Overview Cancer is a huge spectrum of diseases of different parts of the body. It develops when the cells divide uncontrollably causing abnormal growth in their number. Some cells result in cancer which shows visible growth, called tumors, while other types of cancer, such as leukemia, do not. The cancer cells have the potential to invade and spread to different parts of the body. However, the case is not the same for benign tumors. This disease affects the immune system and can be fatal. All cancer fall in any of the four categories • Carcinomas: It is the most common type of cancer. Carcinoma is the tumor that appears in the tissues, lining the organs. • Sarcomas: are tumors that develop in the cartilage, bone, fibrous tissues or fats and muscles. • Leukemia's: are cancers of the blood or blood-generating organs. • Lymphomas: affect the lymphatic system. Chemotherapy Cancer covers a wide range of diseases and thus has a variety of treatments. Chemotherapy, or ‘chemo’, is the most common form of cancer treatment. It uses drugs known as cytotoxics to slow down the growth of cancer cells or to kill them. In the process of stopping the growth of cancer cells, the chemotherapy drugs, affect the normal and healthy cells of the body too. Each treatment of chemotherapy in a certain period is called a cycle. After the cycle, the patient is given a rest period, as the body takes time to repair the normal cells and gain strength.
How Does Chemotherapy Help Kill Cancer? Chemotherapy aims to maximize the elimination of cancer-causing cells while minimizing the destruction and its negative effect on the healthy cells. As cancer is the result of abnormal growth of cells in the human body, the ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells depends on its ability to halt the division of cells. The chemotherapy drugs work by damaging the DNA that instructs the cell about its division. If the cancer cells fail to divide, they ultimately die. The treatment sometimes leads to self-destruction of the cells too. If a patient has undergone surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, the oncologists may recommend the patients to have chemotherapy in order to kill any remaining cancer cells in the body. It can also be used to prepare a patient for other treatments. For e.g.: Shrinking the tumor so that it can be removed surgically. For people who are suffering from the last stage of cancer, chemotherapy can be used to reduce pain. How Is Chemotherapy Given? Chemotherapy is a treatment which is given with the use of drugs. These drugs can be given by a number of ways depending upon the condition of the patient and the type of cancer. The drugs of chemotherapy can be given in the following ways: Intravenous Chemotherapy: This chemotherapy is generally given by means of an injection into the vein. Oral Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy drugs are given in the form of tablets or capsules. Intramuscular Chemotherapy: The chemotherapy drugs that are injected into a muscle by means of an injection. Subcutaneous Chemotherapy: In this treatment, the needle of the subcutaneous injection, goes into the space between the skin and muscle but does not enter as far the muscle layer. Duration Of Chemotherapy Treatment Chemotherapy treatment is given in cycles. The duration of chemotherapy treatment depends upon the number of cycles, the health of the patient, the type of cancer, the use of drugs and the amount of time taken to recover from the toxicities of the drug. After the cancerous tumor is removed with aid of surgery, Chemotherapy is used to destroy all the remaining cancer cells in the body. In such a case, the chemotherapy may last 4-6 months. While in cases of some cancers it can also take the time of 1 year. Get cost benefits of chemotherapy treatment at best hospitals in India with a well-experienced cancer surgeon. Success Rate Of Chemotherapy With ever revolutionizing technologies and increased proficiency of oncologists, the success rate of curing cancer with chemotherapy has been increased. However, it still depends upon the stage at which the treatment is taken, tolerance of the patients towards the drugs, type of cancer and immune system of the patient. After The Treatment Of Chemotherapy The oncologist and cancer treatment team will monitor the effectiveness of your treatments regularly. This will include blood tests and various imaging techniques. It is very much necessary for the patient to communicate with the doctors and to let them know how you feel after chemotherapy. Based on the side effects, and any problem related to treatment the doctor shall make necessary adjustments to the further treatment. Get Free Consultation About Chemotherapy From Our Top Doctors At Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals In India You Can Call At +91 9371770341 Or Fill Free Consultation Form Click Here
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