Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bottle Gourd Juice Benefits


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--- Hello Friends, There are many health benefits tied to drinking 1 glass of bottle gourd juice daily. In today's' video we share with you some of the amazing health benefits of drinking Bottle Gourd Juice daily. The best thing is that the bottle gourd is easily available in the local vegetable shop and it has such properties that are very beneficial in curing serious diseases. It will not be unreasonable to say that bottle gourd works like a medicine. About 100 grams of gourd has 15 calories, in addition, 100 grams of bottle gourd contains only 1 gram of fat and contains 96% percent water content. Normally people do not prefer to have bottle gourd as a food component because of its bitter taste. Lets us look at some of the amazing benefits of drinking Bottle Gourd Juice. You will also see how to make bottle gourd juice and at the end of the video we have also listed down some tips to follow or to keep in while drinking gourd juice. If you found this information useful, then PLEASE don't forget to share it with your friends and family, too! #Health, #bottlegourd, #juice, #HealthDear Please like, share and subscribe to my Channel. Disclaimer: We thrive our best to provide you with accurate and genuine home remedies. However, any advice contained or specified on the 3Speak Healthdear channel should not be treated as a piece of medical advice. Stay Happy & Healthy.. HealthDear Your Friend To Good Health... Image Courtesy:pixabay --- ▶️ [3Speak](
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