Monday, November 11, 2019

Keep your brain healthy

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Did you know?  Your brain is 73% water. It takes only 2% dehydration to affect your attention, memory and other cognitive skills. 

For some people its easy to read something now and remember it as a conversation starter months down the line and focus on more than one thing, but let's face it, that's something that would be great in a perfect world.

Luckily there are some changes that you can make to your diet to boost your memory and focus. These brain foods are rich in good fats, antioxidants and vitamins and minerals, and yes, chocolate did make the cut (thank goodness).
Its important to keep your brain healthy and with these foods you will definitely see a huge difference:

5 Foods for a healthy brain:

1. Avocados

Not only are these fruits delicious on anything but they are also very rich in Vitamin B and C and has the highest protein and lowest sugar content of ANY fruit. They also help with the prevention of blood clots and boosting concentration. In this case you could say, an avo a day keeps the doctor away.

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2. Blueberries

These little anti-stress nature candies are just a delight and overflowing with great health benefits. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants as well as Vitamin C, K and fiber. It protects the brain from degeneration and stress.

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3. Broccoli

Being known and badmouthed for making people gassy, this vegetable has much more to offer and can be prepared in great ways. Brocolli is rich in Vitamin C, K and choline and it will make your memory as sharp as a blade. So I hope that you listened when your mom told you to eat your brocolli (thanks mom).

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4. Egg Yolks

If you are eating egg whites as you are reading, stop! Yolks on you, the nutritional part is in the shell and in the bin where you just through it. "Yolks contain large amounts of choline, which helps in fetal brain development for pregnant women. It also breaks down bethane, a chemical that produces hormones related to happiness," says clinical nutritionist  Dr. Axe.
So there you have it, eggs can make you happy.

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5. Dark Chocolate

Leaving the best for last is my dear old friend, chocolate. And seeing that dark chocolate is the best of the bunch, its actually good for you. Dark chocolates are very rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory qualities.
Always remember, the darker the chocolate, the better.

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Originally posted here:

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