near me is sick with cough, colds, or flu I also get sick on the same night. For real. Imagine my surprise when last year I didn't get sick with colds or cough like him even if he was "barking" for more than a week. 🎉 Hey don't look at me on why he's sick for that long. It's his choice to be sick when he knows he can drink the same all natural superfoods juice I'm drinking. 🤷 He preferred to buy a cough syrup which reduced his coughing a bit for another week.


And then last week, I proved the effectiveness of [One Opti Juice]( again! I can't believe it but it's truly amazing! I was in an airconditioned bus with at least three people sniffling and sneezing on the way to Iloilo City (for the [Dinagyang Festival]( Guess what's the clincher? The man beside me is one of those who had colds (or whatever he had). Oh no! I was worried the whole time I was beside him until he got off somewhere in Panay island. Actually at first it was only him who was noticeably sniffling and sneezing. During the course of the trip more people started sneezing. 😱 And I could hear it clearly meaning they openly sneezed into the enclosed air! Omg. Well good thing this seatmate of mine and I did not sit beside each other for the whole 24 hr travel duration. It was only whenever we were on the bus traveling to our destination in Visayas. No, I didn't have any face mask at all but I badly wished I had! One time I decided to cover my face with my handkerchief like it was a face mask. At that point he finally got the message and started coughing/sneezing with his mouth covered. 🤦 (Yeah I could have told him to cover his mouth/nose but come on, he's a stranger and a grown man he should know better!) Imagine all the virus or germs circulating in the airconditioned bus from all three people! Whoa. 😱 Now that should have been a real cause of panic right? But guess what? Nobody cared! **NO ONE CARED!** At the time the nCoV hype wasn't that big at all. I was pretty sure I would catch a cold or the flu when I got to Iloilo but guess what? I'm already back in Metro Manila and I never got sick! Woohooo! So amazing, thank you Lord! Really, I spent a week in Iloilo celebrating the Dinagyang Festival without any health problem whatsoever. (Yeah I know, where is my travel post about it, when will I post it and all that... Hey give me time, I'll get to it soon. 😂 If you want to watch my videos ahead of my future blog posts check my [YouTube channel](


# The Novel Corona Virus Hype is Not Funny Even if I didn't bring any juice with me to Visayas and I wasn't drinking any for the whole 5 days (or a week including travel time) I was still safe! Why not when I've been drinking One Opti Juice everyday since June 12, 2019. I did stop for a week or two as well but again I resumed consumption after the break. Now as I was saying this hype over the Corona virus is just crazy I tell you. Online people are angry and fearful and will fight you if you tell them not to panic. Wtf. They are making a big deal out of it when in fact I read an article saying thousands or even millions die of seasonal flu every year! Something as common as the flu still kills people to this very day! And the media are jumping on the trending disease bandwagon for what? At first people were reporting no case of the nCoV exists in the Philippines, almost like they were expecting to have one soon. And then there is suddenly one confirmed case of having the Corona virus. Man now more people are posting Corona virus this and that. It got to the point that I got annoyed and commented on most of everyone's post about how they can easily fight it if they strengthen their immune system. I mean everyone's panicking but they're not doing anything to protect themselves. How funny and annoying. Actually there is also a growing hate for the government because, at first, mainland Chinese people can still come over to the Philippines. I mean, why the heck are they still being allowed in the country when they're supposed to be on lockdown? *What's that?* Politics. Yes politics. And then anti-Chinese sentiments and posts started popping up and going viral. Words like racism was being thrown around casually. And then people are like, "no it's not racism if it's about protecting the health and safety of the general public". Man, the online world can get way crazier than the news on TV. People are given instructions on how to avoid getting the virus and yet people choose to panic and blame and shame people for whatever is happening. More people are out looking for face masks and such too. Uhmmmm.


