Saturday, September 11, 2021

Natural medicine + exercise + good sleep = good heart health, but it doesn't end there, so PLEASE watch the videos and read the links provided

Hi all, I hope that you all doing well and saying safe and keeping healthy out there!

So I came across this latest video earlier on one of my favourite YouTube cardiologist from York in the UK talking about good heart health after the sudden shock death of a young man by the name of Sidharth Shukla from an apparent heart attack.

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Being a woman who has had a few mystery heart attacks over the past 10yrs since the age of 38, I do a lot of research on this matter (cause I can't trust my doctors and cardiologists to..πŸ™„..) and so I came across Dr Gupta a couple of years ago and have watched many of his videos, along with numerous other videos on heart health and heart attacks by some of the best known cardiologists, nutritionists, teaching hospitals and other experts from around the world and I have put Dr Gupta on the top of my list of the best informational videos out there, so I highly recommend that everyone watch this, because the unfortunately and untimely death of Sidharth Shukla just serves to prove that heart attacks don't strike just 1 or 2 demographics of people.

They don't just hit the obese, diabetics, the old, male or female- they can strike everyone at any time, even if you are like this young man was, fit and healthy.

So please watch this video for your sake and the sake of your loved ones and so your family won't have to go through the same grief as his are now. RIP Sidharth Shukla, may you rest in peace.

And one of the reasons that I write this here now is that as Dr Gupta states, although there are 3 things that we can't control about our heart health: Genes, Age and bad luck , there is 3 major factors that we can control in our lives to decrease the amount of inflammation in our hearts, therefore reduce the risk of heart attack.

And that component that we can control is our lifestyle and what we can control in it, such as diet and nutrition (and we all know this as natural medicine), Sleep and stress.

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And as he says, it's not just about eating the right things, it's about eating the foods that have been tampered and processed with the least by the corporate food manufacturing giants, including animals for food production in the video from 11:57 onwards and he has such a great point and I have been saying this for years myself as the entire world continue to eat animals that have not only been fed really unhealthy diets to fatten them up as quickly as possible, but are also severely distressed, oppressed and depressed.

And so we know that when we are depressed, distressed and feel oppressed, the chemicals from those emotions travel though our bodies and can weaken or damage our own physical bodies and the same goes for our physical bodies. When we damage it in any way, it leaves an often invisible, internal impact, so could you imagine eating those damaged parts of your self? From your own body?

I see you screw your faces up in disgust at the thought, but yet trillions of people around the world do. They don't hesitate to eat animals that have had Cortisol, the primary stress hormone marinating in their bodies for their entire lives, essentially poisoning their 'meat', then ingesting- eating that toxic 'meat'.

So therefore, when you eat an animal (or even yourself) that has been distressed, oppressed and depressed for so long, imprisoned in tiny cages, pushed, shoved and prodded with no room to roam, getting muscular atrophy, you're really eating toxic food- that's along with the toxins that have already been put into that food, by way of the food that they're eating.

It is like eating a rat that has just eaten rat poison....literally

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Anyway, I digress, for as much as I would like to keep discussing the abhorrent practice of breeding animals for human food consumption, I actually want to talk about what were once considered, non existent to unusual and A-typical heart attacks, such as the one possibly experienced by Sidharth Shukla.

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MINOCA: The Heart Attack You’ve Never Heard Of

After 11years now and almost as many sleepless nights and 4 heart attacks later, there is finally a general consensus among many cardiologists around the world- except my old one...😑 that people and mainly women can have heart attacks where there is NO obstruction- such as plaque, blocking the arteries.

You know the risk stemming from completely blocked arteries—heart attack. But did you know that a minor blockage is enough to cause a heart attack in some people…and that doctors tend to minimize the severity of this type of heart attack? Now, a new study finds that there is definitely cause for concern, especially among women.

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Young women are at risk for this type of heart attack
MINOCA often strikes young females. It can cause mild chest discomfort, severe chest pain or a general feeling of unease, similar to silent myocardial infarction. The cause of MINOCA often isn’t visible on imaging, and we have to do special tests to diagnose patients. Unfortunately, too many women across the country fall through the cracks and don’t get the specialized care that they need.

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Welcome to my world people...And here is a copy of my last Angiogram in 2018, and thankfully, right in the middle of it, my artery spasmed so much, that the cardiologist actually saw it happening! (though it didn't help when I had 2 more HUGE heart attacks just 2 and 3 days after this angiogram was performed, but luckily I was still in hospital even though they were trying their hardest to tell me that I was fine to go home.πŸ™„..😳..😑..)

So you can see in the photos on the left hand column where the arrow is the narrowed artery, then nanoseconds later after giving me some GTN: Glyceryl trinitrate that the the narrowed artery has magically disappeared! Glyceryl trinitrate belongs to a group of medicines called nitrates or vasodilators. It relaxes the muscles surrounding blood vessels (arteries and veins) and so helps more blood and oxygen reach the heart. It is also used to control or lower the blood pressure during some surgical procedures.

And that my friends is my spastic arteries at work being spastic!


