Sunday, September 12, 2021

Human experimentation

I’ve already lost one draft of this which also plays into curiosity of “conspiracy theories”.

This research links and such, this was a reply to a friend and their absurd polio vaccine photo meme to get the COVID 19 shot.
And how no one remembers history. Well the problem is people do remember history and those that do are hesitating to LISTeN and obey the government and media.

The government and media has done nothing but be heinous lying phsycos showing their true colors for the last 4 years. If you wanted 80 billion 80 million people to obey and get vaccinated then you should not have called them trumpers, conspiracy theorists, disposable or deplorable. That they need reprogramming. Polarize. Media and government should have been fair and honest and non partisan investing equally, attacking Michael Flynn over BS and trump for fake Russia collusion, and completely ignoring Biden’s quidproquo, Biden’s son Hunter Biden and burismo, hunter Biden’s laptop and the shady crap and photos of him on there with children, to ignore all that…. But go heavy at Flynn and trump for nothing but wasting money, really hurt your reputation for being anything credible. Is you have topped the Cherry with this Afghanistan debacle, you are not trustworthy! Biden you are not trustworthy! I am pretty sure I have seen you bIden in Men in Black, Edgar? The roach from space in a body suit!

That is all I see when he is yapping . Had you all been more smart with your dumb choices and transparency! More people might forget the horrendous past of the United States and how about this failed Pfizer antibiotic killing 11 kids in Nigeria and then claiming the defendants claims were all lies, false, untrue. Again accountability and truth ….. but your just a company with an agenda. How about all the experimental testing done on the disabled? Hum do they matter?

“The other study, by Pfizer Inc., gave an antibiotic named Trovan to children with meningitis in Nigeria, although there were doubts about its effectiveness for that disease. Critics blamed the experiment for the deaths of 11 children and the disabling of scores of others. Pfizer settled a lawsuit with Nigerian officials for $75 million but admitted no wrongdoing.”

indeed, short memories.

“ In 1942, all military personnel received typhoid, smallpox, and tetanus vaccines, and soldiers who refused vaccination were subject to court-martials—a military legal principle originating in World War I and continuing to this day.4 However, during World War II, a yellow fever vaccine had not yet been licensed for civilian use in the United States and an FDA-approved vaccine would not be available until 1953. The yellow fever vaccine used in early 1942 contained human serum, and despite earlier published reports of unexplained or "homologous serum" jaundice occurring after its use, the perceived urgency of the biological weapon threat propelled this vaccine into use. Unfortunately, many lots were contaminated by the hepatitis B virus. An epidemic of unexplained hepatitis began in March 1942, and yellow fever vaccination was halted on April 15, 1942. Approximately 51,000 military personnel with symptomatic hepatitis were hospitalized, and subsequent serologic investigation of veterans concluded that approximately 330,000 persons had been infected”.

“Meanwhile, the same US Public Health Service was conducting the infamous Tuskegee Study. As part of a purported study on syphilis, Black men in Alabama were lied to, denied treatment, and left to die. “If Black people were suspicious of the polio vaccine, it’s because eugenics was still happening in this country at the time,” says Terence Keel, professor at UCLA’s Institute for Society & Genetics and department of African American studies. Forced or coerced sterilizations of poor, Black women were so common they were known as “” Mississippi appendectomies.”

Had the government and the media not exposed how predominantly untruthful they are in the last few years , more people might be getting vaccinated however the constant double standards and blatant lies flying left to right right to left , no wonder why they have such a loss in faith by those “80” million super dangerous unvaxxed people. Just my observation.


People want to keep yapping about the 1918 flu pandemic woopity doo, this is what is on the minds of others “Officially named the Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, the U.S. Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, recruited hundreds of rural Black men in 1932. The study offered free meals and checkups, but never explained that participants would be human subjects in a study designed to withhold medical treatment”.

"They had local leaders, church leaders, medical people to convince them to become involved with the study," says Owens, a nurse at the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System.”
How the government lied just like they are now with the media.

Just watching the complete clown circus between the CDC and the WHO from China to the US regarding how to handle the COVID-19 emerging situation DID not help trusting these inadequate organizations. The failed steps they took in China THEN repeated for the USA? What the heck was that about?!!! If people had watched this all unfold you would have seen a broken record.