But most people **still do not cover their mouth and nose when they sneeze or cough**. Hah. These days you will get angry stares when you do that. It's funny how there are those who still do not do the basic preventive procedures even with the Corona virus scare. And yet they panic about the rising number of infected or possibly infected people. Give me a break. And so I again go around my social media accounts. I post about if people know how to panic due to nCoV then we should also know how to be considerate of others and not spread flu, colds, coughs or other viruses around by sneezing and coughing without covering the mouth and nose. A few of my posts are met with violent reactions / resistance in Facebook groups where I shared my sentiments. People only see the words I typed before "Corona virus hype" and not anything afterwards. 🤦 It seems like everybody cares more about finding out when more people will be infected instead of caring about preventing it from spreading. Go figure. So, I will just end this post with this image. It's up to you whichever you want to consume to strengthen your immune system.


Yes you can always opt to eat fresh fruits and vegetables but those are not always enough. I know most people don't even eat fruits and veggies everyday. 😂 Many people don't or CAN'T even spend money on buying those and eating any each day. Unless you're in South Korea or some other country where you eat plenty of veggies daily, prove me wrong I dare you. 🙄 I'm not wondering why most people easily get sick. I know 'cause I'm also one of those people who don't buy and eat fruits all the time. When I eat out I don't exactly have a choice in having green leafy food in every meal. Most of the time it's all fast food. I've been working at home for more than a year now so I have finally been able to eat healthier food than before. Getting older is not a laughing matter. It's important to find ways to not get sick but it is more important to be vigilant and not give in to panic and confusion. What about in your country or area? Anything going on related to nCoV? XOXO, @artgirl * * *
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Written by [@artgirl]( for Steemit. © Art x Stephanie Rue @artgirl is a freelance writer/artist, online seller and real estate agent. My Steemit posts may contain referral/affiliate/merchandise links. Contact me for your [art](, [Writing/Research]( & [Metro Manila (NCR) property]( needs. ###### For business inquiries, you can chat me up on, [Telegram]( or send me a Facebook message. Link in my [bio]( [DeviantArt prints here.](
[Order One Opti Juice on eBay.PH]( today!
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Here's how you can be nudged to eat healthier, recycle and make better decisions every day

Were you subtly encouraged to make that menu choice? Supavadee butradee/ José Antonio Rosa, Iowa State University Every day, you make important choices – about whether to feast on fries or take a brisk walk, whether to spend or save your paycheck, whether to buy the sustainable option or the disposable plastic one. Life is made up of countless decisions. The idea of nudging people in the right direction, instead of relying on their internal motivation, has gained traction over the last decade. In general, nudging involves gently coaxing someone into a decision or behavior. The perfect nudge is one that results in the desired decision or behavior without the person recognizing any external influence. Think of employees being automatically enrolled in retirement savings programs. Workers who must opt out, instead of needing to opt in, participate more in retirement savings. Or picture those little cards in hotel bathrooms encouraging people to reuse their towels by stating that most hotel guests do, instead of appealing to the guests’ social responsibility. In these and countless similar situations, people feel in control, but were nudged to prefer one option over the other. So how does all this nudging work within the mind? As someone who studies consumer decision-making, I can tell you: It’s complicated. You’re of two (or more) minds Neuroscientists, starting with pioneers like Antonio Damasio, have shown that the brain is not like a computer where complex programs deliver optimal solutions. In fact, the mind seems to involve many relatively simple systems, some inside the head and some distributed throughout the body. These systems are not always in agreement. Some systems are selfish and shortsighted, some care about relationships with others and some prioritize transcendent things such as God and the future of humanity. In addition, people aren’t equally conscious of each mechanism, so that sometimes you make decisions carefully and thoughtfully and other times you make them fast and intuitively. When your systems are in contention, which one informs your next decision depends on what else is happening in that moment. A diabetic, for example, may thoughtfully consider his long-term health and family responsibilities – and even God’s will – when deciding to eat the salad and not the breadsticks at Olive Garden one day. But on his next visit, he might respond to the smell of fresh-baked bread by devouring every breadstick in the basket. Different situations, different mechanisms, different decisions. Appeals to your internal norms Nudging can work via many mechanisms, some conscious and some not. Typically you don’t recognize you’re being nudged.

