Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Surreal Moments In Time: Mr Golden D Has Had A Heart Attack
**Some of you have messaged me, seen a comment I left in a Discord group and may have been wondering where I've been at for the last few days. So let me tell you...**
Monday night Mr Golden D asked me (finally after not feeling well for the last week) to take him to the emergency care at the hospital. _I obliged immediately_ because I have been almost on the verge of nagging him to do this for at least ten days. _**Luckily**_ we got to the emergency care center when we did... because Mr Golden D had suffered from a mild heart attack. We have narrowed the time of the heart attack to either late this past Saturday evening or Monday early evening. I know it's not easy to pinpoint when a heart attack actually happens, but he had just been at his primary care doctor nine days ago and had an EKG preformed in the doctor's office as well as blood tests to see the numbers of certain enzymes in the blood that are the telltale signs of a recently heart attack. And all those results came back normal. **He had two _episodes_ since that doctor's appointment, so one or the other is when it happened.**

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**This entire week has been surreal!** Saturday night we had gone out to enjoy dinner and some fun together then Sunday was a day of relaxation. Nothing out of the norm for us. Monday after dinner our world changed and our lives were jumbled. Upon entering the emergency care hospital, the nurse who was taking Mr Golden D's vitals bypassed the triage area and took him right in for another EKG. We asked the nurse and technician in the room what the results were and all the one lady said was... "give me one moment" and she slipped out of the room. Four seconds later... two people came in the room and took Mr Golden D away on his gurney and told me to follow. I did, practically running after them fumbling with my purse. Seconds later he was in another room being hooked up to monitors... dozens of people were in the room spouting off medical terms (this is when I wished I had watched medical dramas on television). ### He was in A-Fib! ### [ defines A-Fib as]( >Atrial fibrillation (also called AFib or AF) is a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. At least 2.7 million Americans are living with AFib >Normally, your heart contracts and relaxes to a regular beat. In atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) beat irregularly (quiver) instead of beating effectively to move blood into the ventricles. >If a clot breaks off, enters the bloodstream and lodges in an artery leading to the brain, a stroke results. About 15–20 percent of people who have strokes have this heart arrhythmia. This clot risk is why patients with this condition are put on *blood thinners

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Heparin was put through his IV and the cardiac medical personnel were _jabbering_ and talking options. _**Options?**_ The only option I knew of was... **SAVE HIS LIFE!** He had an echo-cardiogram which came out good.

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It is noon now on Wednesday and I am sitting in the cardiac surgery waiting room as he is undergoing a heart- catherization for the possible stents. **LATEST UPDATE** He had four stents put in to two different arteries. One of the stents made way for blood circulation where his artery was 100% closed. The other three were more than 70% blocked that the American Heart Association allows for. **As of right now... he is doing good and resting.** With hopes that he will be going home tomorrow.
**Images of both arteries that received the four stents today.** Yet another life altering moment in our life that will forever change the way we live, think, appreciate our world and start yet another lifestyle change. Gone will be the keto-friendly lifestyle; to be replaced with a heart healthy menu. More walks are forthcoming and those mountain bicycles we purchased three months ago will NOT be collecting dust.

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Originally posted here:

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