“ The Long Shadow of the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine ‘Fiasco’
Some, but not all, of the hesitance to embrace vaccines can be traced back to this event more than 40 years ago”

“ In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year’s flu was the real thing. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and rushed response led to a medical debacle that hasn’t gone away.”

“Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the flu vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine flu virus,” writes Rebecca Kreston for Discover. “This government-led campaign was widely viewed as a debacle and put an irreparable dent in future public health initiative, as well as negatively influenced the public’s perception of both the flu and the flu shot in this country.””

“ The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago.”

“ Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.”

“U.S. officials also acknowledged there had been dozens of similar experiments in the United States — studies that often involved making healthy people sick.

An exhaustive review by The Associated Press of medical journal reports and decades-old press clippings found more than 40 such studies. At best, these were a search for lifesaving treatments; at worst, some amounted to curiosity-satisfying experiments that hurt people but provided no useful results.

Media hides or neglects info just like they do today. Where is the egging of larry elder on mainstream media? Exactly. Biased, liars, shady, narratives, = will not take medical advice from media or government. “

“Some of these studies, mostly from the 1940s to the '60s, apparently were never covered by news media. Others were reported at the time, but the focus was on the promise of enduring new cures, while glossing over how test subjects were treated.”

“Many prominent researchers felt it was legitimate to experiment on people who did not have full rights in society — people like prisoners, mental patients, poor blacks. It was an attitude in some ways similar to that of Nazi doctors experimenting on Jews.”

“A University of Minnesota study in the late 1940s injected 11 public service employee volunteers with malaria, then starved them for five days. Some were also subjected to hard labor, and those men lost an average of 14 pounds. They were treated for malarial fevers with quinine sulfate. One of the authors was Ancel Keys, a noted dietary scientist who developed K-rations for the military and the Mediterranean diet for the public. But a search of various news archives found no mention of the”

“The letter granting ethical approval for the Pfizer trial was submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration in 1997 to support a licence application for trovafloxacin. However, Sadiq Wali, the medical director of the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, told the Washington Post that the letter was false and the hospital had no ethics committee at the time of the study. Abdulhamid Isa Dutse, the doctor who oversaw the trial at the hospital, told the newspaper that it was “possible” that the approval letter was drafted up to a year after the trial.”

“To test the efficacy of its new antibiotic trovafloxacin (Trovan) they carried out an open label trial in 200 children, half of whom were given trovafloxacin and half the gold standard treatment for meningitis, ceftriaxone. Five of the children given trovafloxacin died, together with six who were given ceftriaxone. Pfizer said that 15000 people died during the epidemic.“

Pfizer denies every allegation? And this is who we trust? No thanks. Own up to your mistakes.

Pharmaceuticals, corporate crime

Really?!! A 13 year old dying of a heart attack and it has nothing to do with getting the JAB?!

When people in Minnesota are getting into car accidents and DIE and the death certificate is labeled with a COVID-19 death and then you hide the fact someone dies from the jab and call it a heart attack in a 13 year old claiming it has nothing to with the jab? It’s insane! So much corruption!!!

No trust no truth. What a bunch of Fricken bologna!

“The Herald understands the false rumour started following the death of a Year 13 student at a central Auckland school. The principal of another school sent out a message to his students yesterday confirming the student had died.

He told the Herald he was told "on good authority" the tragedy was "due to a suspected heart attack - not Covid".“

“ The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the case of a 13-year-old Saginaw County boy who died in his sleep three days after getting his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in mid-June. “ “ Jacob Clynick, 13, of Zilwaukee, died June 16, 2021, just three days after he got a second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. County health officials say the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating his death.”

And this- is between us and our doctor but now Joe Biden? And our Neighbors? which one is it. Why have medical doctors? Now the president can just order whatever like North Korea. “ "Meanwhile, the health department continues to encourage families to speak with their physicians to weigh their own risks and benefits of vaccination."”

“The Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine is “likely” to have been responsible for at least 10 deaths of frail elderly people in nursing homes in Norway, an expert review commissioned by the Norwegian Medicines Agency has concluded.“

Pretty sure everyone has stopped reading and researching by now. It’s a lot of information.

I do not have time to make a huge long written out post, I focus on sources and truth and getting it out there ASAP. You do not need my opinion, it is up to you to read, find the truth and come up with your own beliefs! Find the truth yourself.

Originally posted here:

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