Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fasting is a very useful thing that helps solve many health problems. It is not a secret already.


A Japanese scientist named Yoshinori Osumi received a $ 950,000 Nobel Prize for this discovery in 2016. He could prove that the human body is able to get rid of toxins and toxins due to interval fasting only during 24 hours. Many people are sure that they need some days of fasting to get benefits, but as far as they can not reject from food for so long time, so fasting is not for them. No! 24 hours is great time for great changes in out body! Autophagy is the process of recycling all unnecessary waste in the human body. Thanks to it, the cells begin to renew themselves and remove toxins from the body and even infections and viruses that can attack us.


Only 1 day fasting makes us healthier and younger for 6 months! I have heard much of it, but I was afraid to try. I was sure I would feel very bad and just would not be able to do anything. But I am with my son all day long, so I could not just stay in my bed and have fasting;) But...some days ago I made it! I entered an online group of people who listened to lectures of our teacher and then we practiced our knowledge. It was lectures about healthy food, vegan life, raw vegan life, fasting, reasons of deseases etc. I have been involved into the topic during 3 years already, so I wasn not a newcomer but I got much of useful info! This theme is really so deep that we can study it nonstop. I got 3 webinars, a chance to ask all my questions and...fasting time:) This time having support from the teacher I was decisive:) And how surprised I was! I felt good! No apathy, pain, sleepy mood or great hunger. Yes, I wanted to eat but only in the beginning, and only when I fed my kid and cooked food for him:) Then it was much easier, I forgot I did not eat for a long time and felt great! I was like an energiser:)) I cleaned, cooked, walked...much much energy!


And yes, it was fasting with water. I drank water any time I wanted to eat. Moreover, herbs, herb teas, some juices and honey are also good, they will not stop fasting because they do not start digestive function, they are absorbed in the stomach. Many people really feel bad, it is a sign of detoxication and bad state of health. I think my raw vegan diet during some years made a lot of use, so my body was not so full of toxins Actually, I was very proud and inspired I tried it and succeeded:) Now it will become my practice every month or 2 weeks. Let's see the results;) Did you try it, friends??
Originally posted here:

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