Thursday, October 24, 2019

Be active with daily exercise to remain healthy
If you want to be fit and healthy, there is no alternative of daily exercise. You could do free hand exercise or gym or any other exercise whatever you like. Exercise is must. According to American heart association- a person needs to hit minimum 10K steps everyday to keep the heart good. I am trying to follow this regularly. Today also I managed to hit 10K steps. I am using fitbit health device to track the stepping.


Here is my fitbit health band picture. It's a good device which can track not only stepping but also the calorie burning, heart rate, sleep tracking etc.


There are many other devices which you can use to track the stepping. Some good apps are also there. Actifit is one of them which you can use and get the reward as well. Thanks for reading. First picture source is my fitbit apps. Second picture was taken using my Samsung note device. Thanks for stopping by.
Originally posted here:

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