Thursday, October 24, 2019

Peace & Happiness; Are they superior?
[Image Source - Pixabay](
Did you do something good for your body today? Did you exercise or work out a little? Did you eat good food and avoid junk? You are an aggregate of your daily habits and a little exercise daily would go a long way to help keep you healthy. I didn't go to the gym but I did a bit of walking around inside the University of Ibadan with my actifit app keeping track for me. Take care of your bodies guys, It's the one thing that you'll never be able to live without or get rid off for the rest of your lives. Enough with the health advice yeah? Lol...sure thing. I want to share my thoughts about the superiority of peace and happiness as opposed to riches and success.
It is common for people to pray for success, good health, and money. It's as though these things are able to solve all of life's problems. Deep down inside of us though, we know this is not so. Yes, money is fantastic and having loads of it makes so many things easier, however, there are things that money cannot solve. Long life is great too but what do we say about a long life lived in daily torment of helplessness or pain or regret? Success on its own also, is definitely not enough especially when it is gotten at the expense of so much; when too many things have been sacrificed for it, success comes devoid of happiness.
There are so many rich people who would give two-thirds of their riches just to solve certain problems in their otherwise lives; it could be childlessness, a terminal ailment, loneliness and so on. There are also several successful people who stay at work endlessly because they cannot face going home when their homes are just cold houses with no laughter and no joy. Yet we pray fervently for these things. In fact, not only do we pray but we chase after them with our whole hearts, might and determination only to realize after we have gotten them that we are not satisfied! However, we rationalize the dissatisfaction to be a sign that what we have is not enough and so we pursue more. This is probably why a very rich man would still remain at work until 10 pm or why a successful woman would take on more responsibilities in the guise of growth. Seriously, when does it stop?
Come to think of it, what if we prayed for peace of mind and happiness? After all, is that not what we truly seek? Is peace and happiness not what we all long for so fervently albeit in different guises? Let's take a look at it from this perspective. For you to have peace of mind, it would mean that you are financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically balanced. You are at ease with yourself and with the world because everything that needs to be done has been achieved or you're pretty close. Happiness, on the other hand, implies satisfaction with what has been achieved; that is, you are where you should be.
If we pursue peace and happiness in our lives, we would be on the right track in my opinion. I may be wrong but we have been pursuing money for so long that it is laughable the extents we go to get money only to remain unhappy. We kill, steal and destroy just to get ahead and end up being unable to sleep well at night. We lie, cheat and deceive our way to the top but at the top, we are forced to laugh just to hide the pain. There are so much glitter and no substance and this is what we are all agog about? The man that has found peace and happiness has discovered success, wealth and the path to a long life. His days will be filled with pleasure and the world would seem more beautiful in his eyes. I believe this is worth thinking deeply about guys!


Cheers and thanks for reading!


Originally posted here:

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