Everyone else reuses the towels … Andrea Davis/Unsplash, CC BY One nudge method relies on highlighting the decisions of others you may consider influential. After reading that “Most other guests staying at this hotel reuse towels,” many people envision others like them or maybe of higher status reusing towels. They feel compelled to align their behavior with that of the majority in order to fit in. The decision is theirs, but they’ve been nudged. Another nudge technique focuses on how one should act in a particular situation. These are sometimes called “injunctive norms,” and they can vary by culture. Imagine the towel appeal had instead read, “By reusing towels, you join millions who care about the environment.” In this case the guest’s subconscious concern about earning the disapproval of those “millions” of others triggers him to hang up his towels. And if the towel message is instead phrased that “reusing towels meets a high standard for environmental responsibility,” it highlights self-imposed standards or norms, if they exist in the decision maker. Such personal norms are termed injunctive because they involve beliefs about right and wrong that consider transcendent and abstract concepts, such as devotion and obedience to God. Interestingly, such prompting – whether by subjective social or personal norms – does not work on everyone. Some may work better in some cultures (for instance, in Asian societies) and with some age groups (such as in younger people) than others. Setting the scene for a desired choice Another way to nudge people is to change the decision environment. This technique is sometimes called “choice architecture.” Let’s assume that a grocery store is trying to encourage consumers to purchase ecologically responsible products, such as recycled paper notebooks. If all eco-friendly products are displayed together in an end-of-aisle display, people notice and their internalized norms are activated. But it may not translate into multiple purchases, because buying just one product suffices to meet the norm. If the products are displayed throughout the store, though, so multiple in-store displays can re-trigger the internalized norm, it’s likely that more ecologically responsible purchases will be made in the same shopping trip. Nudging people is not deception. In most cases, nudging works by raising a particular decision or behavior’s prominence. If you’re already predisposed toward something – like eating healthy – a nudge helps tip your mental mechanisms in that direction. Nudges are reinforcement, especially in cases when your decision-making mechanisms are in contention with each other – like when the aroma of fresh bread is wafting through the air.

That scent of fresh-baked bread could be used to nudge you in the direction the restaurant prefers. Toa Heftiba/Unsplash, CC BY At the same time, that wafting aroma is in itself a nudge. It may be deliberately enhanced to promote pleasurable consumption that improves mood and may lead to more spending or more generous tipping. Nudging can work to enhance or suppress virtuous behaviors, and it is the responsibility of companies and organizations to use nudging judiciously and responsibly. Nudging cannot make people do something they don’t want to do, although sometimes the desire is nonconscious and lurking in the background. It only encourages them to follow through on a decision or behavior that may be currently overshadowed by other factors. It’s when individuals believe consciously that the decision or behavior – be it healthy eating, buying environmentally responsible products, or saving for retirement – is beneficial that nudging works best. [ Insight, in your inbox each day. You can get it with The Conversation’s email newsletter. ]The Conversation José Antonio Rosa, Professor of Marketing and John and Deborah Ganoe Faculty Fellow, Iowa State University This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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CORONAVIRUS FAKE NEWS #2 Facts : Bill gates has patent of both the virus and the vaccine Bill gates loves vaccines and anything that touches medical scams ( just as a reminder , he is officially the richest dude in the business world ) Birth a problem AND give a solution : perfect control The world leaders had a meeting few months ago ( October 2019 ) in the room 201 ( no 0 in gematria ) read 21 , agenda 21 or even better , read it just the way they show it 2🌍1... To end for 2030 from no more human being to 500 millions ( G guidestones ) The Spanish flu of 1920 took over 800 millions lives AFTER vaccination . ( In 1920 world population was officially about 2.5 billion people ) Vaccination ALWAYS come AFTER the population got healthy again . Mud flood from energy weapons wipe out memory , bodies and weak architectural structures What is left goes underground in layers after layers ....layers of underground cities are found all over the world , seas included . Or kept above for different uses ( usefull when repopulation happens ) Corona virus : Crown Couronne : Sun rays Coronavirus report


😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 Last Mud Flood around 1850 Coronavirus is the last fake virus before the next mud flood probably 2029/30 ( deadly vaccination way stronger than the one for the spanish flu , yeah , well , we sure dont want to miss the target , dont we ) And it is about the date ( every 150 years or so ) 🙉🙈🙊 , i am not the only one talking about it .. Opidia
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Breaking Free from the prison of chronic illness for good!


I know you want to get well again. Whether it is your child, yourself, or someone you know who is sick, we want to help stop just coping with illness and start living a healthy life again! Please read all of this article. This is important for you to know regardless of what diagnosis your doctor gave you. What is underneath, driving much of your illness? Imagine you are on a safari. It is a pitch black night outside and you are in a tent in Africa. A lion roars nearby and you are thinking about how flimsy the fabric is to keep that lion from coming in and eating you! Your sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear! This is the “fight or flight” mode of your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Your Sympathetic Nervous System is an automatic (autonomic) mechanism that increases your ability to survive, by either vigorously fighting the lion, or running away to fight another day! It is a necessary and good system to help you respond correctly to life’s situations. Read More:
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ℓιηѕєη-ℓαѕαgηє💚 Hello Appics - Friends Today I had a vegan style lasagna. I made ...
... the tomato sauce with lentils, put zucchini and eggplant between the noodle plates, mushrooms and coated with spelt cream. On top the vegan cashew mozzarella. Delicious, full of vegetable protein and healthy🙋‍♀️✨



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Prioritizing Health: 3 Superfoods High-Achievers Should Consider Trying


Have you ever woken up with a wealth of energy, created an extensive to do list and actually thought that you had the energy to achieve everything on said list, only for that energy to disappear halfway through the morning? You might reach for another cup of coffee or promise yourself another hour sleep in the evening, but few think about changing their diets. As one of the leaders in the digital marketing world, I know the importance of optimizing energy to be the most productive version of yourself. One of the ways that I have practiced to become a successful entrepreneur and marketer is by maintaining a routine that has allowed me to stay energized from morning to night. I know the importance of prioiritizing health. If you eat the right foods and develop healthy eating habits, you can become more focussed, energised and driven. High-achievers should consider trying the following superfoods: Blueberries Starting your morning off with a handful of blueberries is certainly one of the sweetest ways to get a productivity boost first thing. Whether you’re beginning your day with a handful of fresh blueberries or ending it with a dessert of blueberries and yogurt, there’s no denying that the small fruit is a sweet way to stay healthy. Filled with antioxidants, blueberries can provide you with nourishment without draining your energy levels or leaving you with that post-meal sunken feeling. Eggs If you’re more interested in starting your day on a savory note, eggs are a great option. Loaded in protein, eggs help kick-boost your day without weighing you down. Likewise, as a diverse food, they can be eaten with other things, by themselves, and even different ways. As a high source of protein, eggs are great for those looking to keep their energy levels high throughout the day, build muscle, and stay full. Nuts High in fiber and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are great food items to snack on when you’re feeling hungry but don’t want your energy level to be weighed down by something heavy in your stomach. Like blueberries and eggs, nuts are a natural food that are considered super in their ability to keep your energy levels high for the most productive day possible. Not only are nuts and seeds a great superfood, but also travels easily allowing them to be eaten anytime you need that extra boost of superfood!


