Sunday, September 12, 2021

New scientific studies on heart issues for women! Finally (some) doctors are starting to believe us!

Hello girls, I hope that you're all well where you are and whatever you are doing around the world.

I hope that you are able to stay safe and well while living your life to the fullest!

So I just wanted to give you an update on the latest medical information that focuses on Women and all kinds of heart diseases- and finally they realise that it's not all about plaque in the arteries of unhealthy people, but it's absolutely relevant to all human beings, regardless of age and gender and especially WOMEN. (FINALLY...)

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So experiencing months of serious anxiety about having one the Covid Vaccines because of having a very unpredictable and hidden heart issue- which by the way has ZERO to do with plaque blocking my arteries... I needed to speak to someone to get help deciding which vaccine that I should have, even though we only have the choice of 2 here- Pfizer or Astra Zenecca and everyone I spoke to said 'Ask your GP"

Are you freakin kidding?!?!?!

Why on earth would I want to ask a GP- a GENERAL PRACTITIONER, the very definition of a jack of all trades and master of none- especially when I'm talking about the single most important organ in my body- my heart.

The ONLY things that GP's are good for is writing prescriptions for medications that cover up the core issue and writing referrals to specialists because they have no idea of what the core issue is themselves....

So I called to get an appt with my old fuddy duddy cardiologist (who's pretty inactive in regards to any kinds of pro-action and seems to know only what's in his 200yr old textbooks...)

Anyway, so I got my appt for a few weeks later and then on the day he cancelled.

So I spoke to one of the receptionists and told her that it didn't matter what cardiologist that I spoke to because they could all access my medical records, so it could be anyone if them, as I all I needed to do what ask a question about which vaccine would be the least likely to give me a bad reaction and to my utter horror and disgust, she told me to ask my GP....😱.😑..

So swallowing my fury with her, I managed to get another appt with the same cardiologist for another 3weeks in the future and in the meantime, I'm still locked up in my apt, afraid to go out just incase catch the damn Delta strain (cause that will kill me no doubt about that...) and freakin myself out about the side affects of the vaccines, because they are all heart related.

And mind you, I haven't had a vaccine of any sort since 1997...

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So out of desperation I emailed the Australian Heart Foundation and to my suprise they called me back first thing the next morning.

Two hours later, I got off the phone from this amazing women who had had years of experience on the ground as a cardiac nurse, in complete shock.

And she admitted that she was in complete shock as much as I was as she could not believe just how little I had been told by my cardiologists and GP's.

So why was she so shocked?

Not only was she in complete shock about the lack of information and support that all of my cardiologists and GP's had shown me over the years, but also because not one single one of them in the past 11years had ever told me that I needed to have an annual Pneumococcal Vaccine...

Pneumococcal disease is deadly

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) can cause a range of different illnesses including sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bacteraemia, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and meningitis.

Many people carry Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria in their nose and throat. The bacteria are transferred to another person through droplets of saliva or mucus, such as when a ‘carrier’ sneezes, coughs, shares toys or kisses someone.

Most of the time, this doesn’t cause any illness. However, vulnerable people may develop pneumococcal disease. The immune system is unable to keep the bacteria in check, which then multiply out of control and spread to other areas of the body.

Conditions that increase the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease include:

***Decreased immune function from disease or drugs
Functional or anatomic asplenia
Chronic heart, lung (including asthma), liver, or renal disease
Cigarette smoking
Cerebrospinal fluid leak
Cochlear implant***

Children with HIV infection or functional or anatomic asplenia, particularly sickle cell disease, are at high risk for invasive disease. Some studies report rates more than 50 times higher than those among children of the same age without these conditions.

Experts do not know why, but children of certain racial and ethnic groups also have increased rates of disease:

***Alaska Natives
African Americans
Certain American Indian group***s

Nor have any of my specialists or GP's, have told me that I should be having an annual flu shot OR a Shingles vaccine either and I have had shingles before and I tell you what, it did NOT tickle and I lost use of my left arm for about 3 months, and then as I was recovering from that, I had my first heart attack...

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Anyway, during this eye opening conversation, she also told me about the new 'discoveries' of new and unique heart attacks that mainly affect women of all ages- even young, fit and healthy and they are called M.I.N.O.C.A heart attacks, and even right down to Broken Heart Syndrome, also known as Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy.

Which brings me to the reason I am here telling you this now as I have found some great videos from women who have had these experiences of being ignored, mistreated, misdiagnosed by their doctors whilst they are literally on the verge of death.

So I have shared with you here 2 videos from one of the best Cardiologists online (and yes his physical practice does exist in real life..) talking about the often unknown, indifferent (in the eyes of the doctors) phenomenon the Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and the reason that I am sharing these with you is for one main reason- so that you know!

