Friday, September 3, 2021

An EPIC post about an Epic area of truly magnificent and magical Natural Medicine

So #NaturalMedicine is not just about good #food (as good as food is, especially #plantbased food...)

Because natural medicine is also about being pro active with your health for both your mind and body by including activities that focus on both to benefit both, after all you mind is directly connected to your body and vica versa...Which is why the #actifit app is a great #blockchain based platform as it keeps our brains connected to the #Hive, by thinking about all the #contests, #challenges and #initiatives in each #community and thinking about what #photos to take, what #recipes where going to #cook, what #NFTart we're going to #share and what #stories we're going to #write about in our #blog #posts While we're out getting some fresh air and #activity happening for our #MarketFridays, #shadowhunting, #urbanexploring, on the #weekend and #TreeTruesdays, for our #WednesdayWalks while we're listening to #podcasts, #music #TheMelomanicas and #lovingtheclouds with our #hivePets, #Dogs and #hiveCats.

However, in this post I would like to introduce you to 2 of my oldest and dearest friends, Mara and Janardhan (not that either of them are OLD.🀣..) but I have been privileged to know them both now since I first met them in the year 2000 after returning home from overseas.


There are many reasons why I want to introduce you to these 2 beautiful human beings, but mainly because are both over 50 but yet are so fit and healthy because they lead such active, healthy and peaceful lives as owner operators of the Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation retreat and practice what they preach, as they live #offthegrid in the #Daintree #Rainforest in Far North #Queensland. and literally practice what they preach.

Daily #Yoga and #Meditation, eating only light, fresh #plantbased meals and walking for miles along the beach every day without fail, proving that natural medicine is by far the best medicine for a healthy mind and body and life longevity.

And you can find them right here [//]:# (!pinmapple -16.165813 lat 145.411446 long The Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat in the delicious Daintree Rainforest d3scr)

The Daintree Rainforest is north of the Croc infested Daintree River and the only way to get across the river is by ferry. There is only a small population of people who live up there, but there is quite a few resorts and B&B's up there with restaurants that are by far, worthy of the Michelin 5 star award.


And everyone lives off-grid and not by choice either, but because of this, there is an abundance of creative geniuses that live up there and although most of them power their lives using solar or generators, there's also quite a few people that have designed, engineered and built their own Micro hydro and micro wind power systems.

The property owners pay a LOT in taxes for services that they don't have- No power/water, rubbish collection/mail delivery...anything, but they pay a hefty price in annual property rates for the privilege of living up there, though most of that money goes to and stays in keeping up the Port Douglas appearance for the rich....

Anyhooo...... The Prema Shanti Retreat is situated on one of the huge arms of Thorntons Peak, reportedly the 3rd highest mountain in Qld and although I swear its an extinct volcano- as quite a few other do, apparently it's not...BUT what is does have, is an extraordinary, enchanting, incredible, intriguing, magical and entrancing energy to it.


I wrote a post about my travels to #Enchanted Rock in Texas a few days ago here @chocolatescorpi/so-have-you-been-here-my-first-post-into-this-tasty-travel-community-as-i-take-you-on-a-tour-down-memory-lane and as I was refreshing me memory about it, I read so much about it being an ancient vortex of energy that Folklore of the local Native American tribes reverently ascribes mystical and spiritual powers to the rock, hence the name magical or ‘Enchanted Rock’ and the author has also mentioned it's direct energy link to Ayers Rock in Australia.

I have never been to 'Uluru' the former "Ayers Rock" to feel that spiritual energy, but I can tell you that the spiritual energy that I become so totally unconsciously immersed in within seconds every time I cross that river is truly extraordinary and the things that happen to me- to my mind and body is truly magical and I believe that this is so because it is the Kuku Yalanji, Aboriginal Women's land and Wundu- their name for Thornton Peak has spiritual significance for them.

So if you can imagine just how very special it is to be at the Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat because it has like, a double helping of spirituality to it as the temple has been built on one of the arms that stretches down from the Peak.

