Thursday, March 12, 2020

Why You Shouldn't Stockpile Empty Carbs


[image source]( With the ongoing Crown (Corona) Virus spread underway, people are being people and panic buying food just in case they are forced to stay home and wait it out. There's only one problem: Eating junk, especially refined carbohydrates is a recipe for poor health. Refined carbohydrates can cause inflammation, especially in your digestive system where a large portion of your immune system resides. If you are eating junk that triggers an immune response (that you might not even be aware of), you are potentially leaving your cardiovascular system vulnerable, which is exactly the part of your body that the crown virus would attack. The other problem with empty carbs is how it effects your insulin and leptin response. Without going into detail, in the presence of insulin you body stores energy as fat. eating refined carbs will spike your insulin, causing the food you eat to be stored as fat, and you will feel tired and want to eat more, making it harder to ration and portion your food properly. You may also be weaker to fight off a virus. Leptin is a hormone that inhibits hunger, but too much insulin in your system may block leptin from doing its job, so you will feel hungry all the time. Healthy fats on the other hand don't trigger an insulin spike, neither do reasonable amounts of protein, and so you won't feel hungry all the time and you will be able to portion your food better to make it last longer. Not only that, but your body will be in fat burning mode so that if you are overweight you will just lose weight without realizing it right away. I should say, this is the basic reasoning behind eating low carb. Not only do you feel healthier and satisfied, your liver will be a lot healthier and better able to help you fight off being sick. --- My point is, if you are going to stock up on food in preparation, don't reach for the empty carbs. Foods like Ramen noodles and rice are cheap, but they're not healthy to be eaten all the time for weeks or months without vegetables, fiber and good sources of fat and protein, and will leave you weaker against a virus if you are exposed. Even worse, for most people they will use their food budget to stock up on cheap carbs, and then be forced to eat cheap carbs for weeks or months, even if the pandemic takes months to reach their neighborhood. In truth, if people didn't panic and stock-pile, they could continue to buy food on a weekly basis like normal. For me, I'm taking the precaution of topping up the freezer with roasts and chicken and other hearty foods, and if this goes on for months and months, I can then eat some Ramen that I have stashed away for dire emergency. But to stock up only on cheap carbs is not wise, especially if you're responsible for feeding others too. thanks for dropping by.
Originally posted here:

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