Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed



▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](https://3speak.online/watch?v=healthdear/csusfuqc)
--- Hello Friends, Food is an important part of our life and without it, no one can survive. Some Foods if not take at the right time can have an adverse affect on our health. So why not be cautious and be aware - What not eat especially during BED time. It's always good to question yourself that what is good for your health and knowing the fact of what to eat at night and what not to eat as this can really help a person to maintain a healthy body and life style. After dinner, when we feel a little hungry, then we often desire to eat some snack food or it could be a beverage as well, maybe a coco-cola or some other beverage. In such scenarios, we should be taking special care of not picking up any junk food items as it may drastically affect your health. In such a situation, even if you are taking special care of the diet all day, but if you are hungry and eating anything before going to sleep at night, then your health can have a very negative effect. In today's' video, let's look at some of the things that you should not eat at all before sleeping. Also, you will see some food items that you can consume as light snacks at night if at all necessary to curb that hunger which pops up after dinner. If you found this information useful, then PLEASE don't forget to share it with your friends and family, too! #Health, #foods, #foodatnight, #avoidfood #HealthDear Please like, share and subscribe to my Channel. Disclaimer: We thrive our best to provide you with accurate and genuine home remedies. However, any advice contained or specified on the 3Speak Healthdear channel should not be treated as a piece of medical advice. Stay Happy & Healthy.. HealthDear Your Friend To Good Health... Image Courtesy:pixabay --- ▶️ [3Speak](https://3speak.online/watch?v=healthdear/csusfuqc)
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/threespeak/@healthdear/csusfuqc

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