Saturday, October 19, 2019

Challenge Winner Wk 1: Did you Win Some LOTUS tokens? WEEK 2 CLOSES 26TH OCTOBER AEST - 40 Steem + TOKENS + BURN for the win!!
#### What we love about this challenge is that we allow two weeks for people to really brew on the idea before wow-ing us in Week 2. Some challenges are easier than others - some take more thought. We had some awesome entries this week - all very different! Please go check them out! Every entry to this challenge wins some LOTUS tokens, plus a bonus amount for our favourite this week.


They are all wonderful alternatives to store bought 'products' - either full of chemicals, costly or sold as greenwashed products that come wrapped in plastic. The challenge ends next Saturday, and we have 50 Steem on the table for winnings PLUS some LOTUS tokens - and we're also going to burn the equal amount of LOTUS awarded from our issuing account to further rewards stakeholders! Yay! You can read the challenge on the pinned posts on @naturalmedicine - it'll be there for another week, but you can also easily find it in the right hand column of [](


# This Week's Entries [Low Cost Soft Drinks]( by @stortebeker [Rose Toner]( by @riverflows (not eligible - contest judge) [Triphala Powder - Best Homemade Remedy for Stomach Problems]( by @saun [Let's Have a Cup of Thyme Tea]( by @farm-mom [Homesteading - Chemical Free Weed Killer]( by @thebigsweed [Seed Mix and Chocolate Balls]( by @trucklife-family


##### Winning 50 LOTUS, is @stortebeker. His posts are just so well put together. If you'd like more tips on how to format posts, trying checking out the 'How To' tips in #learnlotus in our Discord, or find the links via the WELCOME PAGE on **Alternatively, you can apply for our mentorship, great for new users or those that would like to learn some writing tips - more on this next week, or contact @metametheus or @riverflows - riverflows4691.**


#### Oh, and if you're wondering what tags to curate? Our curators look at most of these tags and much more! Check out for a full list of supported tags. |naturalmedicine|health|healing|yoga| |-|-|-|-| |spirituality|herbalism|homesteading|innerblocks |vegan|meditation|wellness|cbd |qi gong|keto|tai chi|herbs ##### Thinking about writing a #naturalmedicine post this week? We have upvotes to burn and will resteem the best of you to nearly 1,000 followers! Go you! We're also resteeming on our @uplotus account, so go give that a follow too! That's the one where you'll see the LOTUS rewards. #### All the curation and author rewards in LOTUS for this post will be burnt to help the ecosystem.


###### We need YOU! Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. The minimum entry for membership is 20SP (free for members under 150SP), and helps give YOU upvotes, contests, meditation sessions, an awesome discord support group, and so much more! [50SP]([100SP]([200]([300SP]([500SP]([1000SP](


Originally posted here:

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