Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Watch your weight during winter and the holiday season

Cold.  Hot chocolate.  Coffee.  Pasta.  Chocolate.  Deserts....

Does that sound familiar?  It is cold outside and you are keeping yourself warm inside your house.  It is as if you just cannot get enough of all the 'comfort food' that makes you feel nice and warm, but at the end of the winter holiday you have a new layer of 'padding' covering your body.

You try on your summer clothes and nothing fits, and you just know that you gained a lot of weight during winter time.

How can you prevent this?


image source

In winter time nobody really wants to go outside and being bundled up with some nice food or drinks in front of the fire place or the heater is just much nicer, but once Spring comes you are unhappy with that decision.

It is easy to get in the routine of lounging around and the most movement you will do is when you go to the fridge or the stove, but have a plan of action where you set goals for yourself to keep yourself moving.  

If you do not want to go outside and brave the cold and take a walk, there are a lot of exercises that you can do in your house.  You do not need to go to the gym.


A lot of schools have a long holiday over the winter, so it is so easy to get in the motion of sleeping late and lie around and snack the whole day.  Try and stick to your normal routine.  You can sleep a little later but try and eat your normal meals and not start your day off by only eating your breakfast in the afternoon.

Try and do different activities during the day to prevent you from just lying around. Visit your friend or take your dog for a walk.  The more you lie around on the couch, the less you are going to feel like doing anything.

Even if it is nice to have some 'comfort food', make sure you do not only stock up on junk food.  Rather cook some soup which you can eat if you are hungry.  It is not only nice and hot, but also healthy with all the vegetables it contains and much better than eating a lot of chocolates.  If you do not like soup cook some stews for yourself.


If we are bored, then we tend to fill the void with food, so try and keep yourself busy.  It does not mean because you are on holiday, you cannot read a nice book or watch a movie.  You can start a hobby that will keep you busy and that way prevent you from running to the cookie jar every 5 minutes.

Do not use the cold as an excuse to do something outside your house.  Dress warmly and go out with your friend and play some bowling or join an indoor sport club where you can play some netball, soccer or cricket.

Plan what you will eat before hand.  It is okay to cheat now and then, but you cannot live off junk food, so make a conscious decision to at least  eat healthy during the week and then you can allow yourself some 'comfort food' over the weekend.

If you like your coffee or hot chocolate during winter time, try and add less or no sugar.  So you can still enjoy the drink but without the added kilojoules.

In winter time we produce more hormones that makes us feel sleepy - almost like going into 'hibernation mode', so making sure you move enough will not be something that just happens, it will have to be a conscious decision.

And when all else fails and you just cannot help yourself to eat more and do less, then you will just have to face the consequences and wait for Spring to come to emerge from your 'winter suit'.

For more information you can read here.


Originally posted here:

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