Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday Thoughts: Calming the Madness with my Healthy ABC's
The world feels like it has totally gone mad, and I am trying not to get swept up in it. I just stopped by the grocery store on the way home to grab a few items and once again the toilet paper aisle is completely empty. Well, there might have been one or two packs left in the ravaged boxes on the pallet that the grocery store brought out from the back and probably didn't think was worth even unpacking before the vultures attacked. Though I doubt it since I saw at least one woman with four full packs in her shopping cart. I have to say the buying up of all the cases of bottled water bothers me even more than the toilet paper thinking of all that plastic being discarded later on.


I'll not linger too long on the dreaded "C" word, or even reference it directly as I am no world health expert and there truly is enough talk about it on EVERY. SINGLE. NEWS. OUTLET. Like a lot of my fellow humans, I have many mixed emotions that need catharsis. So today that is taking a few moments out to share a post and at least know that for the time it takes me to write this I won't be tempted to check what the latest news is or get caught up worrying. A lot of things are outside of my control, but as always my response is my own. One of the things that I always try to keep up with is consuming as many healing foods as possible to keep my body working at its highest capacity, both now and without a global pandemic in effect. There are many herbal and holistic preparations to help boost your body's immune response. For my smoothie today I focused on the first few letters of the alphabet by adding the nutritent punch of... ### Amla Powder


Made from dried and ground Indian Gooseberries, amla packs a mega punch of antioxidants and vitamins, namely our much revered immune booster vitamin C. According to [](, it has also been studied to show benefits to reducing fever and cough, which are both factors in this latest outbreak. The fruit has many other reported positive impacts on personal health, so it is something I tend to always keep on hand in my pantry and try to remember to put a spoon or two in any of my smoothies. ### Barley Grass


Though this is only a recent addition to my plant-powered pantry (late to the party on this one, I know), given the high levels of nutrients it is one I was happy to start including to pump up my smoothies even more than usual. Apparently young barley grass contains all essential nutrients that human beings need [source]( Given that we all have gaps in our nutrition, consuming more highly nutrient dense foods that fill in those holes is a no brainer. Besides general nutrition, it is reported to have immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, as well. Of course consuming these foods, among a well-balanced diet otherwise, won't guarantee immunity and invincibility against all the germs, viruses and bacteria out there, but it definitely doesn't hurt to give your body that much better of a chance at warding them off. Besides these two items, my smoothie also had copious amounts of fresh ginger for its health benefits and lovely peppery bite, leafy greens, banana, frozen pears and some of the last of our frozen strawberries. Thank goodness strawberry season is just around the corner to start stocking back up with fruit for the season! Well it wouldn't be a catchy title with out my C item... ### Chickpeas


No I didn't put chickpeas in my smoothie, but I consume them more days than not. A balance of wholesome protein is also important to make sure healthy cells can regenerate, which is helps keep your body functioning at its best. I also giggle a bit when I look at my usual stock on the shelf, as I don't need to go crazy at the grocery store buying much. I pretty much always keep enough dried beans, lentils, nuts/seeds and whole grains on hand to last us for quite a while since I prefer to buy those in bulk to reduce packaging waste anyway. Our garden is only just beginning for the season, but I figure if the poop really hits the proverbial fan I can hit up my farmer friends to stock up on the fresh stuff. It pays to have good pals with ample veggies. ๐Ÿ˜‰ The days ahead are a bit uncertain, but I'm going to try to continue to do my best to remain calm and collected. My job pretty much requires face-to-face interaction, so I'm one of the many who would have a hard time working from home. Exercise helps reduce stress levels, which is really important right now, too. I know many feel the crunch in the same way, so it is likely none of us will be totally immune to the economic impacts. Of course I am not trying to be insensitive to anyone suffering from the actual illness itself. Just musing on the widespread nature of just how much is going to be impacted by things going on right now. Well, on that note off to go get some folks pumped up on happy fitness endorphins to take our mind of the serious stuff for a short while! Take care of yourselves out there!
Banners by @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa

Originally posted here:

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