Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Healthy Eats! | Hot and Spicy Medicine to the Rescue!

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Cayenne Peppers!

Take a look at the hot and spicy treats we received when my daughter visited a couple of weeks ago. They enjoyed quite a harvest this year so she decided to share the bounty!

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*** >I love cooking with fresh herbs, and having the opportunity to dry and grind my own is such a blessing. Did you know, cayenne pepper isn’t just used as a seasoning for cooking? ***

Yes, it's true!

*** >Cayenne Peppers also include ingredients which have great health benefits. Considered by many as the “king” of medicinal herbs, humans have been using cayenne peppers to treat many health issues for many, many years. Originally grown in South and Central America, Cayenne peppers were brought to Europe in the 15th century by Christopher Columbus? *Kudos to Mr. Columbus!* []( ***

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What are the potential health benefits you ask? Well…

Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin which has shown to provide several health benefits: *** * Helps boost your metabolism! As a result, you may burn more calories when you use cayenne! * May reduce hunger! You may feel fuller for longer periods too! * Studies have shown long term consumption of capsaicin can help reduce high blood pressure. Wow! * Actually contains potent pain relieving properties! When used in a cream its great for sore joints, pain after surgery, lower back pain. * Currently scientists are finding great promise with reducing cell overgrowth associated with Cancer. Studies are still ongoing, but wouldn’t that be wonderful? ***

Nothing like fresh peppers!

They can be eaten fresh, (although be careful, they’re hot!) placed in oil and used in dressings or dried as I’m doing today! Dehydrating can be done either with a dehydrator, air/sun dried or on the lowest setting in your oven. They’re usually quite plentiful at farmers markets so take advantage when you get a chance! They’re beautiful when they’re dried. Dry them until they're crispy. Then they’re ready to be processed.

*Special Note: Be careful when processing these peppers, don’t touch your face or eyes while handling the peppers, be sure to wash your hands!!!*

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Snip off the stems and caps...

and fill the blender.

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Rich pepper powder…

*just don’t inhale!* Isn’t it beautiful?

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With another batch to process, this will definitely be enough to keep the Bird’s nest hot and spicy and healthier this winter!

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*** >To me, spices are the “icing on the cake”! We all use herbs and spices in soups and salads, entrees and desserts. Any time I have the opportunity to process fresh and healthy herbs and peppers straight from the garden I do it! The result? They taste better and they’re better for your health! I hope you’ll try drying your own some time! Big hugs and thanks to my sweet daughter @mountainjewel! *She left several other treats by the way.* I’ll be sure to share with you. Thanks for stopping by today! *** *And as always, blessings to you all!* ***






Originally posted here:

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