It can be easy to get wrapped up in professional projects and put yourself aside. However, as many successful professionals know, taking care of yourself is a vital step in taking care of your venture. Sometimes, being selfish is the best thing that you can do for your business. Take the time out to take a break, workout, eat healthy. Not only are you investing in yourself, but also your business as you increase productivity and energy. I know this well and encourages not taking superfoods for granted. Not only are blueberries, eggs, nuts, and other super foods delicious, but they also provide your body with the much needed nutrients that it needs. What are you waiting for? Take a break to fuel your body and eat your way to success! You Might Also Like: 4 Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Harness 4 Ways To Stay Motivated While Trying To Achieve Massive Goals
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Tips for a Healthy pregnancy
Pregnancy is something that can make a mother feel happy. Keeping the baby in the womb to grow healthy and born alive is to be performed by a pregnant woman. The gestation period will determine the child's growth. Here we provide some tips on healthy during pregnancy. Visit a Physician Regularly During pregnancy, mothers can visit a physician/doctor regularly. Regularly check the baby in the womb is useful to know the condition and growth of the fetus. Likewise, if there is anything wrong in pregnancy should be immediately checked by a physician. Do this until the last month of pregnancy. Important Eat Nutritious Foods Begin to eat nutritious foods; it is important for pregnant women and fetal growth. Maternal diet usually eats small meals but often, about 5-6 times per day. It's better than eating large servings in 3 per day, a diet with smaller portions and more often to reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning, and stomach pain. Folic Acid and Zinc Healthy foods for pregnant mothers are foods that contain folic acid and zinc. Folic acid is useful for preventing neural tube defects in infants and spine. Foods that contain folic acid present in cereals, brown rice, oranges, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and more. Zinc is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Anemia is very dangerous for pregnant women, can cause bleeding during childbirth. Avoid Cigarette Smoke Cigarette and tobacco smoke are very harmful to the health of mother and fetus. Avoid cigarette smoke; try not to become passive smokers. If your husband is a smoker, warn not to smoke near you. And if you're also a smoker, stop smoking better. Cigarette smoke will make your baby born weighing less, easily hurt, slow growth; it can even cause miscarriage and death in the womb. Drinking Adequate Water Drinking adequate water is another important thing to note for pregnant women. Drinking lots of water is very useful for pregnant women, because the incoming fluid will help to increase the blood volume that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, can be fruit juice, milk, or water. Taking Medications Safely Be careful when taking some drugs. If you are attacked by a disease or pain, be careful taking drugs. You should immediately consult your physician before taking it. If you are pregnant and taking medication without rules would be harmful to the fetus in the womb. Remain Active During Pregnancy Pregnant women should remain active. Pregnant women can also do exercise such as walking. Taking a pregnancy exercise classes are also good, in addition to the benefits to the mother and fetus, the pregnant women in the class are able to share experiences and gain knowledge. In between activities, do not forget to rest Vaccination During Pregnancy Another important thing is vaccinated during pregnancy. Pregnant women should talk to their physicians to figure out which vaccines they might need and whether they should get them during pregnancy or wait until after their child is born. Hepatitis B, Influenza and Tetanus/Diphtheria are considered safe to give to women who might be at risk of infection.
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

WHAT I'M EATING IN THE NEW YEAR! | Q&A | Grocery haul, Recipes, Workouts, etc. | FIT & FUNCTIONAL Instagram, LikeToKnowIt, Twitter: @klynneyager 8 & 12 Week Guide: Merch: Bowmar Nutrition: Referral code "YAGER" BALANCE ATHLETICA affiliate link: AURA 2.0 LAUCNHES 1/13 @ 2pm ET FRÉ Ambassador: "YAGER" for 15% off Lululemon Athlete Link: Coffee Over Cardio: "10kyager" for 10% off RECIPES: ***some recipes on Pinterest will list out the macros, which makes it very easy to track. I just found similar recipes already in my fitness pal and tracked them that way!:) Especially with my goals right now, I don't need to tracking to a T, however that's still a greta way to have an idea of what you're eating!*** LifeTime Frozen Mocha Smoothie: -1 scoop vanilla whey protein -1 scoop Dr. Smoothie mocha java -8oz cold brew -12ox 1ce -.5-1 serving PB Spaghetti squash with meat sauce: Turkey Chili Recipe: ***add 2 cans diced tomatoes and only 1 crushed if you like your chili thicker*** White Chicken Chili Recipe: -2 lbs Chicken Breast -1 onion chopped -1 stalk celery -1 container chicken broth -2 gloves garlic (minced) -2 T. Chili Powder -1 tsp. Cumin -2 T. Lime Juice -1 tsp. salt -1 can cream of chicken -2 cans white beans (drained) -1 can white corn (drained) -2 cans chopped green chilis Cook chicken breast in the pot you're going to cook the chili in with some water or chicken broth (I prefer cooking it in the broth so it has extra flavor). Remove Chicken and cut into pieces once tender. Add chicken back into pot with celery stalk and chopped onions. Add all remaining ingredients w/ more chicken broth if needed (whatever consistency you like). Buffalo chicken: Protein Pumpkin Pancakes: Protein Waffles/Pancakes: -1 scoop protein powder (can use any but some work way better than others) -1 egg or 1 egg white -1/2 tsp baking powder -***add a little water if needed with the whole egg or add a little extra egg white if needed)
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Carrots - We learn more about fruits and vegetables

