Saturday, November 16, 2019

Protein, Fat, Fiber and Greens Every Meal
I have tried several ways to lose weight in the past year. The most success I have had was with Intermittent Fasting. I stopped losing weight after the first ten pound loss, during the first two weeks. That got depressing after 4 months of no additional weight loss. I've watched carbs, counted calories and so many other things... I have found something that I think will work for me. I watch a vlogger called [Katie On The Flip Side]( She has had huge success in losing weight with help from a book called ["Body Love" by Kelly LeVeque]( I have the book on order but I think I have enough of the basics from Katie to get started. The idea is to eat a Protein, Fat, Fiber and Greens Every Meal. It's suppose to be the fuel our bodies need. And to be honest its a concept I can understand. I have struggled with knowing what foods to eat in the past. I feel it will be much easier for me to pick foods from each of those 4 categories. Here is an example of my plan:


Katie drinks a protein shake every morning that consists of ingredients close to what I have purchased above. I made one this morning and loved it. So far it has kept me full. I may consider trying to add a little Flax Seed in mine from time to time as well. This also works well for me because it's a healthy fast option before work.


Katie eats a Chicken Salad for lunch every day. I love chicken salad and think that could also work for me. I purchased the above to get me started, although I do plan to start cooking fresh chicken as I need to in the future. I also plan to change up what I use in my salad to keep me coming back to it each day. For today, I will smash a boiled egg to put in it. I also plan to use a variety of salad dressing every day, as Katie does. The great thing is, if I do get tired of the salads, I can just pick foods that are a protein, fat, fiber and greens.


While I still plan to keep water as my main drink everyday, I do like my caffeine. My green tea and honey will work for this way of eating but I am a person who likes to change up what I drink. Katie gave me a great alternative to use. She uses different products than I bought, pictured above. But its the same concept. Today I will be trying these two ingredients in my water to see how I like it.


In the photo above, I show you other things I got to go with my new way of eating. For my dinners I plan to have whatever meat I want for protein and other foods that fit into each of the other categories. We are having Salmon tonight. I have shredded Almonds I can sprinkle on it for fats, fiber and added protein. (Or I can snack on whole almonds as a side.) And I am pretty sure Broccoli will work for my green. Wish me luck guys, although for the first time, I don't think I will need luck. I feel like this is something that will work for me. If you are interested in watching Katie's video that influenced me, you can [here]( I love Katie and her family, I am sure you will too.
If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!
Photographs are owned by @debralee

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