Monday, April 22, 2019

What if we stopped sleeping?

Do you ever think about not sleeping because you wanted to do more things? It's just 24 hours per day right? But what if we just never went to bed? What if we figure out how to keep ourselves awake forever? Could we even be productive without recharging our bodies every night? And what exactly would happen to our bodies?

Imagine if we never go to sleep and have all 24 hours of the day to do everything we like and things we never had time for. The average person spends 1/3 of his life sleeping and it sounds like a waste of valuable time but not for our body. While we sleep our body releases hormones, repair tissues and replacing old cells with new ones. So what happens if we don't sleep? Not much at first because after 24 hours we would feel completely fine, That's because sleeplessness stimulates the mesolimbic pathway of our brain. This pathway would release dopamine and we would feel completely fine and energized. but it will not be going to last long soon after reaching a day all our reactions would slow down and our brain would start to forget what are we doing at a certain time and we would appear to be drunk. Wait what if two days without sleep? At this point, our body would start to rest and stop metabolizing glucose properly leaving us weak because of no energy supply. We should start to look pale and our eyes would turn red. But what will happen on the third day without a single sleep? We would start experiencing hallucinations and it will start breaking our own protein and it's our muscle. After about two weeks of no sleep, our immune system would be so week as we can die on a common flu and on the third week of no sleep, we would probably die of a heart attack. So sleep and rest your body so you could live healthy and longer.

Credits to What if  and please subscribe to his channel. 

Originally posted here:

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