We can eat different parts of a plant, depending on what type of plant it is.  We can eat the leaves, the fruits or the root.  One vegetable which is actually the root of the plant, is the carrot.

The plant stores it sugars and energy either in the leaves, the stem or the roots.


The best known carrots are orange but there are other varieties that can be red, white, purple and yellow.

The domesticated carrot that we know today originated from the wild carrot called Daucus carota which was native to Europe and south western Asia. 

The top part of the carrot, which is green and looks like a regular plant, can grow 1.5m high,  The height of the green plant is not always an indication of how big the carrot is.

A carrot mostly contains water and a little bit of sugar and fibre and almost no fat.  Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked, sweet or savoury and you can even use it to bake a carrot cake since a carrot has a natural sweetness in its taste.  You can find an easy recipe for a carrot cake here.  

Many people also drink the juice made from a carrot.  It is healthy and rich in vitamins.  There are a number of reasons why carrots are healthy and you can read more on it here.

Carrots are cooked and eaten in various different ways. The vegetable is often pulped, mashed, boiled, puréed, grated, fried, steamed, stewed, baked, juiced or eaten raw. Carrots are typically used in stir-fries and salads but also in soups and added to baby foods or pet foods. They can be dehydrated or deep-fried to make chips, flakes, and powder. 

Not many people will eat the leafy part of the carrot, but it can serve as food for rabbits or pigs.  This part of the plant also contains nutrients which are healthy.

The carrot is not only healthy, but it is also economical which means it is not too expensive and you can do a lot with it and use it in different foods like stews and soups, so it is a versatile vegetable.

If you eat too many carrots (but really a whole lot) your skin can turn yellowish and this is called 'carotenemia'.  It is in no way harmful to the body and will go away once you reduce your carrot consumption.

How do you know that carrots are good for your eyes?  Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses??  Hahahaha

Watch the video and once you are done, re-tell the story or compile a few of your own questions and answer it.


Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


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Plant a billion trees 10 times faster with drones

Flash forest Plant one billion trees with drones An interesting project is underway at Kickstarter, a crowdfunding site. Founded by a Canadian scientist and engineer, startup Flash Forest will plant 1 billion trees by drone by 2028.

Flash forest Put seeds in the drone and float them to the sky. The company stressed that planting seedlings with drones is 10 times faster than planting pots. The tree will not plant only one species, he adds, depending on where the drone is going to be planted.

Flash forest The seeds to be sown are first germinated. This results in much less fertilizer and water. With all the nutrients in it, it's strong and can plant trees quickly and economically. Flash Forest adds that it is about 80% cheaper than traditional tree planting methods. ​ It doesn't end with planting seeds. Where it doesn't rain well, spray drones provide water and other nutrients. In addition, regular observation drones are placed to ensure that the seedlings are healthy.

