Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Healing Naturally From Thyphoid: Back from the dead!



Why do we get ill, and what is the value in going through a healing process naturally, as opposed to grabbing some antibiotics?

I have returned, reborn and cleansed from my very core. My entire body and soul has endured great suffering and pain as I have been pushed through the looking glass and onto the other side of my being. My heart is open and warm, and my tears flow almost randomly with my emotions, so open and gentle, and so vulnerable. I can feel again, I can feel everything again and it is beautiful. I cry for being awake again after a long time in the darkness, in the hole. Worn down over many months of doom, now dispelled.

Getting seriously ill is one of the greatest gifts that my body has given me. When we are ill we should take note of what our bodies are telling us. We are incredibly powerful, and we must honour what our body is saying when it gifts is with sickness or injury. By going through this process of healing naturally, without taking any medication at all, i was able to go on an inner voyage and reclaim my natural state of being. I knew just what to do, and followed my body's and minds signals all the way. I wrapped up very warm at night and let myself sweat like a waterfall all night long, all whilst wreathing in pain as every part of my body hurt deep in my muscles and bones from head to toe! There was no position that gave any relief, my emotions were shattered, and i just caved in and broke down, letting everything go and surrendering to my mortality. On it went for three days and nights, no food, no energy or ability to move, no one around at all! I managed to stay hydrated and followed my desire to drink lime water with a little salt and maple syrup. I had some clove tea made from freshly ground up cloves.

That is what I needed, to let everything go.. All the pain, all the suffering, all the attachments. All the daily thoughts and patterns needed to change, and this is how it happened. The process of being ill itself is the medicine. The journey that we go on when we suffer, and we do the work is what we should be looking to understand. When we ignore it and take medicines that suppress it all, we miss the whole point and we get weaker. Allopathic medicine often-times misses the point of healing, and how to heal. Two of my friends who live nearby are still taking their pills and potions even after two weeks, unable to resolve their problem, and today one of them... Prakash, is going to the hospital for a third time to be put on a drip to try to pump him full of more toxic medicines. That path sometimes does not work, because sometimes we need to be ill and learn. Right now i just cry, just like that.. Deep emotions come and flow out, it feels beautiful and before it was just stuck. That is the worst way to be, to be stuck, holding so much emotion back that you have no enerfy left to live.

As synchonicity would have it, a VERY old Israeli friend who I hadnt seen in 22 years turned up out of the blue on the foruth day, just when i was able to stand up and not feel pain. I didnt even recognise her, but it was perfectly timed, and we talked sitting on the doorstep watching the clouds dance through the valley over the mountains. Maya related to me her story, with her eyes WIDE OPEN. In her case she had just tasted the local magical mushrooms, and she was in ecstasy! What an incredible way to meet her again, both of us in altered states, and a kind of synchonicity that is beyond coincidence. Maya had been on many medicines for depression for some time, and a few months ago had done what no doctor would advise, she just gave it all up. Maya went through hell and back, and now she found the real path to heal.. finally she is safe and feeling better then she ever has, travelling india and practicing her meditation and yoga in sacred places in a healthy spiritual environment. She also was pushed to the edge of her being to let go of everything she was holding on to.

If you have been ill for a long time, and have kept trying what your doctor prescribes,.. but it never really solves the issue, then maybe listen to this message. Perhaps your body is talking to you, and wants to help you heal. Louise Hay was a very special holistic healer. She practiced holistic healing in the deepest sense, and was able to understand how each illness related to certain emotions in us that were out of balance. You can see a list below, maybe you can relate to some of them?


So, I am back, feeling like a new person with my eyes wide open again. I can feel a natural positivity and positive energy coursing through my veins, i feel SO clear again! WOW! I am now primed and ready for the next adventure! There is still work to do, the healing never ends, life is a spiral and we just go ever deeper into all that we know. All i know right now is that for the first time in a VERY long time, i WANT TO DANCE MY ASS OFF!!

With Massive thanks to my amazing cats Forest & Grace , for sitting on me day and night, literally every moment, through this journey ;-)





I have in fact just been dancing my ass off for about an hour, to some liquid drum n bass. After about an hour of hard dancing, i have not broken a sweat, my heart rate is just 90 bpm and im not even out of breath. I feel SO strong, it is incredible. Scratching my head as to why i have this much power, i suddenly rememberer.. My dear friend hart gave me a litre of a special medicinal mushroom, i have to find the name of it.. Hart is a mushroom guru, and spends much of his time growing, eating, and spreading his passion for healing with mushrooms. He said it was some super turbo charged mix that had more antioxidants than anything else he knew of... He gave me a few other natural potions as well yesterday, so big hands up to the Mushrooms, they are really something!

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@eco-alex/healing-naturally-from-thyphoid-back-from-the-dead

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