Saturday, September 11, 2021

NZ teenagers are starting to fall

I am heartsick as I write this post. It's not the post I was planning to put up next. I'm sure you will all have seen reports of this happening in your countries. There are reports of a number of children collapsing after the mass jab event in Sydney a few weeks ago - some still in comas, some dead. Nothing verified but that proves nothing one way or the other.


But here's the first report on our NZ kids from the FB page of one of the NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science. She says:

The government are murderers.
Rest In Peace.
Year 13 girl DEAD heart attack following vaccine Ponsonby.
Year ten girl DEAD heart attack following vaccine EPSOM.
This makes two dead from heart attacks - girls aged 17 & 15
One 15 year old girl alive following heart attack.
One 12 year old & one 15 year old alive with myocarditis.

Below is what I've just posted on FB:

As you will all know, for the last 3 weeks NZ's 12 to 15 year olds have been able to have the jab without parental consent. And the NZ Herald are reporting tonight that Pfizer are seeking approval to jab 5 to 11 year olds. While you can't prevent your child or teenager from having it, maybe you can share with them some information they might not have been provided with anywhere else.

  1. The UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced on the 3rd September that it DOES NOT RECOMMEND universal COVID-19 vaccination for healthy 12 to 15-year-olds at this time. According to the JCVI, although the health benefits from COVID-19 vaccinations are marginally greater than the potential known harms, this margin of benefit is ‘too small’ to recommend vaccinations for this age group currently.

  2. I've seen a lot of promotion of the jab for younger people based on the premise that it will protect their families and other people who can't be vaccinated. But right from the start, our prime minister has been very clear that having the jab will NOT stop you from getting Covid, and it will NOT stop you from transmitting Covid. The only thing it will do is reduce the symptoms if you contract it ie the only thing it will do is reduce your PERSONAL risk. So please kids, only have it if you feel you need to reduce your own personal risk, and remember the JCVI says that if you are healthy, your risk is minimal.

  3. This week, the first reports of NZ teenagers dying from heart attacks, or contracting myocarditis, after being jabbed are coming out. Don't bother hurrying over to Stuff or the NZ Herald to verify these reports, they're not there. But that doesn't mean they're not true. I hesitated before sharing this, since I can't verify it yet. But I see it this way - if it's true and sharing this stops another teenager from a similar event, it's worth it. If it turns out these reports are not true, the teenager who hesitates after reading this can still go and book in later on. But once you've had it, you can't un-have it. For more specifics of some of the Auckland kids, see and I've had similar reports from other sources.

Originally posted here:

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