Monday, September 13, 2021

My first (organic) Watermelon experience at the age of 35

Am I serious?


Yeah I am absolutely serious. But it´s not the first time I tried a watermelon, just the first time I liked it and ate a full one by my own. When I was a child I tried watermelons a few times but never liked them. They were tasteless and I asked other people whats the reason of eating something tasteless? Why not buy organic ones? Is what I would ask today.

Well, it´s refreshing they usually said. A glass of water too was my answer. The melon is just more expensive and has to be cut and you produce a little trash. And some of them contain more seeds than anything else so it is not a real pleasure to eat them.

In the last months I was used to eat about 1-1,5 kg of organic oranges per day but as we have summer and they are a winter fruit it is hard to get any (good) right now so I am trying different alternatives.

I was so lucky to find that small cute watermelon at the organic stand at the market and I wanted to give watermelons another try. There have been many fruits and vegetables I didn´t like when I was a child or young adult but love nowadays. Recently I already started eating other melons - organic ones of course - and love them now. I had some left and kept the watermelon for a few days. Somehow I was scared not to like it and it seemed to be rotten on one side when I finally ate it after 4-5 days. But my first organic watermelon was absolutely perfect. It was almost as sweet, juicy and soft as a strawberry and just had very few small crunchy seeds which felt somehow like soaked hempf seeds when crushing them with my teeth just without any sharp parts the hemp seeds often have. I guess you know what I mean.

So I inhaled a quarter of the melon and had to hold myself back to not eat it on one day and enjoy it over time. From now on I love watermelon - just the organic ones of course - as well as tomatoes, red beets, flat peaches and many many other delicoius natural organic fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately the melon season is also over now and the orange season has not started. I eat more apples and bananas at the moment but it will be a little boring without the melons.

Sexy organic watermelonSexy organic watermelon Do you like a deep intense taste?

Why I did not like to eat melons and many other things?

The missing taste was one reason, the seeds in the watermelons another reason, but you don´t have them in the other melons. I loved tomato sauce but I really did not like the tomato peel or even fresh tomatoes.

My daddy never bought any organic food but the cheapest tasteless discount food which is contaminated with different chemicals inside and outside. I am very proud of myself that I eat 100% organic food even I am on a very low budget as I do not want to poison the planet with glyphosate and all the other poisonous chemicals and finance suppressors like Bill Gates with it.

Listen all (upcoming) mothers and fathers

Nowadays I am very sure that I would have loved to eat fruit and vegetables if they had been organic and I still would not like many of them if they would be chemically produced tasteless and full of poison. Maybe as a child as you are still clean anad more sensitive that you feel that there is something wrong inside these veggies. I especially didn´t like raw vegetables but some cook and fried ones like cauliflower, spinach and brokkoli. May it be the spices that overwhelmed the taste of the poisons or the cooking proces that might let some evaporate or the lack of taste in the salad dressings that were served at home... I don´t know it and will never find it out.

Non organic watermelon with fake blondeNon organic water melon with unhealthy fake blonde woman. Would you choose this one?

What has Bill Gates to do with it? You should always ask "Who profits?"

He is the main investor for the World Health Organisation who tell us that it would be healthy to eat unhealthy food. If you research a little bit you will soon find out that Gates is invested in Bayer/Monsanto and many other companies that produce poison. He makes money with destroying the planet and telling us lies.

Why do we support this?

Very simple because mass media is just lying and lying and lying to us all day every day 24/7/365 for decades and probably centuries already. In very few regions it´s just 96% of the humans who just eat unhealthy and 4% who consume organic food regularly. In most regions it is 1% or less who eat organic food. It is already "normal" to eat unhealthy and to poison ourselves all day every and we even invite our friends and family to poisoning parties.

Me eating organic gluten-free and vegan now for more than 2 years have experienced myself how people react to me. I remember sitting in the lobby of a Silvensa (Mensa Europe gathering on New years eve) in Bratislava. I brought some vegan chocolate hummousse with me and invited people to share it with me. A very obese member offered me chocolate but then refused the offer thinking I would have been vegan. So I asked why she didn´t want me to make my own choice if I wanna try the chocolate and why she thinks I would be vegan. She thought she would know me better than I know myself just because she heard the word vegan. Of course I tried the chocolate, but it was not very special. Just this week I was asked how I get my proteins by an intelligent sporty young man who pretends (lies to himself) he would live healthy. If one doesn´t even know "how vegans get their protein" than the person knows more or less nothing about nutrition and very little about health.

Behaving like Neanderthaler

We know alcohol is unhealthy, but we keep drinking.

We know meat is unhealthy, but we keep eating more and more of it.

We know sugar is unhealthy, but we keep selling it at every corner.

We know coffee is unhealthy, but people keep dinking it.

We know so many things, but do the opposite. Mankind ist degenerating not just since 2019 but for decades and maybe centuries. The technology gets better and faster and the rich use it to develop the split between rich and poor and suppress mankind. The plans of the World Econiómic Forum are public. You just have to inform yourself once. It is public that there is no virus and all tests are useless if you don´t know what you are searching for.

Do you really wonder that people nowadays get a vaccine shot although they know it is not good for them?

Intelligence is sexy

All my life I am searching for people who I can learn from and I found many mentors and am very grateful that they helped me to become who and what I am today.

Telling me what I did right is great but doesn´t help you to develop. Somebody who really loves you and wants to help you tells you, what you do wrong so you can do it better in future.


People keep asking me the same question when they realize I know many things better than them.

"What should I do?"

If I tell them what to do like: find a doctor to get a medical certificate and never wear the mask again or buy 100% organic food, go vegan, work out every day, stop drinking, become a minimalist, stop using cosmetics, stop consuming media, start a blog,...

...they tell me they can not do it because of excuse, excuse, excuse,...

But the question can also be answered more simple: Stop asking other people what do to and start thinking by yourself again.

In the last 1,5 years millions of people have dies not from a virus but from starrving to death because of stupid lockdowns and restrictions. People lost their home, their jobs, their life, their friends, their family,...

What has to happen that you start to make a change?
While you buy not organic industiral food you support the fascism with your orn money all day every day. Are you proud of yourself?

In many countries people are not allowed to buy food in supermarkets and grocery stores any more without being vaccinated. Is this the world you want to live in? Is this what you call freedom? of speech? of choice? of the own body?

It is very sad to see that even the people who do not believe in all the propaganda follow it anyway. I just dated a woman who is vaccinated although she does not believe because it is easier for her to travel into her home country. What the faaaa is wrong with you?

Ah I forgot.

You never ate healthy in your life. Your brain is lacking of nutrients and your body of movement.

You are sick from the top to the bottom but think you would be good because you go to work and somehow make money for others every day while you are actually suicidal with poisoning yourself all day every day, Am I wrong?

I hope so. Then please leave a comment or message me and let´s change the world.

I have changed mine already and can tell you it´s absolutely worth it.

If this and/or one of my other articles, Instagram postYoutube Videos, helped you to dramatically change your life and enjoy a higher level of overall happiness please suppport mankind and LIKE, FOLLOW, COMMENT, SHARE my posts and/or send me a (monthly) donation via Paypal to support me making the world a better place. Or do it better and share it with me. But please don´t be an arrogant lazy piece of shit and do nothing. You are not alone on this planet, so either help to take care of it or leave to another one where you are alone.

Thank you! Namaste

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