Wednesday, October 30, 2019

7 Remedies To Relieve Stress


There are numerous methods involved in the reduction of stress. For this article, I shall look at the simpler ones. Yoga, Tai Chi, and sport may not be something you are accustomed to doing each day. Other than exercise and hitting the pharmaceutical cupboard, there are even simpler remedies to relieve stress. Here is a checklist of items to do daily. 1. Early to bed, early to rise. The expression fits well into a balanced day though its more about the controlled sleeping patterns. It’s not a good thing to have only a few hours of sleep each night. Have a good night’s sleep; 7 hours each night fits well into a stress-relieving pattern. 2. Don’t drink vast amounts of caffeine as this disrupts your daily balance. If you are prone to drinking too much caffeine, try cutting down and fit some decaffeinated coffee and tea into your day. Yes, caffeine gives you a burst of energy to enable you to feel more alert, but the effect is short. 3. Eat lots of fruit, get the needed daily vitamins. Apples and bananas are very healthy supplements as part of your daily food intake. Bananas are not fattening, and apples help the immune system. Don’t overeat processed food; concentrate on drinking and eating the required vitamins. 4. Salt raises your blood pressure, so keep an eye on salty foods being consumed. Higher blood pressure will contribute to your stress levels and is a killer. 5. Look back over the past week at the positive aspects that made you feel good. Did something occur that attracted an experience of joy and laughter? Spend some time focusing on that moment as it will allow you to attract good feelings into your mind and smother any negative impact from the day.
Originally posted here:

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