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In this video, I interview Caron Curragh, who survived a life-threatening episode of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and went on to become a champion for women with heart disease. Dr Sanjay Gupta

In this video, I interview Barbara Shaw, founder of the Womens heartbeat charity which is committed to helping women with heart disease.Barbara is a cardiac patient herself with a previous diagnosis of Takosubo Cardiomyopathy and Microvascular angina. Dr Sanjay Gupta

And this vital video here by by Jacqueline E. Tamis-Holland, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) MINOCA: It's Time to Look Beneath the Surface

And if you want to know (which hopefully for the sake of your family you will...) about the heart and how even seemingly young, fit healthy men can have heart attacks without any foreknowlege or warning, as well as the Covid Vaccines and the side affects of Myocarditis and Pericarditis, then please checkout this post that I published in the #naturalmedicine Community last night @chocolatescorpi/natural-medicine--exercise--good-sleep-good-heart-health-but-it-doesnt-end-there-so-please-watch-the-videos-and-read-the-link because there is a wealth of information in there that everyone should know about too.

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And so I have had my first Pfizer vaccine 10 days ago now and although no distinct side effects, I have now had 14 nights of non- stop insomnia from the anxiety of it all, starting 4 days before that shot and I think that a part of that anxiety has stemmed from the fact that I have been having some chest pain BEFORE the shot, which is probably also a results of the anxiety that I was suffering about the shot in the first place.

Now the anxiety continues because even though (hopefully) I have passed that danger period of getting any heart based side effects, I still have the 2nd shot to go though in about 6weeks (that's IF I can get an appt then...) I am also anxious about my inability to sleep and the affects on my body and fogbrain from the lack of sleep that I'm having....

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Actually let me give you a bit of background on that insomnia.

I've never been able to fall asleep quickly anyway. I'm a natural nightowl and my busy brain just LOVES to carrying on thinking, planning designing, daydreaming while I'm trying to sleep....πŸ™„

But then after my first heart attack, (which happened in 2010 at midnight as I was going to bed trying to get to sleep), I found that I could not fall asleep because I was too paranoid that I would not wake up.

And as this CAVS- Coronary Artery Vaso Spams that I have- AKA unstable Angina happens at night, (though no-one knows why) again, that make me unconsciously not want to fall asleep and so I started taking sleeping tablets about 3 years ago -just 10mgs a night, then soon knocked that dose down to 5mg and then soon after knocked the dose down again the just 3mgs and lived on that for a few years or so until I stopped taking them just before xmas last year, realising that I was so damn tired, I didn't need them any longer as I could not help falling asleep so fast.

And now what I find is that when I am in bed, falling asleep, as I fall asleep, my body jerks and instantly I am awake again.

It actually happened last night (4am-ish...) at that very moment that I fell into sleep, everything went into slow mo and I heard and saw, just for a nano second even though it seemed a bit longer, what was exactly like the vision and sound when you switch off the old CRT Tv's and not only was that scary, because it reminded me a little bit of a second of the Poltergeist movie, but the act of jerking awake so suddenly shocks my heart and pumps adrenaline through it (which is NOT good), making it beat harder and faster and way more erratic than usual (and it's usually erratic enough thanks...)

And then the damage that lack of sleep can do to your I am once again stuck on a vicious cycle, but atleast I understand what is happening and that is the first step to fixing it.

For the cardiovascular system, insufficient or fragmented sleep can contribute to problems with blood pressure and heighten the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and stroke.

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Now I am not writing this here to get sympathy, but simply to share my experiences with all of you women out there who may suspect that something is wrong, but not understand what.

So one thing I will say time and time again, DO NOT be a bystander in your own healthcare and I cannot stress this enough.

Do NOT be afraid to go and get the 4th, 5th, 6th and even 10th doctors opinion if you want to and always do your own research, speak to people who have had all kinds of medical experiences because somewhere in their story, there might be something that triggers a recognition in your mind.

And DO be as pro-active as possible in your own healthcare, afterall, it is your life and you are the one who will benefit from empowering yourself with the knowledge more than the doctors will...

And knowledge clears away fear, so don't be afraid to go out there and actively seek information and answers.

Be afraid if you don't.

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And I recommend jumping into Dr Sanjay Gupta's youtibe channel to watch his videos as many of them are vital to the heath of womena dn tjeir hearts, talking about such things as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and cardio health, Depression and cardio health and so many others that are critical to our health aswell as the health of our family and friends, so make sure you bookmark his youtube channel.

Anyway, I hope that some of this information helps you in your healthcare and goodluck to you too because in this day and age of Covid and all of the side effects to this pandemic- the lockdowns, the loneliness, depression, isolation, putting on the pandemic pounds, financial strife, death....we need it

If this can help just one of you, then I'll be happy (happier if it helps more of you though.πŸ˜…..)

Thank you so much for reading my post , I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts.

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 10.22.34 pm.png

@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're allsuch damn cool cats...😁

Originally posted here:

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