Sunday, October 27, 2019

Food as medicine
Our food can well be our medicine as well as destroy us without mercy. What we eat can make or break us, in other words.
Decades ago, our forefathers and mothers knew about how to live life, what to cook and eat and use natural resources in a way that was both useful and productive. They did not have fancy degrees nor were they specialized in any science. They just knew and were happy enough to follow what their grandmas advised. Later on as time passed and technology advanced, pharma grew and people were made to believe that modern medicine and only modern medicine alone could cure diseases. Unfortunately, that was the time I was born. In the '70s. Childhood illnesses and we were given antibiotics. As a result, bad teeth. I am not against the docs or meds in general but I just wondered what would have happened if we all had followed grandma's recipes alone.

era 3x 1128.jpg

(jackfruit is believed to be good for diabetics) My husband's grandmother lived to a ripe old age and did not have any serious disease at all. It is said that she used to eat on time and also made curries from leaves found on the farm like herbs that she knew about. No one wrote down her recipes at all. I don't think they realized what they missed. If you know of aged people who follow a particular diet and are perfectly healthy, please ask them to share their recipes and diet plan because it should be written down and shared and passed on to future generations. I will write down a remedy for bloating and gas that we got from my mother in law. It is very effective and has no side effects. **************************************************************************************************************
Cumin seeds/Jeera - a few tablespoons water - one cup sugar - one spoon Heat a wok. Put the cumin seeds in it and dry fry till the seeds start bursting. Pour water gently so that it does not spurt and hurt your hand while pouring. Let the water boil and switch off the stove. Strain the water and add sugar to it and stir. Drink the water when it is warm. Do not let it go cool but wait for the boiling hot to cool down a little. I guarantee that the feeling of bloat and gas will disappear. I have had it even during pregnancy. Would you like to be a part of the @naturalmedicine group? Do join and share and learn at the same time. I am privileged to have joined them


[image source]( [image source]( jackfruit image - sayee naturalmedicine logo
Originally posted here:

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