Flash forest Why do they plant one billion trees? Where do you plant trees? ​ Flash Forest says it wants to explore every corner of the globe and rebuild damaged ecosystems. From Sumatra's rainforests to Canadian forests. Planting trees is known to prevent global warming from climate change and offset carbon emissions.

Flash forest Flash Forest is currently raising funds from kickstarters. They demanded that the project be supported if they could plant a tree if they invested $ 1. They said they will use it to buy equipment to boost production capacity, including equipment that can germinate seeds at the amount they receive. ​ For $ 25 or more, you will be rewarded with t-shirts, mugs, jackets and videos of project progress. See the link below for details.
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Most Common Side Effects of CBD Oil
[**Side Effects of CBD Oil**]( It’s important to know what’s going into your body. It’s even more important to know how your body will react. There are countless articles online about the wonders of CBD oil, but very few touch on the possibility of side effects that aren’t too pleasant. While the health benefits of CBD oil may seem endless, this new miracle drug is not by any means perfect. Fortunately, any negative side-effects of CBD are nearly non-existent or extremely mild. [CBD Oil Store]( wants to give you an honest, objective view of this drug before you spend your hard earned money. **1. Dry Mouth** Frequent cannabis users are familiar with this common side-effect of THC, but people have also reported dry mouth symptoms after taking a combination of THC and CBD. While it doesn’t look like taking CBD on its own will present side effects like dry mouth, this has yet to be studied on a large scale. This symptom is very unlikely for users just taking CBD products, and considering every CBD product at CBD Oil Store contains virtually no THC, this isn’t an issue that you need to worry about if you’re shopping at our store. **2. Drowsiness** For low doses of CBD, users normally report a feeling of alertness or focus, but at higher doses, CBD has shown to induce sleepiness in users. For day-time CBD users, drowiness can be unfavorable to their work or family life, yet this is beneficial for users [taking CBD before bedtime to help with insomnia]( Most studies show an increase in energy from CBD, so drowiness is only a side-effect in a small population of CBD users. In order to avoid feeling drowsy from using CBD, we recommend that you start with a small dose of 5-10mg and work your way up as you get a better understanding of how CBD goes to work in your body. Everyone reacts differently to CBD so its best for everyone to test and find the dosage that is right for them. We have published recommendations for how much CBD you should take, but these are not guaranteed to relive symptoms. **3. Change in Appetite** There is some debate as to whether CBD causes an increase or decrease in appetite, but we do know that appetite can be effected by CBD. For users who regularly eat too much or too little, CBD can provide a method to get back to healthy eating habits. That being said, this can be an unwanted side-effects for may users who are looking for relief in other areas such as pain or anxiety. We recommend starting slow with a low dose of CBD, and be sure to make note of any negative appetite changes then adjust your dosage accordingly. **Other CBD Side Effects** These are the main three side-effects of CBD oil, but other common side-effects include diarrhea, fatigue, and nausea. Keep in mind that the majority of users do not report any negative side-effects of using CBD, these are simply the most reported. Now that you’re aware of some of the side-effects of CBD oil, you’re ready to decide if it’s worth moving forward with using CBD. We hope this article didn’t scare you off, but it’s important to realize your body can react differently when starting a new product. Here’s a list of our [best CBD oils for beginners]( to get started with this wonderful product.
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New Online Fitness Challenge For February


Enter in to the February 30 Day Challenge & be in with a chance of winning some great quality lifestyle prizes! 💪If your goal is to lose weight? There is a programme for you! 💪 If your goal is to build lean muscle mass and put on weight? There is a programme for you! 💪 If your goal is to just stay in good shape or improve your game? There is a programme for you! [


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Sign up and register today... Simple 3 step sign up process... Visit Make 2020 your best year ever... P.S. New Online Courses are coming soon... keep a check on those emails. 😀 To Your Success, Good Health & Great Fortune! Paul Nulty Mind Body Wellness coach, Business Success Coach, Event's Host & Promoter Website: Follow @paulnulty &












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