I have been obsessed with Thorton Peak for years, writing poems, stories, songs, feature films...and wanting obsessively to climb it, but at the same time having this deep fear- a knowing feeling, that if I do, I will never come down again.

So instead, I continue to stare, dream, write and obsess about it every day from afar...and every time I arrive at the Temple, I know that I have come home.

Come home to my friends Mara And Janardhan. Come home to the Mother Mountain.


Last time I saw them was here in Melbourne in 2018 as I volunteered with them for a couple of days to help set up the the Amma tour.

And if you don't know who Amma is, well you need to know who this truly special human being is...Mata Amritanandamayi is known throughout the world as Amma, or Mother, for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally.

Anyway, the last time I saw them before that was in 2015 as I was having a holiday up in Far North Qld, with my old friend Lisa.

And I filmed this Yoga DVD for them. This is just the 2min teaser for the full length DVD though

I had been living in Melbourne doing shift work at the time and wanted to get back into Yoga but could not find a studio with a schedule that fit into my erratic unusual schedule and so decided to purchase a Yoga DVD, when I thought hang on, Why don't I just have a holiday up there with them, and film a DVD for them while I'm at it.

So I did. I took my 3 cameras up there, with tripods, audio and bits and pieces and stayed there for a couple of weeks while I filmed and edited the DVD for them.



Mara Staffieri is the co-founder and director of the Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat Centre. Mara began her yoga practice in 1986 and has been teaching yoga since 1996, holding yoga retreats, auyervedic workshops, in Europe, Zurich, Australia, and New Zealand. Mara has also being teaching in teacher training’s in Zurich and New Zealand. Her yoga philosophy and style has been influenced by Iyengar, Astanga and Satyananda yoga traditions

Over the 25 year period that she has been practicing and teaching yoga, she has developed her own unique vibrant teaching style which is dynamic, inspirational and motivational, underlined with sound anatomical, physiological and bio-mechanical principles, emphasizing Intention, Breath and Movement.


Janardhan began his yoga and meditation practice in Auckland, New Zealand in 1983. He has never limited his yoga training by aligning himself with any particular style of yoga, embracing all styles (i.e. Astanga, Iyengar, vinyasa, yin etc) and taking from each what works for his students, over a 30yr period has developed his own unique teaching methodologies.

His philosophy is to empower his students through demonstrating to them, that no matter what their physical condition or age, they can benefit from, and do yoga asana, his emphasis during his yoga classes is on correct alignment in posture and breath. ...... Janardhan over the last 15yrs, has been facilitating meditation, self empowerment, teacher training, yoga retreats in Europe, Australia and New Zealand

This is looking into the the Inner sanctum of the Temple from the front steps as the Yoga and Meditation happen inside


Sitting on the top step gazing down into the magical green from the outdoor living areas


Of the Dining and lounge area on the front veranda, where they have utilised old doors as the extended dining table


And so now I will take you on an anti clockwise tour around the perimeter of the yoga and meditation studio on the veranda where all of the relaxing is done.

SO from the dining room, turning left is this side area where people can sit to read or just simply stare out into the peace and tranquility of the green beyond and meditate in their own way. Notice the Budhha head on the corner of the veranda railing?


Well here is a closeup of it here so you can see the tranquility on her face


Aswell as being an incredibley warm, compassionate and wonderful human being, Mara is also a highly creative and talented artist too.

All of the Mosaics that you see around the Temple are her own creations, such as this stunning mirror that she made.


This photo has been taken from the buddha head back to the front left corner where you can see the hanging chair in the corner


And this the hanging chair in the corner that has been sat in by many international retreaters over the years as they take their natural medicine


And this is the view that you see as you gaze out into the wild arrays of calming green hues and the flowers with a large gathering of ulysses and other Butterflies that hover over them


Now we're turning left again to the back veranda which houses the outdoor kitchen


As you can see, it is a fully stocked and very well thought out kitchen and using that bench to prepare your meals on, is just out of this world.

I'm sure that you have noticed the stainless steel cupboards and drawers- that's not to keep the people out, but to keep the huge variety of rainforest animals out.