And if you would like to read more about not only my experiences, but other female heart attack survivors that I have spoken to over the years, then please read my previous articles here



But in the 12 months since I published these articles of my own experiences, things have changed and although not all doctors are listening yet, some are starting to. And infact, the people that I get the most accurate information from and listen the best- are the nurses, especially those that work in the cardiology wards as they are there, on the ground, seeing everything happen in real time instead of reading the notes on a chart in the office hours, even days later like the doctors do....

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And now I would like to introduce you to yet another newly studied cardiac phenomenon.

Broken heart syndrome also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy and apical ballooning syndrome.

Yes it's true, We all talk about it, joke about it, worry about it and now it's been scientifically proven that we can have heart attacks which are not heart attacks as much as they may feel like it.

What is broken heart syndrome?

Broken heart syndrome is a condition that can cause rapid and reversive heart muscle weakness, also known as stress cardiomyopathy.

What causes broken heart syndrome?

Two kinds of stress — emotional or physical — often cause broken heart syndrome. But while most people with this condition experience a stressful event, up to 30% of patients have no identifiable trigger at the time of their initial symptoms.

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Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken-heart syndrome)
It's named after an octopus trap — and that's not all that's unusual about broken-heart syndrome. It occurs almost exclusively in women.

Years of gender-based research have shown that in matters of the heart, sex differences abound. One striking example is the temporary heart condition known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken-heart syndrome, first described in 1990 in Japan. More than 90% of reported cases are in women ages 58 to 75. Research suggests that up to 5% of women suspected of having a heart attack actually have this disorder

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How does broken heart syndrome differ from a heart attack?

People with broken heart syndrome may have sudden chest pain or think they're having a heart attack. Broken heart syndrome affects just part of the heart, temporarily disrupting your heart's normal pumping function. The rest of the heart continues to function normally or may even have more forceful contractions.

Most heart attacks occur due to blockages and blood clots forming in the coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood. If these clots cut off the blood supply to the heart for a long enough time, heart muscle cells will die, leaving the heart with scar tissue and irreversible damage.

People experiencing broken heart syndrome frequently have normal coronary arteries and often do not have severe blockages or clots. The heart cells of people experiencing broken heart syndrome are stunned by the adrenaline and other stress hormones. Fortunately, this gets better very quickly in most cases, often within weeks or just a few days. Most patients don’t have scar tissue or damage.

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So I continue to encourage all human beings, especially women to be active and proactive participants in your own healthcare. Don't listen to just one doctor, get those third and 4th opinions and talk to nurses too and don't be afraid to do your own research.

And most important of all, LISTEN TO YOUR OWN BODY. It and you are the only ones that know that something is wrong, so don't let the doctors tell you otherwise!

And even as Dr Gupta said, you can't control, your genes, your age or your bad luck, but atleast you can know about the signs and symptoms of these A-typical heart attacks before they come along and have time to gather that info together if and when you need to use it at the hospital.

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One last video that I would like to leave you with from Dr Gupta again is his brilliant explanations of a phenomena that has surfaced more and more recently due to some side effects of the Covid Vaccines.

And they are Myocarditis, Perimyocarditis and pericarditis and he explains them so well, it's well worth watching for your own benefit.

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So lets go eat some healthy fresh food, do some yoga and dancing to exercise and ease the stress! because this is what we can control

And remember that you cannot control your age, genes or just plain old bad luck, you can still be armed with the knowledge to help yourself when you or a family member or friend needs it!

(and don't eat animals, apart from them not being a healthy source of food for you, its also seriously bad karma- bad for your soul and spirit.)

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All of that I'm pretty good with, but it is the insane insomnia that I cannot control at the moment which started just 4 days before I had my first Pfizer shot, because of the fear and anxiety that I was (and still am) suffering due to the paranoia of mixing MY own heart condition in with The possibility of getting the heart based side effects from the vaccine... and even though I felt ok afterwards, I still have not been able to sleep a wink until 6-7-8am, even though I'm going to bed extremely tired around midnight- 9 nights of virtually zero sleep and no wonder I can't think straight...or remember to do things at the moment...

And I know that it is the subconscious fear of not waking up again if I do go to sleep..cause I had my first heart attack as I was getting into bed at midnight, so I have had that fear deeply ingrained in my psyche for 11years now and I was finally getting over it until this bought of anxiety came along because of the fear from the vaccines...So please wish me luck in going to sleep tonight before the sun rises...😱

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Now I'm not a nurse or a doctor or any type of certified medical expert, but I have had a huge amount of experience in medical settings, not only having to look after myself with my heart and a few other issues, but also my beautiful mum Lola who died of stage 4 bowel cancer in Dec 2017 and as I was her full time carer right up until her last breath, I have got a fair bit of hands on experience not only having to help her go through her chemo and radiotherapy treatments, but also looking after Stoma bag (colonoscopy bag) after a bungled loop illeostomy surgery and all of her diet and nutritional needs as she was also a bad diabetic, and a whole bunch of other issues were there too.

So If anyone has any questions about anything, I am happy to tell what what I have learnt during my journeys, because sometimes the best answer, the help you need the most, is from someone who has been there too, so please don't hesitate to ask me anything about anything any time! 😊

In the meantime, peace be with you and your family and friends.

Thank you so much for reading my post , I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts.

And please, please please share this information with everyone you know. Share it far and wide cause it could save someones life.

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 10.22.34 pm.png

@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're allsuch damn cool cats...😁

Originally posted here:

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