Thursday, October 3, 2019

Making my ORIGINAL RECIPE of Immune-Boosting FIRE CIDER 🔥🌶️

Hey you! Steemit people! 

How's everything? We're already in fall season but it doesn't feel like it is! In the day is really warm and nice outside. Still no need to fire up the chimney haha! I love autumns like this! Even if winter feels far far away, we're preparing for it! And I'm gonna show you how! ❤️

In this post I want to share with you my original recipe of Fire Cider, which is amazing if you're looking up on how to boost your immunity! Actually, this great invention 😊 called FIRE CIDER is well known of being an ALL-CURE product!!

Ok, but let's not go any further without asking what is actually Fire Cider? ❓ 

Well, it is a herbal concoction made of Apple Cider Vinegar + some steeping Food ingredients. 

It was first made back in 1980 in the kitchen at the California School of Herbal Studies. The intention of the teacher named Rosemary Gladstar who created it was to show her students how to make herbal preparations that were as much food as they were medicines, so she was constantly experimenting and concocting all manner of medicinal herbs into a variety of recipes. The idea was to bring medicinal herbalism back into people’s kitchens, as part of their food and as a way of being, not just for medicinal purposes.  [source here]

The original recipe is made of apple cider vinegar, horseredish, ginger, garlic, onion and cayenne pepper. Plus honey, almost forgot.

All other added ingredients are optional. There are so many variations of ingredients (herbs, roots, and peels). Some people add ginseng or echinacea. Others add rosemary, lemon, oranges or turmeric. It's up to you and your preferances or your medicinal needs. See down below what I add into my recipe.

The most acclaimed property of fire cider is being a tonic which boost your immune system and helps you fight against cold and flu. It is believe to be one of the most effective natural remedy when it comes to streghten your immunity.

 “It’s an incredibly powerful botanical. It has antibacterial potential; it’s great for things like the bacteria that cause things like acute sinusitis.” -  Dorene Petersen, president of the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Portland, Oregon 

Petersen ticks off the other ingredients’ impressive qualities: garlic is an antioxidant and can help regulate blood pressure, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and ginger has warming abilities, helps relieve nausea, lowers cholesterol and wards off cold and coughs; Cayenne aids in digestion and revs up metabolism, onion is also an antibacterial and helps fight yeast infections, ACV can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. The sum of these parts is hard to beat. 

“It’s a mild tranquilizer and it’s an anti-inflammatory, so it’s really very powerful,” Petersen says. 

[source here]

Even though there aren't scientific studies about the fire cider itself, if you look closely to the ingredients separately, many of them have been folk medicine for thousands of years. Cause there is evidence supporting the healing power of garlic, ginger, curcuma, capsaicin (found in spicy red peppers), onion, horseredish. Also, some of these food ingredients are considered natural antibiotics.

But this is why it works:

  • Ginger – reduces nausea, eases digestion and fights colds and chills
  • Horseradish – antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sinus-clearing, cough
  • Onion – colds, bronchitis, antihistamine, high in Vitamin C
  • Garlic – immunity, cardiovascular health, antibacterial
  • Jalapeno pepper – sinusitis, combats infection,  breaks up mucus
  • Turmeric – antioxidant, anti-inflammatory 

[source here]

To this website you can read more about the  Science of Fire Cider’s Ingredients. 

On the other hand, Fire Cider is very nutritious.

Produced from fresh, raw, and healthful ingredients, you better believe Fire Cider is nothing short of nutritious! Apple cider vinegar itself offers potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous; and when you add the other ingredients, Fire Cider is chock-full with all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. you can hope and imagine for. The branded Fire Cider is also certified organic, if you are into that sort of thing.  [source here]

What I love the most about this product is all the raw and real foods it contains. It is preservatives free, it contains probiotics, and it's versatile and you can use your imagination to create many different tastes.

So, this is my Original Recipe of Fire Cider! I really encourage you to make your own and start drinking this amaing healthy drink!


(for a 3-liters Jar)

  • 3 cups grated horseradish
  • 3 cups grated ginger 
  • 2 cups onion (small pieces)
  • 1 cup minced garlic (maybe its room for more)
  • 3 hot red peppers (slices)
  • 8 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 cup mustard seeds
  • 4 Tbsp turmeric powder OR turmeric root 
  • 1 bunch of dried thyme
  • 10 peppercorns
  • 10-15 cardamom pods
  • 2-3 Tbsp cumin seeds
  • 5 star anise
  • apple cider vinegar (unfiltred, unpasteurised) about 2 liters, maybe more?
  • honey


This is max one hour work! 

1. First, sterilise a large jar of 3 liters. Or you can use smaller sizes for the jar, doesn't matter. I personally like to use a larger size because I always end up sharing it with family and friends. Plus I find it easier to have one big jar than 2 smaller. 

2. You need to prepare the ingredients. (grated ginger and horseradish, small pieces of onion, minced garlic, slices of red peppers).  Rest of ingredients are already dried so it's not a big deal.

3. Put everything in the jar. Add the vinegar until all is ingredients are fully covered. This is the most important part!!! In order to prevent spoilage,  be sure all the ingredients are covered !!!

4. Put the lid on and shake it until all ingredients are combined. Storage it in a cool & dark place. 

5. I like to shake it every few days. After about one month, strain out the mixture of solids and pour the liquid in a clean jar. Add honey (I dont know about you, but I added 4-5 Tbsp) and storage the whole thing in the fridge or in a dark cool cabinet. 

Take a tablespoon or two of fire cider whenever you feel the first onset of cold and flu symptoms. 


These measurements are orientative. In the last 2 years (since I've started making fire cider) I've seen many recipes which are different and still, the same; if you know what I mean. For example, it's not a problem if you have only 1 cup of ginger and not 1 + 1/4.  Or it's not a problem either if you skip adding cinnamon. It's up to you. Do a little research, see other recipes and make yourself an idea on how you'd like it.

 This is my response for PREVENTIVE MEDICINE CHALLENGE hosted by @naturalmedicine!  If you want to check out some of the other entries or maybe write an entry yourself? You can find the original challenge post Here.  The challenge is still up!


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Stay healthy,
Miss Deli ❤️

Proud member of @naturalmedicine Team.

Originally posted here:

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