Yes it is basic, but it doesn't need to be any more than that, as you don't need a million dollar kitchen to cook the most delicious plantbased meals in do you.


We are now halfway up the veranda and looking through to the front stairs from the kitchen at the back


And now we have just turned left again into another chillout area with the hammock up the end on the front corner


Which I have laid in many, many times over the years, reading, meditating or have that well deserved afternoon siesta...


And this is the view from the set of chairs there


Now we're standing at that hammock looking back down to the corner of the kitchen on the back veranda and you will note the big flat reddish toned rock off the left side of the photo?


Well that rock is actually a giant crystal and a great place to be on top of.

From this rock, take notice of the flat face of the other rock behind it with the white stripe down the front.


It looks out onto these magnificent views of the rainforest



So this is ground level looking up to both the crystal rock and the meditation rock above it where there is a steep pathway that leads up to the top of that rock where thousands of people have meditated and chanted over the years too


And you will also find this Buddha up there over looking the rainforest


And this is the view over the entire temple and from the ground, it really doesn't look that high, but when you're up there you can see just how high it really is


And so we've come back down and look along the living area along the front veranda to the front stairs, were we will now go down to checkout the sleeping quarters underneath


So as you can see, there are multiple rooms and occupancy sizes and types built into the entire ground floor

With doubles rooms for couple and rooms for twin occupancy, they have made sure the accommodation suits everyone.

And as you can see, that became my new office for a couple of wonderful weeks


And this was one of the gorgeous views from my office as I had the whole place to myself 😁


Here I was 'hard at work' on that Hammock πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…


And here I am with my gorgeous friends Mara and Janardhan out for dinner at one of the local restaurants called Lynchaven.


Thank you Mara and Janardhan, you have no idea just how glad I am that I met you back then and how much I miss and love you guys!


Now as there is only 1 tiny, TINY shop in the whole area, most people grow their own food, or make the fortnightly drive down to Mossman or Port Douglas which is an hour away, so luckily, probably about 99% of the small population up there grow their own fruit and veggies.

In fact, the entire area is famous for growing an abundance of tropic, exotic and rare plants up there, so you will never go hungry as you will always find a roadside fruit and veg market like this one here with one of my oldest and dearest best mates Lisa picking up some organic home grown goodies for us


And here you will see a selection of delicious and healthy fruits, such as Jackfruit, Star fruit


And the Rambutans in the top left of the photo with my absolute favourite fruit EVER-


the simply sublime and totally scrumptious Abiu


So you can see just why this is ALL natural medicine up here.

The ground that the Temple is on and the fact that it is Aboriginal womens ground.

The fact that is it and has been a yoga and meditation retreat for about 25years now.

It's in the Rainforest and every one needs their 'greens'

The pure fresh air and water.

The fact that you absolute have to use your brain every day not only to live a 'normal' life, but to survive the deadly flora and fauna aswell. (You really have to be observant and look around to avoid the snakes/ Spiders and Crocodiles, as well as other 'locals'...)

And the food is the freshest and most organic you will ever come across.

So welcome to my absolute, without a doubt favourite natural medicine on earth, the Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat in the pristine 160 million year old Daintree Rainforest.

And I couldn't have done a lot of it too without my dearest mate Lisa too! Love you Lis.
Lets head up there again sometime eh!

And if you want to find out more about this super special place, then please check out this great website here (where these lucky people did actually climb my mother mountain...)

And here's a poem that I wrote about her years ago....

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If if you want to get to know the Daintree Rainforest a bit better through my photos, then check out this post here that I wrote @chocolatescorpi/a-wednesday-walk-in-a-land-far-far-away-in-another-realm-full-of-forest-faeries-nymphs-and-a-wild-array-of-lawyers-vines-that-is

Well, thank you all for reading and I hope that you too are able to find a 'home' where you are and when we are all able to travel, I invite you to come and stay with Mara and Janardhan in my spiritual home too.

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs and all other media, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 10.22.34 pm.png

@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're all damn cool cats...😁

Originally posted here:

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